Chapter 1-4

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AGAIN, HER MIND TOOK her back to the night that had brought her to her current condition. She had been at Gabby’s wedding. Her father had let her attend, by some miracle. She’d assumed it was because he was expecting guests in the house anyway and wanted to be rid of her while they were there. Usually when that happened, he packed her off to stay with his aunt in Silverton. His aunt was sweet, but she was severely out of touch with reality. Her world revolved around her garden and her three cats. Although the cats proved to be less than companionable for Jassie, she never complained when she had to go there. She was always afraid of the alternative, like maybe Walter having to watch her. When Jalen had walked into the reception, things were already in full swing. She knew she hadn’t seen him at the ceremony because she would have noticed him right away, she was sure of it. Nor had he been present at the rehearsal dinner. In fact, she had no idea who he was, and Gabby assumed he was from Caleb’s side. Jassie hadn’t wanted to pry too much lest Gabby find out what had happened between the two. There would be plenty of time to investigate him now, she sighed to herself. Now that she was in the lion’s den, so to speak. She’d felt his gaze on her, and when she’d looked up, she was met with his piercing stare. It was intense and utterly primal. She had felt incredibly self-conscious in her plain, pale pink cocktail dress that she’d borrowed from Gabby. All of her own dresses had seemed over the top, so she’d been relieved when Gabby offered her own. Until she’d caught him staring. Then she’d felt plain and very aware of her slight figure that appeared to look curvier than she’d expected. Jassie reached up to push her glasses up her nose and realized belatedly that her contacts were in. She pushed her hair back behind her ears instead and tried to look way. It was impossible when it seemed like his eyes were boring holes into her. Was this a technique used in flirting? Jassie had no idea, but it seemed strange. It was nothing like in the movies. No pick-up lines, no compliments. But darned if it wasn’t working, she thought. She felt herself heat up in a very short amount of time. She excused herself from the woman who had cornered her for the past five minutes, talking to her about, what was it? Organic fruit? She couldn’t say. She just had to clear her head. Jassie patted her face with cool water, careful not to wipe the eye makeup Gabby had insisted she wear. “Just a little!” Gabby had laughed at Jassie who fumbled with the eyeliner. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” Jassie had fretted as she got ready next to Gabby. “I never had to wear any before!” Gabby was already dressed, waiting for someone to come do her makeup and hair. Jassie thought she looked breathtaking already. “Oh, Jassie!” Gabby’s eyes had welled with tears, “You’re going to get out of there one day, and you’ll live such a beautiful life that you’ll forget all about that miserable place.” “Well, I wouldn’t say miserable.” Jassie had protested. She pondered this for a moment; maybe she should? It certainly wasn’t happy. Melancholy, maybe. “What would you call it?” Gabby c****d an eyebrow and gave her a knowing look. “Don’t make me dig up all your letters as proof of how happy you were. Maids and butlers don’t bring happiness. There’s something to be said about doing your work with your own two hands.” She raised her hands into the air as she spoke, her large diamond engagement ring glinting in the sunlight streaming in. Jassie spied Gabby now. She was on the dance floor, in a rare moment alone. She was dancing to the music with Caleb before he was pulled away by his mother. Gabby laughed and spied Jassie, waving her over. “Come dance with me!” Soon, they were moving together on the dance floor to the upbeat music. She dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “You’ve waited so long for this, and now it’s finally here! I can’t believe you’re married,” Jassie said in awe. “I know why I’m crying,” Gabby sniffed. “But why are you crying? You’re supposed to be keeping me together, you know.” “I’m crying because you’re crying.” Jassie giggled at the absurdity of their conversation. They cleaned each other up and Gabby had helped Jassie apply the eye makeup minimally. She still felt like it was a lot, but she was pleased with the result. ***
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