Chapter 12

1640 Words
With that her father left. The soft click of the door closing was just as menacing as every last word he spoke. It was enough to break that potential bond with her mother. It was fake, she knew, but the possibilities, the hope that led her back each time was all it really took. She should have done it before, Renee thought. Her eyes still blinded by orange and purple blotches hindered her ability to see all that much more. Looking for signs of the day, of time that ticked by was futile. Renee carefully plucked at her straps, guiding her bathing suit back into position. She clawed her way into her sweatshirt next. Her hands fumbled around beside the bed to maneuver dismounting it. … Focus. Don’t think of leaving. … Just do what you’re told. … There’s no way out. Renee reached for the lamp and set it down on the nightstand. She searched out the shade and returned it to the top, then smoothed out the blanket to look as though she was never there. Renee slipped out of his room and into hers without a sound. The blotches began to dull making it easier to see. Not much time had passed. She could still make it to practice if she left now. Jason would be sitting at his perch to pick her up… her thoughts skidded to a stop. Jason! … Oh fvck. He’s going to be so angry. … When is he not? … He’s always angry with her. In fact the whole time they’ve been in this predicament he’s had a problem with her. Renee frowned. It wasn’t her fault! The guidance department bombarded her… no, the school did. What business did they have putting her in his protection anyway? He wasn’t protecting her! If anything Jason just complicated Renee’s life more! And now, after this morning’s escapades, she’d be in deep s**t again with him. Renee looked around for her sneakers and items she could use in the snow. Since there was no way she’d be able to get her boots without her mother seeing, her panic only rose as more time passed. Her eyes darted around at the floor, her room void of any remaining help. It was gone. Her life, the reoccurring mess, devastated her all over again. Renee peered over to her sister’s side of the room, looking for supplies next. Karri’s feet were smaller but her mouth was larger. While she wouldn’t notice right away, the amount of trouble Karri could stir up worried her. Flats sprinkled the room. Not one pair stayed with its match. … She’ll slide all over. Her feet will burn in the snow… … She’ll have hell to pay for stealing. Renee hissed out a groan as her suit pressed up against her breast. … Then again, she’s not promised tomorrow. The thought settled her. Renee peeled off her socks as Karri wrestled with her pillows. Next, Bruce emerged from his room across the hall. The click of the bathroom door shutting though, that set her free. Renee stealthily lunged for her sister’s shoes, then slipped out of her room, her bag in tow. She carefully padded down the stairs to gather her sneakers by the door, securing them in her bag. Snow continued to fall as she peered outside through the oval window in the door. Large, white, fluffy clumps fell lightly. Perhaps it would be beautiful in other conditions, but for now it was an obstacle. It would be her shield and later, her snitch, if she made it home alive. Renee steeled herself, threw on her coat that concealed Karri’s slip-ons and made her exit. Just outside she could almost hear her mother’s siren’s song. It promised her a life she’d never know. Alone in the winter weather Renee made her way out. She stalked off into the depth of each step reaching up past her ankle. “This sucks,” she whispered to herself. Renee tried picking up her pace, only to slide down the steep incline down her driveway. She should have planned for it. Going down their hill on foot would not be much better but up meant possibly meeting up with Jason. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed his help. … What was she going to say though? Help! I’m abused at home? … He’d never believe her. … She’d have to make up a story. Make it believable for her status. Running around in the snow at 5:30am was not normal. Not even for the were-community. “You’re late,” Renee could practically hear him seethe. She looked up only to see that he’d followed a plow as the driver practically shoved her back off of the road. “Rough night,” she replied, unsure of whether or not she should settle in. … They could see… … She wasn’t far. … What if they decided she was selling herself too? Renee looked away from Jason’s open window. Heat seemed to pour from it now, but it wasn’t hers. She shouldn’t want it. … Just like breakfast. … Just like life. “Get in,” Jason implored. His tone sounded off. It was enough to look back at him. “You must be freezing,” he continued. Renee gulped down the fear that threatened to tear her apart. She slid her hand against his passenger door and opened it. Renee slid as she moved. Damn those stupid shoes. “Are you okay?” Jason asked. “Yeah. Great,” Renee replied sarcastically as she braced herself against the door to attempt sitting down. “You don’t look like it,” he added. … Great observation. “Don’t worry about it.” “Don’t worry about it?” Jason parroted. “It’s my job to worry about it.” “In school,” she replied, clutching her door. “What?” “It’s your job in school.” “Renee…” “We’ve been through this, Jason. You know your role. You can’t do more,” Renee battled, finding no ability to look him in the eye when she spoke. “What if I could?” Jason returned. “No one can,” Renee slipped quietly to herself. “What do you mean by that?” … Fvck is ears. “Nothing,” Renee replied. “I know you’re lying. I heard you.” “Do you ever think that maybe if I felt comfortable with you that you’d know more?” Renee shot back. Joy and dread raged through her system, battling for control. It wasn’t the first time she told Jason off but it was the first absolute truth she had spilled over her lifetime of coverups. Jason sat back in his seat, his fingertips lightly pawed the steering wheel as he eyed her and then the door. Renee knew it was a look to close it, and for once it wasn’t hard to listen. Sure, it was his prompt, but it was her decision. Once closed, she coiled in on herself. The heat he had blowing on her feet was just too much. “You came out in those?” Jason sputtered. “What are you going to? A dance?” … And now we’re back to it. The slight win meant nothing. It was just a setback. “They don’t even fit your feet.” … Rude. “They’re Karri’s,” Renee started, then stopped herself. Why did she feel like she needed to answer everything? “But why are you wearing them?” he goaded. “It’s a long story,” she replied, hating that she did. “We have time…” “We literally don’t. I’m late for practice…” “We’re not going,” Jason spoke over her. “What?” “You heard me.” “Listen, if you hate this then go get assigned to someone else.” “We’re going to breakfast,” Jason ignored her. “There’s a literal list of girls, specifically Brittany, and I’m pretty sure some guys, like Gavyn, who wouldn’t mind more time with you.” … They’d be right up your alley. Stuck up. Rich brats. “How does Russel’s sound?” he asked, ignoring her previous statement. “What’s that?” “You don’t know Russel’s?” “No?” Renee countered. “I stick to the plan, not deviate from it.” Jason barked out laughter unlike anything she’s ever heard him do before. “You’re funny. And a liar. You do that all the time. It’s like it’s your signature move.” Renee frowned. “Come on. I’m taking you for pancakes.” “Why?” Renee questioned. “Because you eat like s**t. Vending machine pastries should only be a last resort after the zombie apocalypse has taken over.” Renee bit back her initial response. He didn’t know it had already come and went. “You eating your own research is bad enough,” Jason called her out once more. “Oh that’s fun,” she bit her lip to fight the tears that threatened to form. “What is?” “You knew and you let them think I was a druggie…” she trailed. “Sucks, doesn’t it?” Renee’s frown deepened. “What?” “Sucks when you have someone tear you down, right? When all you’re trying to do is solve a problem, right?” … Oh he means… “I did not feel comfortable with you, Jason. You have no idea what your presence was doing to me… or what it still does.” “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me…” Renee shook her head. … It would get them in trouble. “I’m almost out. That’s all you need to know.”
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