
2052 Words
            I was like back in high school, being asked by my strict teacher about a question. I know the answer but I remember how my classmates would stare at me, It would always get on my nerves and cause me to be gibberish. That is how I am feeling when he asked me about his necklace. I know how to answer it but I felt gibberish as I looked at his cold translucent blue eyes.             "Fran, where the hell is the necklace!" he asked with an urgent tone. "Why the hell it isn't around your neck?"              "I...I gave it to one of the kids." I answered blankly like it was my second nature to obey him. Why the heck am I being ashamed like loosing that damn necklace is a sin?              "I told you that it'll make you safe!" I could feel all his pent up rage welling up inside. "Why wouldn't you listen?! Look at you now! Look what they did to you without my scent! I'll kill the one who f*****g broke your arm!" I could hear whimpering and fleeing bats afraid of their Sire. that's what they call to elders.             I fired one bullet near his feet, just to warn him. He was trying to destruct me, I know. And it is never going to work. He got startled and grinned. "Shut up." I said with pain laced voice wincing from it as well. My vision was getting hazier by the minute. Judging by the rising sun, the kids are now safely at the Evac Camp being loaded to the last flight out of this dangerous area. "Why are you here? You should have died two year ago, Xed." Now it is my turn to destruct him. I needed time for the kids to be safe.             He looked at me intensely, but then he sighed. "When I woke up there were only few things that I remembered. Your smile was the most vivid of them and it remained a mystery up until I found you yesterday. This country was calling to me ever since, it was like a beckoning fire for me to go to. I didn't know it was you who was longing for me." He said as a sincere smile crept in his handsome face. "Vampires are born with a mate."              I snorted. "And you believed those bullshit they told us on story books? Why believe a killing monster when you're left for dead? I know the consequences of being left behind. That's why I gave the necklace to that kid.  She has to give it to my mom. I am going to die here Xed, because what ever you say I am never going to be a monster like you." I have to die. That's the only way out, my sweet escape. ~~~^_____^~~~             "We need to go now!" I ordered them. "Keep up!" I shoved Alfonse who was trying to play hero. He can't even fire a riffle much more can he be the diversion. We barely escaped the orphanage on the way to the tunnels connected to the mountains. And much more to our excitement the walk inside towards the other end was long, winding and full of whining from the kids who are both tired and hungry. Well at least their dreams if eating unlimited chocolate bars were fulfilled and it made them shut up for a little bit. That was the only bright side.              "Why couldn't we go to the Evac Camp much nearer?" Alfonse asked me. He was heavily bruised the time we got to them. He was brave enough to stand up for one of the kids who was going to get eaten by those bats. His efforts was not wasted cause we arrived just time to shoot the stupid thing dead.              "Because," Queencie said dramatically rolling her eyes, "the last plane left two hours before we got you guys out the orphanage and bringing you there would mean feeding those bats." She was tugging at Alfonse's arm to follow her.               We are in the middle of the tunnel and it'll be few hours before dawn. After we get out from it, the forest would be our new obstacle. But it would be just a short walk towards the beach.             Hopefully the bomb irritated those bats' senses letting us have our head start. And if they are still following us I am relying mostly on my luck! Those bats would attack us but never really get near us. They wouldn't try to take the kids. And honestly, maybe it's because my ex-boy friend is their elder. Typically he was the one who sired them all.              I haven't got the guts to tell them what actually happened to me during my mind r**e. And I haven't told them that Xed was a bat--the leader of those bats. And how I hated him for mind r****g me, some survivors stated that what most of them experienced was the worst torture of their lives. What I actually had wasn't torture right? But it freaks me out that am not longer a virgin, at least in my subconscious I'm not. And I'd know how it'll feel if I'd do it with someone. Well, that's gross, in an oddly erotic way. Remembering those moments with him makes me uncomfortable in certain places. Who knew he have that effect on me. Well, I know I still love him, the human part of him at least.             "Hey you okay?" Mushka asked me, popping my day dream. She's still wearing the same outfit she was in the day before. I guess she'd confessed her undying attraction to Alfonse yesterday. "Stop spacing out, you're scarring me!" Oh, I'm guessing she'd been informed about the mind r**e. I grinned at her assuring her that I'm about as okay as I'm gonna get. "You're not telling us about it, are you?" she asked, I shook my head in reply. "God, Fran, stop being a selfish b***h and give us any idea!" Well, trust Mushka on being the interrogator. She has her ways on me.              I sighed biting my lips before speaking, "Maybe they'd use any weakness they'd find." solemnly they looked at me expectantly. "And I saw Xedgedy, he's a vampire. The one controlling the scenes. He even gave me false memories. Everything felt so real. That was why I had to kill him just to get out."               Noelle snorted in disbelief, "We all know that he died two years ago so how come he'd be here." she suggested. "I mean you said it yourself that they'd use your weaknesses right? So maybe they used Xed just to get to you." Mushka nodded agreeing on her opinion. "They need weakness to control humans.             "Yeah, maybe." I said making myself agree, but something in her words made me uneasy. "I guess it's my turn to scout ahead." I went ahead of them making sure that they wouldn't face any danger.  It was also my way to shake off my doubts. Why would Noelle say that? She had been away for so long. Perhaps this troubling times had changed all of us.             I've been in this tunnels many times that I know its twist and turns. I won't get lost inside it. But then realizing that made me halt on my tracks. I know these tunnels but so does Xed. He'd know my strategy by now, he maybe waiting for us out side one of the exits. How can I be so carelessly stupid. He would have read my mind during the mind r**e. He would have easily picked on the strategies that we've set.             "F-fran?" a cold chubby hand held my leg. My reflexes went over drive that made me do a head lock on her, one false move would break her neck. I almost killed the kid! She started sobbing silently afraid of me. Her tears dripping on my arm made me sane again.             "Shhhhh...It's okay." I hugged her lolling her to stop crying. "I'm so sorry Gemma." whispering on her . She embraced me shaking. "You shouldn't have sneaked on me like that. You scared crap out of me." yes, she scared the s**t out of me. "Why'd you follow me here?"              "I was afraid you'd die too." she sobbed on my chest. She's just a small kid that's why I was able to carry her. Her mother was the orphanage's nurse. She was bitten and was changed. She was attacking Gemma when we arrived , it was why I had killed her.              "You know I'm sorry about your Mom right?" I asked looking into her eyes. She nodded still crying. "Gemma, see this necklace? It was given to me by a friend, he told me that it'll make me safe." I took the necklace off and placed it on her. "Now, it'll make you safe." she looked at me then to the necklace's pendant. "Hold on to it for me okay?"             "O-okay." she stuttered nodding wide-eyed with innocence her curly black hair a mess.              "When you reach the shelter, find my mom okay? Tell her I love her. Tell her to take care of you." I said looking deep into her eyes. "Gemma, take care of her if I don't get to the shelter with you." Fat swelling tears began falling from her eyes once again but she nodded. "Go with them Gemma. You'll be a lot safer in the group than with me." We hugged and I went back to the group with her. "Go with them now." she looked to me sadly but she let got of my hand. She then waved at me and joined her friends.              "So that's where she went," Mushka said eying the kids. "That one is a little sneaky much like you."                  "Where's Chelsea?" I asked directly. I was on my military mode.              Mushka noticed so she answered, "She's at the back."               "Thank you." I went to directly Chealsea, my second in command. "Captain, we need to talk." she nodded and we went far from ear shot.              "What is it? " she asked.              "Lead the group to the nearest exit and stay away from any open spaces until you reach the beach, is that understood?"              "Yes, but where are you going." she asked me. "Why the hell are you giving me this orderes."                 "I am taking most of the extra ammunition you got, I'm going to destruct them." I said, "I know they'll be waiting at the exit nearest to the Evac Camp we are heading to. So that's why I need you to lead the group away from that area as much as possible."                  "But Fran I can assist you," she argued. "The kids will be safe. We can go on another route. You can stay with us."                 "That's an order Captain." I said forcefully. She gritted her teeth, willing herself to hold back. "If anything happens in that Evac Camp, I know you can pilot a plane to get those kids to safety. I am trusting you with their lives now."                  "Okay Fran." she said after a long while. She then gave me one of her pistols and five of her ammunitions. "You'll need that."                  I smiled at her weakly accepting them, "You have to go now." She may have heard my urgency that she moved briskly with me to the group.                  "Guys we need to go now." Chealsea said hurrying the children. "Noelle go at front shoot anything that moves unless they're humans. Mushka middle ground the kids are yours. Queencie hold on to your baby, we'll need it later." she barked orders better than I do. "I'll scout ahead."                  "What, wait! Where is Fran going?" Queencie asked, she was looking at my direction.                  "Flying solo!" I grinned at her and ran like hell to the planned exit. ~~~~~~~^_______^~~~~~~~                  We were trained to survive and kill if we have to. That's why they didn't stop me from doing this sacrifice. I will never let them die. It would be me than them.                 "What happened to me is my decision. And no one is to blame." I said slowly pointing the pistol to my temple. "I'll die now." I said pulling the trigger and it was followed by a booming sound of gun fire echoing. My life I think has ended.
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