Chapter 4

1530 Words
==== Renee ==== “What are you—“ Renee gasped, not expecting to see Jason in her face. “You’re not allowed back here!” shouted Davis behind her. “Tell your friends to stay out of this,” he grumbled between them. “Tell them we’re not a couple,” Renee bit out. “We are though,” he sneered. “Aren’t we, pet?” “Oh my goddess, I get it now!” Davis doubled over in laughter. “Humans are fvcking weird.” “He’s no human…” Renee tried to take a step back. “I wouldn’t have pegged you as being into roleplay,” Brittany paused, then added, “either of you.” “Hard second,” Tammy conceded right after her. “It’s always the quiet ones,” Farrah dove in. “You’re a quiet one…” Davis smirked. “I have nothing to hide,” Farrah wiggled her eyebrows. “It isn’t just a human thing, Renee, you’re covered.” “Let’s go,” Jason growled, done with this conversation. “I could see him being into it,” Farrah supplied. “But like, she’d have to break him out of that control issue thing.” “I agree,” Davis played along. “You’re putting it on a fvcking thick bro.” “Right? Pretty sure fangs…” “That’s really rude,” Percilla chimed in. “I heard you!” she hollered from the shower. “I can say fangs, Pe,” “Not the way you were gonna say it, Farrah!” Percilla claimed. “You can’t sexualize fangs without consent.” “Oh here we go,” Farrah snorted. Their conversation bled off to the side, derailed from what it once was. “For real though, roleplay is cute and all but what you’re doing is being a bad dom, Jason,” Tammy cut in. The girls who avoided Percilla’s claim to her rights, broke out into a fit of laughter, each one upping each other on what Jason said. “It’s a whole game of give and take, Jay and not just with your…” “TAMMY!” Davis chortled. “We are not together!” Renee snarled. “Uh huh,” Farrah replied. “Why’d you have to open your mouth?” Renee asked, stepping back once more. Her back was flush against the wall behind her, not far enough from the threshold to avoid his reach. “You asked me to,” Jason smirked as he scooped her out of the doorway, back to him. “Now, are you going to listen to me, pet?” “No, no… it’s supposed to be…” she heard the girls continue, only to be muffled by the door swinging closed. Jason’s grip on her was tight, regardless of her bag that he crushed between them. “You were awful today,” he mumbled beside her. The zing hit a chord with her. Fighting wouldn’t make it better. Still, she tried. If anything, that’s all she learned from him. Fight. “Thanks,” she replied, just as low. “What? No defense?” his tone ground into her. “How many times can I deflect with the fact that you didn’t make cuts?” Renee bit out. “If I’m so bad you must be worse…” His grip on her wrist tightened to the point of pain. Renee’s knees buckled but still she fought the need to collapse. “Why didn’t you dry your hair?” he asked, void of sincerity. “I was gonna run,” she told him the truth. “In this weather?” Jason huffed. “It’s icing out.” “And?” “Do you honestly want to be treated like a child?” “I don’t want to know what you’d do to a child if you’re this bad with me,” she grumbled while she pushed her way through the doors and out toward his car. “I wouldn’t have to if you’d just be honest with me.” “Oh!“ she feigned surprise. “How much honesty would you prefer?” “Don’t play cute with me,” Jason hushed her, snatching her wrist once more for control. “… because I’m pretty certain…” Renee yelped as he spun her around. “I didn’t ask for volume, brat!” Renee gritted her teeth, trying desperately not to show how much he hurt her. Only, he knew. He knew just like they did. “Aw, did that hurt? Precious little thing isn’t as strong as she thinks?” She’d kill him, she thought. She’d kill him if she ever got the chance. His stupid smile left gasping for life, the only thing he could do as she blissfully imagined drilling a stake through his twisted heart. “Oh that’s it,” he cooed. “Think those terrible thoughts. I can’t wait to get that recorded.” Renee frowned, unsure of what he meant. “That’s right. I reported you this morning. They’ll be doing a psych-evac,” Jason grinned as he shoved her into her seat. “I bet you’ll extend my stay on your own.” Despite Jason’s amusement, his grin turned into a firm line. “If you do manage to wipe your mind clean, I have my ways. I’ll get exactly what I want,” he promised as he slammed her door. Renee scrambled to sit up. Her belly growled but she couldn’t take the risk of him knowing. Her eyes darted over to the dash then to her door. He’d locked it, sinking the nub far into the door itself, most likely because of their initial quarrel that morning. Jason made his way around the front of the car casually, then slid into the driver’s seat. “Why haven’t you?” Renee questioned him, not allowing him to get comfortable first. “Why haven’t I what?” “...Taken what you wanted,” she quoted him. Jason sighed, turning the ignition on. “Unlike yourself, I have to have permission.” “You think you have my permission to handle me?” she bit out. “Of course I do.” “I did not give you that,” she growled. Jason chuckled. “You do more than you realize. You just did it in the locker room. You check on me while you’re swimming… let me count the ways!” “I thought your permissions were given verbally. As in, a vampire can’t cross a threshold without being invited in.” “It is,” he conceded. “Then why doesn’t it work on you?” “I’m already in. This is what this has become. You made it so; I’m just reacting.” “So if I go mute, you’ll have nothing else to go on and you’ll go away?” “It could be so simple,” Jason assured her. “But I doubt you have it in you.” Renee bit her lip, nodding slightly as she went. She knew all about being quiet. Did he not remember how they met? Ugh, she could. Renee could hear him in her ear. The practiced times he’s turned into his true self around her, all of the conniving betrayals of false interest. She could hear him before he said it, like a shadow being thrown over her. “Dry your hair,” it said. The car wasn’t even warm yet. They hadn’t gotten out of their parking space, when he reached over for her. “Don’t,” Renee warned on a shaky breath. “Your hair’s wet,” he huffed, reaching just behind her for a towel she hadn’t seen. Ice ticked at the windshield, harder now. “We weren’t supposed to get this until the weekend,” Jason muttered. Renee stared at the little white balls as they bounced against his hood too. A chill finally bit a little too deeply, racing down her spine. Her thumbs pressed against the thick and fluffy towel still trying to decide if it was okay for her to use. “It’s clean. Void of me, until, well… now,” Jason urged. “Why are you doing this?” Renee asked carefully. “Doing what?” he questioned as they pulled out of their spot. “This just seems like more,” Renee choked out, knowing she didn’t deserve it. “And we’re not… so?” “My job really is simple, Rey. If you’re not at school, you’re not being monitored.” “Me having dry hair keeps me eligible?” “You’re getting it,” Jason grumbled under his breath, “finally.” “Uh huh…” Renee frowned. Only, it didn’t make sense. “But I’m a good student,” she replied, pulling her hair tie from her hair. At least now she had a shield surrounding her while she spoke. “Even the shyest students have lives they share with others, Rey,” Jason warned. “You don’t. Do you know what that says about you?” “That I’m a loner?” “That you’re dangerous.”
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