Chapter 9

1784 Words
“Why would he want to be here?” Renee deflected. “ “Only a bad girlfriend would ask such a thing.” “Mom, we’re not dating.” Renee’s mother began dialing his number anyway, humming to herself that she’d have to fix that. “I’m not dating for your social status,” Renee let slip just under her tongue as her mother hit send. She hit send! She allowed him to cross the threshold… to fvcking come in! Could her mother not comprehend what she just did?! “Hello?” Jason’s deep voice came through the receiver. “Hang up!” Renee mouthed to her mother. Her mother eyed her, pinning Renee in place. She then casually picked up the phone, then held it to her ear. “Is this Jason Davitt?” she asked calmly despite how heated their personal conversation was. “It is. Who may I ask is calling?” he returned. “Oh, it’s Mrs. Tucee. Renee’s mother.” “Ah, that’s right. I didn’t check the name when I picked up. Sorry about that.” “That’s fine,” she smiled. “Don’t worry about it.” “Is there something I can help you with?” he asked, his tone seemed hopeful. A little too helpful. “I’m glad you asked,” her mother replied, sitting back in her chair, completely comfortable. “I have Renee here, denying your involvement with her.” “Did I do something wrong, Mrs. Tucee?” he asked, all too kindly. Fvck my life… Renee swore to herself. “I can’t be sure. You see, my daughter won’t tell me the entire truth. I’m getting bits and pieces, which I’m sure you know is extremely frustrating… especially if the two of you, were in fact, dating.” Gods damn it. The hook, line and sinker all in one. “Uh…” Jason replied. Maybe this worked to her favor. Maybe mom’s plan would fall through and she’d just stop already! “I mean. I haven’t made my interests known yet,” Jason admitted to her mother. “I wasn’t really getting her approval that she was even looking, but if you did…” You absolute piece of s**t! Renee screamed in her head. Getting her mom involved, back in her power position was a bad move. “Are you asking me for my approval?” her mother asked sweetly. “I’m not really sure. No offense Mrs. Tucee wouldn’t be dating you,” Jason replied evenly. Her mother chuckled lightly, amused with Jason’s honesty. “I don’t mean it that way, son,” she paused for effect. Son? That was way too far… Renee argued. She couldn’t just arrange a marriage between herself and the brute! “I mean, maybe if I talk some sense into her, she’ll be more proper with you. You seemed like a gentleman at school even after everything.” Because he’s volunteering! He doesn’t care about me at all! “You’d do that?” Jason disguised his question with hopefulness, eating right into her mother’s hand. “Oh, no. I don’t mind.” Of course you don’t. “Well, thank you Mrs. Tucee,” Jason paused. “Is she okay though? I know she got into a bad way with her brother.” “Oh yes, she’s fine,” her mother lied. “I’ll have to be going now. Thank you again.” “Any time, Mrs. Tucee.” Renee avoided her mother’s eye contact that basically scorched the room around them for her attention. “I want to know everything you know about this boy, Renee,” she warned. “And I want it now.” ==== Kris ==== Thank goodness for Kassian. Among the groceries were some essentials which included a door camera the guys installed themselves, and a new doorknob with new keys. This addition was a must as per Kass’ mother, who expected Kris to take back his life. “She really said that?” Kris grimaced. “It came out way colder but she’s up there in years,” Kass shrugged. “I would take it with a cube of sugar.” Kris nodded at that. Immortality was not for the faint of heart. Kass’ mom was anything but. Her track record of keeping couples well maintained was second to none. Reality hit as the guys settled in for the evening. “What’s all this going to mean for our arrangement?” Kris asked. “Oh, she won’t be able to scent me in here, wolf or not. I’ve been off market since, well you know. And I only really live here when Jaelyn is out on hunts with her family.” Kris nodded, understanding. A hunt was more than a training exercise. It was more like a reunion and Jaelyn’s way to catch up with them all at once. “I fully expect her coming back and saying she wants some kids the first couple of fvck outs, and then catching me up with the family drama,” Kass snorted. “Big family, lots of news…” Kris chuckled, “Why haven’t you? If that’s not weird to ask…” “What’s weird to ask?” Kass questioned. “Why don’t you two have kids?” “Ah, dude…not you too.” “I’m not forcing. Just interested, especially since all of this is happening.” Kass nodded, gathering the scraps of their projects before chucking it in the waste bin. “I’m mostly following her lead,” he thoughtfully remarked. “It’s been years with her and she does want this, but somewhere in her genetics there’s code for deformities and premature death that’s got her worried.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Kris immediately apologized. “It is what it is, man. I don’t want to put her through that stress unless she’s sure she can handle the outcome.” “What do you mean by that? Won’t you still be together after?” “That’s something else entirely. My mom’s better at explaining it but her she wolf will take over and go into a mode that’s different for every mom. Jaelyn’s seen it up close with her sisters and cousins. The stories man…” “Gotcha,” Kris confirmed, not really knowing what Kass meant. “Apparently it’s like, when our Alphas take over, but for them they can’t see the help around them? Or ever feel safe? I don’t know but I’m not pushing.” “There’s no sense in it,” he replied, thumbing the corner of the island. “In what?” “Pushing,” Kris stopped himself. “That will never be a ‘that’s what she said’ joke,” Kass chuckled. “But really, don’t worry about it. Kids aren’t the only thing going for a mated couple.” Kris nodded, unsure of what else there was. His mother hounded him about finding a good girl, one that wanted to be spoiled by him and give her a grandkid. There was a load of fun in the deal, especially for her. New babies introduced to his pack received Royal treatment. Wolves would supply litters for the spoils. It became too much ultimately and with no mate, Kris eventually took off after college. Now, several centuries into this life, Kris has his peace, his real friends, his best friend Kass, and a hopeful mate. What could be better? “Did you eat?” Kass followed the calm thereafter. “I don’t know why but I could easily eat at least four pizzas. On my own. Without help…” “You’re going to sink like a rock tomorrow,” Kris laughed. “I will not,” Kass rolled his eyes. “I’m like a bottomless pit. I could eat for days!” “When’s Jaelyn back?” “What does that have anything to do with?” “You seem to get really hungry right before rut.” “Oh my gods don’t call me out like that,” Kass grinned. “It’s the truth but… I ran around all day for my mom after the gym.” “Yeah, I bet your mom got all riled up.” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” “Yeah I would,” Kris began, pulling his phone from his pocket. “What are you leaning toward? Deep dish or layered and loaded?” “Wait? You’re serious?” Kass perked up. “You did a lot for me today and I’d like to return the favor with dough, meat and cheese,” he teased. “And sauce or you literally just assumed I wanted a plethora of things. Which I do… but pizza has all of my attention right now.” Kris laughed, dialing out for Davis’ Deep Dish. Kass motioned to him that he wanted four number tens, no olives. Kris settled on a meat pie of his own, extra cheese and with olives and mushrooms to be sure his friend wouldn’t down it on the spot. “Delivery or pick up?” “I fully intend on licking the boxes clean here bro,” Kass chuckled. “Delivery, please,” Kris replied, giving his address and phone number just in case. “Thank you,” he replied to whomever took their order. Kris then turned to Kass, “They’ll be here within the hour. I’m going to get changed.” “I doubt your little flower is the delivery guy,” Kassian teased. “Shut up wolf…” Kris rolled his eyes at his friend, as he headed for his room. “Don’t you start playin’ the low rise game!” Kass called after him. “Your mate will ignore you unless she’s just after the D!” “Stop talking…” Kris playfully spouted as he shucked off his work attire. His navy blue sweater went first, followed by his white dress shirt. He flicked through the buttons with careless ease, ending at his cufflinks to throw that into his hamper as well. Crystal’s cloying scent still hung to his apartment, everywhere, even on his clothes. At least it would be done with as soon as she came back and realized some of their updates have not been quite so kind to her. His dress pants were next to go. They pooled effortlessly onto the floor around his feet. Kris smiled, enjoying the feeling of being free. He then turned to his dresser to throw on a pair of gray cargo sweats and an ice blue tee shirt. Kris’ brow furrowed deeply as he took stock of himself in the mirror. “Kass?!”
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