Chapter 31 Marking

2068 Words

              They were all sitting around in Trey’s bedroom. Grum, Lance, Reggie, Trey and Sparks. Trey was sitting on the bed while holding Kailee next to his body. It was now mid-day the next day. Kailee had remained unconscious this whole time. During this time they had explained everything to Trey. Lance filled them in on everything he learned from the fairy Leeta and about Kailee’s shield. Sparks couldn’t speak to them but listened to the events they were explaining.               “I wish we could communicate with him. He could tell us what he knows.” Trey said, looking over at Sparks.               Kailee stirred ever so slightly. She felt like she had fallen off a tree. Her whole body ached. She felt the warmth of the man next to her and could lightly smell his sweet scent.

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