Chapter 40

933 Words
===== Renee ===== Too many feelings crowded her all at once: 1. She left her parents and was on her own now. 2. She’s now homeless, planning to squat at school. 3. Kris made her feel comfortable and was gone on a count of her and her stupid demon bodyguard. 4. Jason AGREED to leave her alone; which by all means did not mean exactly what she said. Not that she had a whole lot of experience with those kind, but Jason always found a loophole. If she said, “get out of here,” he’d simply move to the other side of her vicinity, claiming that it wasn’t the initial space. It was that simple …And quite possibly why they were at odds with each other on the regular. Truthfully, Renee was sure Jason was blowing her off all year long when it came to her expectations, but in reality, he was listening. He was listening extremely well, in an annoying disturbance sort of way. Still, it didn’t mean he had the right to shove Kris out of her existence— Er… Out of his own existence… The blush in her cheeks started to warm incredibly. Did she just assume Kris was hers? “That. Nope,” she tried to correct herself, “that did not happen.” Renee sighed. The long drag of an inhale had her wondering exactly how long Kris had her pushed up against him. It couldn’t have been that long, she suggested, interpreting the time, Four fluid bags is how many hours? It’s certainly enough time to leave her scent all over him, she worried. Goddess, what if he had a mate? He was certainly attractive enough to have one. And… Renee’s human stink was all over him now. Looking for the one who claimed him now had a steady place at the top of her anxiety producing list. Fvck. “You okay?” Jason had the wherewithal to ask. “No…” Not a lie, but also a command. “No?” Jason asked, tilting his head. The telltale flop of his dreadlocks hitting his right shoulder worried her. He’d talk her right out of her deal… he’d… … Breathe, she warned herself. Apparently being incapacitated with a demon meant nothing to him. A yes was still a yes, the thought of the other day remained frozen in time; suspended so that she could forget. … Breathe… “I’m just, uh, FLOORED! Floored that you’re going to behave now,” she rushed out. Again he studied her, his weirdness seemed to know no bounds. “Floored?” “You know, amazed?” “I amaze you now?” Jason tried as if he was wine tasting. The words rolled around on his pallet, each more delicate than the last. “Your behavior, I guess. I mean,” Renee seized all forward thought. She needed to correct this while he was in motion, looking to refute his promise. “What you did though,” she gritted her teeth, trying to look menacing, “Throwing that guy outta here will not happen again.” Jason grinned. “Ever. Anywhere. Nowhere… I mean it, Jason… While you’re designated to me, you won’t do it again.” The ever looming stipulation that it happened to be her family members, however, dangled in her mind as the only possibility she’d fold. There was no reason to fret though. None of them wanted her in their lives so why bother with the thought. Still, Renee stared back at Jason a little too long. He knew there were options. His grin told her so. “Do whatever you do to seal the deal.” Renee barely finished her sentence when Jason strode up to her. His eyes were wide and darkened, swirling into the muddied orbs they were. “Seal the deal?” Renee trembled against her will, feeling small in his presence once more. “Repeat it back to me. What did we agree on?” “You,” he breathed, “do not want me,” he exhaled as if it was hard, “to throw another being,” another inhale, “into a wasteland on your behalf.” His exhale felt like it was yet another struggle to align his message. “You want this behavior,” he inhaled once more, “to be done with, no matter the reference of time and place,” Jason blew out next. “Right,” Renee replied, looking up at him, his body incredibly close. What could he possibly want that would mean he needed to be this close? “All expected,” he replied, singly focused on her. “Except when it comes to your family.” Renee’s eyes widened. A gasp flew out of her, parting her lips easily. Jason quickly pulled her to him, his lips pressing softly against hers. Tentatively, as if he actually cared about her. His tongue darted just past the threshold of their joined parted lips as if he feared her. It felt as if she was the monster and he was tempting fate to be there. His tongue lapped at hers, as if he was courting her… as if it was the utmost sincerest thing he could do to help her see that her demon would be there for her. The thought was bewildering. Jason retracted slowly, cradling the back of her head and her waist at once. Renee’s eyes teared ever so slightly, as she peered up at him, confused. “You have my word,” he mumbled past her ear.
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