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BLUEBELL'S POV I walked through the basement door and knowing I was going to see him made me nervous as hell. I mean, going to f**k someone's husband in my basement yet my husband was just right upstairs was not that a b c d easy. I was f*****g courageous. You never know what pain can do to you. I am kind of grateful that it has not made me end my life. If this is going to make me happy, then it is worth it. "We have four minutes, thirty seconds,"Martin scoffed. I scanned him in his black khaki shorts and a blue vest-shirt. His hairy legs protruded from his short and that was just a definition of perfect and it kind of turned me on. I had not seen that perfect abs before. Well, Jay had a big stomach probably from too much eating of roasted lean meat and beer. He hugged me and his cologne depicted the manhood I always craved for.His muscular biceps wrapped against my smooth delicate skin and nothing was ever been refreshing. If the chest is broad enough, the libido should be on point. "Don't tell me you will stare at me for the remaining four minutes?" He reprimanded. I mean, in that dim light from outside, I could see the spark on his eyes when he looked at me. I tried to think of not making out with him but then I warned myself that I needed to do that to heal. In a jiffy,his hand was in my back, pushing me against him while his other other plunged in my hair cupping my head so that he would control the kisses. He stared at my lips trying not to kiss them before giving in. His lips were cold and his breath was laced this nice scent of vanilla. My body felt relaxed and my heart started beating irrivocably fast. It was a week since Jay touched me. Most of the time he stayed in his office working, and when he is in the mood, I am on my period. I wallowed in pleasure as his tongue rolled in my mouth. I never wanted all this things to stop. I set my heart and my mind free. This general sense of euphoria just took me to cloud nine. He crouched and his lips kissed my navel slow and past, all in a good rhythm. In perfect transition, he licked me up and down in my groin and the urge to scream was deafening. I sighed moaning softly while he gasped hoarsely and I could actually feel that he wanted me there and then. I was starved and saying yes to him when he asks replayed itself at the back of my mind. A light flashing on my back just made my life stop for one if not five seconds. "They have found us,"I cried and Martin crawled behind the wooden door that was abandoned in the basement. "Who is it?"I pledged. "Mom, dad has taken Moss to a hospital," My daughter reported innocently. Shit! What can be more f****d up? "Stay right there baby, I am coming for you," I gulped buttoning my purple button up shirt.I do not even remember the time he opened them. I was lost in the valley of awesomeness. "Let's do it fast," Martin chuckled opening his zipper once he was out of his hiding place. "Just f**k you!" I spat tying my messy hair and looking at myself to ensure that I was good to go. "You asked for it," "It was a mistake"I hissed. "Whatever, and at least I have Agatha," He said nonchalantly and that statement alone sank my heart deeper than the Titanic. "It was a f*****g mistake okay, I love my husband and just f**k you for wanting to cheat on your wife," I ranted. "You so wierd." "Mummy," Rosy called out for me to hurriedly go upstairs. "Find your way after I leave," I warned. "Incase you want me, I am just next door," Goddammit! What is wrong with you Bell! I walked back to my room with Rosy trailing behind me. "What did your dad say?" I whispered. "That Moss can't breath,"She cajoled not knowing that it was a serious thing . Lord,please spare my baby. Amen. I know that I did something bad but don't punish him on my behalf. I took out my phone and dialled Jared's number. "How's Moss?"I asked when he finally picked up after three missed calls. "The doctors are in with him Bell," I could feel the fear in his voice. My heart hit sharply against my chest and it's pace was irrivocably fast. I was scared of losing my child. My baby was innocent and he did not deserve to die. I wanted him. He was the real dude who was going to be in my life for a lifetime. He was part of me, my own. I did not realise that tears were falling from my eyes till Rosy spoke up. "Is Moss going to be alright mother?" She asked. "Yes baby, I hope," I kissed her lightly on her forehead while embracing her tightly. "Jay, please promise me that our baby will be alright,"I begged. "He will be fine and he will live long." Even if his voice was not certain enough, I kept hoping and praying all the time. "Okay, I am coming right away," I ensured Rosy wore a warm cardigan before we left the house. Technically Martin had told Agatha that Moss was sick and she offered to drive me there. I felt sad and ashamed at myself for making out with her husband since she did not deserve that. She was sweet and all she really deserved was to be happy. Cheating with another man's husband doesn't make you better like I thought. It makes you feel worse. Why should someone throw away their life and their family for the sake of a tiny liquid that comes with phenomenal pleasure? I walked briskly through the wards and I found Jay pacing in the waiting room of the pediatric department of the hospital. "Where is he?" I pledged looking around at the nearby wards. "Mr Young,"The doctor summoned us almost immediately and I was weak inside. My heart was now on summersault and I just felt almost invisible. Whatever the doctor had to say was like a life sentence. Please God, give me strength. "How is he doctor?"Jay spoke up as I remained quiet. I did not trust my voice. "Take care of your baby well,the two of you. He deserves more attention now that he has pneumonia.Anyway, we are trying our best to manage it. He will be admitted till he feels better."The doctor explained briefly. "Okay doctor, "We said at per. "Can I see him?" I asked with a shaky voice. "Sure," He pointed to the room and I walked swiftly though my heart was still heavy and my thoughts hazy. I saw my baby sleeping soundly and breathing with several tubes inserted in his nose. He was so helpless and I couldn't forgive myself for letting this happen to him. My duty as a housewife is taking care of him. I felt sorry for him and I just wanted to hurt myself for hurting him. He was so innocent and I just wanted to protect him from this evil world. "I love you mama and papa,"Rosy said and I looked at Jay with a fake smile. I still hated him but seeing Moss like that, I realised that I owed him a perfect family with dad and mama, not a divorced one with a depressed mother. I had to approach this affair in another way. Maybe, killing the girl he had been cheating with so that he can remain faithful to me. I should do something for my baby.
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