Her Broken Spirit

1698 Words
As I walked into my.. well our room now, she sat on the edge of the bed slumped over and her eyes lost the fire she had once known to always see. He never understood why, why her parents had gone from treating her like she was the best thing that could ever happen to them, knowing well one day she would take over the pack in their place.. to throwing her down endlessly in the basement because she was destined mates with their prized breeder. I continued to look at her, hoping that if I look hard enough into those emerald orbs I’ve grown to love that I will see that fire once again. But no matter how hard I looked, that fire seemed to be either long gone, or buried down deep inside her. “Harper.. I mean, mate. “I called for her, hoping to hear her angelic voice again, but she only stayed quiet, as if talking would break her down even more. I moved slowly to sit by her, carefully taking the space next to her as the bed sunk with our combined weight. “I am guessing you don’t want to show up to the pack dinner either. “I sighed defeated knowing I won’t even get to show the pack she’s mine tonight, all mates sit next to each other at the table, if you’re without a mate, there’s always an empty chair separating you from the person next to you. She shook her head and slid back to curl her body up and rest her aching body on the newly placed covers. I don’t think she is going to be willing to mate for a while. Seth whined in my head, not because he couldn’t mate her, but because he felt our mates broken spirit inside her, just as I had. “Would you like me to bring your food for you? “I asked her as some part of me was still hoping to hear her voice. She only nodded, depleting my hopes of hearing her. I sighed getting up from the edge of the bed giving my mate one final look before I opened the door, and silently closed it behind me. **Harpers POV..** I didn’t want to make him feel as I didn’t want him, but I was really ready to accept his rejection so he couldn’t suffer anything from me, from loving me.. I wish sometimes he would just say the words right then and there, and this horrible night could pass and my parents could love me again. As the door closed a sense of longing dragged after him. I missed him and he hasn’t even descended the stairs yet. It’s just the bond pup, you’ll be ok. My wolf Jasper said inside of my head, her voice was the only thing that calmed me, for it was much more softer and melodic then my mother’s. She even acts as my mother too.. “Jasper hadn’t I said to stop treating me as a pup? I’m 21 now.. “I groaned and placed the sheets over my eyes gripping it firmly. The scent hit me, like cold water hitting rocks, the smell of Lavender and Cherries. It’s only then did I realize I smelled it everywhere, his smell blanketed the entire room inch by inch. I couldn’t help but smile, this is his room, he sleeps and bathes here. I cuddled into the sheets more inhaling his scent for as long as I could. I missed him now, even though he is only downstairs within reach I missed him, and It dawns on me again that we are mates, and this is normal. Normal as it’s going to get darling.. Jasper sighed contently in my head. The door creaked again but it wasn’t his scent the tumbled in, in the door way stood the same female as before looking around the room before she spotted me snuggled into my mates sheets, her eyes shifting she walked to me. The smell of heat still clinging to her, it didn’t smell nice to females, almost too sweet, but males would swoon all over for it. “ What do you think you are doing in here you runt! “She snapped as if she may have forgotten I am her future leader. I stood up as tall and intimidating as I could, I won’t let no female boss me around, especially one who is attempting to sneak into my mates room to seduce him or something. “ I could very well ask you the same thing, Jasmine. “I said with as much authority as my voice would let me. I saw her flinch only a tiny bit before her eyes fully turned amber. “ I was suppose to breed with him today, it’s in my right to be within this very room! You can wait your turn SNOB! “She growled as she shoved me aside. I saw red, how dare a mere she-wolf they her filthy hands on me, none the less her future alpha! With any sense in her pathetic brunette head she’d know to obey at once to my tone. Searching deep for my Alpha voice I turned to her and stared daggers right into her. “ You will regret ever putting your filthy hands on me, as your future Alpha I command you leave my mates room at once! “I growled in her face, but she didn’t budge, not even a flinch. She was testing me, and she was really pushing it this time. I threw her into the mirror and watched as it shattered to pieces and her body fell to the floor, her rightful place I would say. She grunted as she looked at me with fear in her eyes. I looked at the half shattered mirror and realized my eyes have gone red now, the Alpha blood I could feel surging in me was becoming apparent with my posture. “ If you want to stay alive, I suggest you leave. “I growled at her. She scrambled to her feet and ran as fast as she could while limping out of the room. I couldn’t control it, I was so angry, she challenged me this is her fault! I gripped my hands into my hair, growling and pacing around. I felt trapped, this boiling rage inside me only grew and grew.. I found my self howling loudly into the ceiling, kneeling down and trying to slow my breathing. The door banged open and in came my mate with my father grudgingly behind him. “Harper what happened? “Chase said soothingly as he grabbed my hands and held my to him In a tight embrace. “Judging from Jasmines state, she challenged her. “My father said and sighed. For someone who had continued to throw me down concrete floor in the basement, he was acting pretty much like it ever even happened at all, like he never found out me and Chase were mates. “Well how do I stop her before she loses control to her Alpha?! “Chase said stroking my hair gently, his scent wafted over me like a spring breeze and I could feel my blood cooling. My eyes turned back to their original color and my breathing became more slow. My father smirked as he looked at Chase, “Like that. “He said mockingly and place what appeared to be my plate of food on the edge of the bed. Chase kissed my head and pushed my head deep into his chest, the core of where his scent laid the most. “It’s ok Harper, I don’t know what she was thinking! “He growled slightly before pulling me away. He grabbed the plate and shoved it into my hands and smiled, “Alphas need to grow strong. “He said with hint of love in his voice. “You mean Luna, Chase. “I giggled. Female Alphas were referred to as Luna’s, male Alphas still remained called as Alphas. Chase playfully shoved me and groaned. “What ever smarty pants! “. Later that night while me and Chase were sleeping you could hear the howl of that darn female at night. She was howling for someone to mate her like and i***t. If she had just waited for her mate to one day show up, she wouldn’t look like a thirsty female crying hell for someone to mate her. I growled and Chase only pulled me tighter to him. I could feel something pressing against my stomach, it made me blush at the thought. But that moment was ruined by the reminder of how it coulda got there. “Chase. “ I said slowly, sitting up I shut the window and looked at him. “Chase, wake up. “I said demandingly and he flinched. He wiped his eyes and looked at me confused. “Princess it’s 3:00 in the morning what’s wrong.. “He groaned staring at me with a blank expression. I pointed to the lump that had formed in his boxers and frowned, he was only turned on because of that female doing her damn mating call. “Harper it’s not for the reason you think.. “He said softly and the look of hunger was only growing on his face. I regretted the accusation for I should have remember mates are only attracted to each other and no one else. “My apologies.. “I said before turning around and shutting the blinds, her noise had died down, guessing maybe one of the pack unmated males have pleasured her. “I’m starving for you. “Chase blurred out loud before shutting his mouth again and saying no more. “Chase, you know how the mating ritual goes.. not till I’m in heat, maybe it’d be different in any other pack, but we need pups to become official, you know this. “I giggled at his pleading whines and how his hands traced my figure. I pushed him back down onto the bed and placed a pillow over his head. “Go to sleep moron! “
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