Chapter 2

1151 Words
I watched the cloudy skies as I sat in the corner of the room. Our history teacher was up front, discussing about something that didn’t interest me in the slightest. I was just tapping the pen I borrowed from Andre on my desk. “Mr. Miller.” The teacher called, her annoying voice lingering in my ear. I glanced at her then c****d a brow. “Is your mind somewhere else?” She crossed her arms. She always did that out of spite, embarrassing her students in the middle of her classes. Which was ironic, considering she was the one who looked embarrassing. She wore ugly Christmas sweaters everyday paired with kneaded skirts that reached the floor. Her short curly blonde hair bounced around as she bobbed her head. Huge circular frames were covering her eyes. I didn’t answer her. I just looked at her indifferently. “If so, I will have to give everyone a pop quiz. To make sure if everyone really is listening.” She raised a brow and smirked sarcastically. She was lucky she was standing afar from me, otherwise, I would have already beaten that annoying smile off her face. “Be my guest.” I shrugged then looked out the window again. I heard her scoff. I can hear the whiny whispers of my classmates. Some of them gave me disapproving looks, which didn’t bother me at all. “Alright, then. I will be giving a pop quiz, as stated. Whoever fails this has to see me after class and I’ll be giving you reading activities.” She grinned; it was as if she gets off on being a burden to her students. “What is wrong with you, Oli?” Andre whispered on my right. I just smirked then lazily leaned back on my chair. The quiz was short. I could see the worried faces of my classmates as they scratched their heads in confusion. I just rolled my eyes then took my phone out of my pocket. I didn’t want to stay late after class. I sneakily opened my notes then filled in the answers. A few minutes later and we completed the quiz. Most of the class failed, which wasn’t a surprise to me. She was an annoying teacher with an irksome voice. It was only expected people would rather not listen to her. She looked displeased as she looked at the results. She looked especially irritated when she found out I passed her little test. She was about to scold the class when the school bell rang. “Those of you who failed, stay. The rest, you may go.” She said in a passive-aggressive tone. She glared at me. I didn’t give a f**k. I immediately stood up from my seat then slid my fists in my pockets. I walked out of the classroom with the same poker face I use all the time. I sensed Andre following after me. “Did you cheat? How did you get a perfect score?” He whispered as we both walked the hallways. “Yes, I did.” He did a face palm. “You could have been caught.” “But I wasn’t.” I shrugged then started taking quicker strides. I just wanted to go home and puff a cigarette after interacting with people today. Andre tried to follow me with his short legs but was barely catching up. “Hey, slow down!” He complained, half-running to my direction. The right corner of my lips rose as I watched him waddle like a penguin. I rolled my eyes then just gave in his request. I stood for a while then waited for him to catch up. “So, what are your plans for later?” He faced me. We were walking side to side in the corridors. I could sense the stares my other schoolmates were giving me. It was a usual scenery which I’m afraid I’m already used to. They often gave me lingering stares, which of course, irritated me too much. When I’m not in a good mood, I often glare at anyone staring at me which makes them look away in fear. “Work.” I answered. Every day after school, I head straight to a restaurant to work as a janitor. I didn’t like it one bit, scrubbing the filthy toilets and wiping the greasy windows. However, I don’t have much of a choice if I want to earn for a living. “Bummer. My mom said she wanted to invite you to dinner.” He pouted. “What time is it? Maybe I can make it.” I said without glancing at him. On my peripheral vision. I saw his face lit up. “7 or 8. Depends.” He answered. I simply nodded. As we both were walking, some prissy blonde girl dressed in pink approached us. On her sides were two other girls who looked like they ate cosmetics for breakfast. “Hi Oliver.” The blonde said in a sing-song voice. I c****d a brow at her. Andre was fidgeting nervously on my side. He wasn’t very good at talking to girls. He’d sometimes s**t himself whenever a girl is just looking at him. “What?” I asked in a bored voice. She took out a letter from her purse then handed it to me. I took it then scanned it. It was a folded card with hearts on them. The colorful design of it almost made me puke. I opened it then saw the words written: “you are invited”. “Ta-da! Party’s at the house of yours truly, address mentioned in the card. Be there on time!” She bantered. Her girly and energetic voice was odious enough as it is. She then averted her gaze towards Andre. “You can invite whoever this is.” She pointed at him then gave a clearly fake smile. Andre looked down in slight embarrassment. Oh, this poor nerd. I slipped the letter back to her purse. “No, thanks.” I said then walked past her. Andre reluctantly followed; nervousness still evident in his mannerisms. I heard the blonde girl gasp. Both of her friends were looking at her in disbelief. “Why did you do that?” Andre asked when we got afar. She’s Trixie Moore, the richest and most popular girl in school. You’re lucky she personally invited you.” He explained. My brows furrowed. I always hated social hierarchies, especially of those in schools. They were pointless standards people held themselves towards, with no real benefit to the world. “I’ve got more important things to worry about other than some lame teenage party.” I shrugged. “You really are weird, you know that?” He said in disbelief. “Tell me something I don’t know.” I said coldly. He just shook his head.
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