
5000 Words
Luna Teresa was fuming in anger, How dare these st*upid girls abduct her baby! What did she do to them! And to think they were both searching for her too... Pretenders when they are the main Culprit She wondered where her baby would be now... How she's fairing... If she has eaten. The Triplet were at the verge of charging towards them and destroying them but they held themselves.... They won't ki*ll them now, they still need them to get to Arizona " Why did you do it?" Dylan asked calmly " Why!!?" Dorain yelled furiously Making everyone flinch " We didn't do it I swear on my life we didn't!" Sandie cried frantically " Why did you take her? I should be throwing you both in the dungeon right now but before that answer my questions... Why did you take her! " Alpha Manson asked... One look at him one would know he's holding himself back from pouncing on them... He has to be the matured one here as his wife and kids are already going gaga Lady Ruth and Lady Sasha held themselves crying, they could not utter any word. How could they when their daughters committed an heinous crime. Beta Anthony and Gamma Manuel just stood there watching the scene. They couldn't plead with Alpha Manson on the behalf of their children either. If only they had denied taking her, but the moment they had said yes and didn't deny the accusations then that was it. Abducting a pack member is a very dangerous crime but now they abducted the Alpha's daughter! For what exactly " Answer the Alpha! Why did you take Arizona!" Beta Anthony yelled at the girls and they flinched including their mothers " W.. e.. I.. I... Sh...." Kate tried to say but couldn't form anything in her head... " I'll tell you if they can't" Cat said eyeing the two of them then faced Alpha Manson who gave her a nod as a go-ahead " Alpha, the reason why they abducted Arizona was because of the Triplet" Cat said making everyone frown in confusion. Luna Teresa who was still giving the girls looks that could end their existence without any trace tore her gaze away from them and looked at Cat like she's gone crazy Cat seeing the stares quickly composed herself and continue " the two of them have always been in love with the brothers, they've always been obsessed with them right from when we were little and dreamed of getting married to them in the future but when they went to the human world and brought Arizona back with them then Luna Teresa introduced her as their mate, they felt so heartbroken and hated her immediately for stealing their men. I tried talking sense into them but non of them were listening until I heard them plotting about doing something to her when she gets back from the human world" Cat Narrated and for the third time that day, everyone was shocked " You are in love with us?" Drake asked pointing at himself and his brothers " Yes" Kate replied bowing her head in shame " And that was why you abducted my baby? You do*gs!" Luna Teresa yelled and threw herself at them hitting them hard and they cried out in pains " That's enough Teresa, we need them to tell us where they kept her" Alpha Manson said pulling Luna Teresa away from them " Where is she? Where did you keep her!!" Dylan yelled They should consider themselves lucky, it was because they still have Arizona that is why they are holding themselves else even the moon Goddess herself knows she won't be able to save them " We didn't abduct her I swear you guys should just believe us this once please! Yes we made plans to hurt her but we didn't make any plans to abduct her! We were in the party with you guys" Sandie cried out as she prayed they'll believe them. For the first time since they knew Arizona, they wish she could walk right in from the door and save them from this mess, she's the only one who can prove their innocence " Come to think of it, no wonder they were acting all nice with Arizona at the party. I found it weird they were suddenly friendly to her but I never knew this was the reason... They were friendly so nobody would suspect them... You are so vile! " Cat yelled at them. " Fine I have a confession!" Sandie yelled " Go on or you want me to choke it out of your mouth myself?" Gamma Manuel said glaring at his daughter... Sandie was hurt, to think her parents were just watching her being humiliated for a crime she didn't commit " During the party, I left to make a phone call at the back of the pack house and while I was about returning back to the party, I saw a strange man putting on a dark cloak with his face covered" FLASHBACK. Sandie phone ranged while she was having fun with the guys and she excused herself to go take the call. She had to walk far away from the hall as the place was noisy so she went to the back of the pack house, very close to Arizona's room... She was done making her call and turned to leave when she saw a man standing beside the wall, looking left and right Incase there was any intruder. He failed to notice Sandie as she was dressed in a black long gown so she mixed pretty well with the dark night Sandie suddenly heard a whistle and she saw the figure moving to Arizona's window. Though Arizona's room is on the third floor but it was the only window around there He drew out his hands as if he was about to catch something but she suddenly saw someone from Arizona's window the person dragged up something and with the light coming from Arizona's room, she was able to see Arizona's face She watched him push her down from the window and she wouldn't deny the fact that her heart raised in fear. Her heart calmed down when the figure outside caught her in his arms. The other guy jumped down from the window and like that she watched them take Arizona with them, into the dark night She went back to the party and didn't inform anyone about what she saw instead she acted like everything was alright END OF FLASHBACK Sandie was done narrating what she saw and she awaited her punishment. She knew not saying anything was wrong but she kept quite about it and pretended as if nothing happened Lady Sasha who was dumbfounded about what her daughter did stormed to her and gave her a resounding slap that left a mark on her face and a wound on her lip " You. Are. Not. My. Daughter! You. Are. Not. The. Girl. I. Gave birth. To! " She yelled counting her words angrily. Sandie stared at her mom with pains in her eyes. Her mother just hit her because of Arizona! Something she has never done in her life before. She looked around and saw everyone looking at her with contempt, no one was going to come to their rescue " How am I sure that you are not lying huh? How sure am I!! "Dorain yelled " What's going on here? " A voice asked and they all turned to see the intruder She was there, standing in all her glory with a frown on her face as she was wondering the reason for the commotion It was Nana Payton,Alpha Manson's mother! _________________________________ It was already 4am in the morning and Arizona was still tied to a chair. She was pondering on what Sebastian told her. She's a Lycan, her parents got her betrothed to this old bastard even before she was born. Her mother injected her with a lot of wolfsbane that is why she couldn't get her beast. Her parents were in the dungeon. They were going to take her along with them to their pack, she was never going to see the triplet again, she would not be able to tell them how much she loves them, she would not be able to shower them with the same love they showed her. She was never going to see Luna Teresa, Alpha Manson and Cat. She would be long gone from her family! " There must be a way out, I shouldn't give up so soon, I must find a way" she said to herself as she tried freeing her arms that were tied despite the fact that it hurt as she tried but she did not give up .... "Giving up is for losers and I'm not one" she said to herself She continued trying to free herself when the door flung open. She raised her head and saw a girl holding a tray She walked to Arizona and dropped the tray on the floor beside her... " Master said you should eat, we'll be leaving in the next two hours" The girl informed and Arizona scoffed So now he's bringing food .. why not just starve me to death... She was about to reject the food when a thought came to her mind " How do you expect me to eat with my hands tied? Or do you expect me to eat like a dog? And even if you do, how am I going to bend when I'm tied like this" she said eyeing the ropes that was tied around her and then continued "Perhaps you want to feed me?" She said more like a question " I can't feed you, I've got other things to do" The girl said rolling her eyes " Then how do you and your master want me to eat? Why bring the food if you're just going to let me watch it?" She asked tactfully. " Fine, I'll free your hands but you better not try s**t with me else you wouldn't like the outcome" She threatened and Arizona pulled a frightened face " What can I possibly do? I'm just a weak pathetic human who is under your custody... I can't possibly fight a lycan who's the strongest werecreature in the world" Arizona replied watching her face to see her reaction but her face was blank, it held no emotion ' tough' she said in her head and then scoffed inwardly " Good you know" she said and then went behind Arizona. She loosed the rope and then moved away Arizona rubbed her wrist that was red and hurting from the way the rope was tightly tied to her tender skin... She flexed her muscles that was numbed due to how long her hands were tied behind her " I'll come back to tie you when you're done eating in the next 15minutes" the girl said and then walked out of the room ... " Phew finally but before anything, let's eat some food, we've not eaten anything since since yesterday and we are famished, we need strength to be able to do anything" she said to herself or rather she was conversing with her subconscious She picked the tray and opened the covered plate to see a mouth watering Pasta... She didn't waste time as she picked the fork on the tray and started devouring the food hurriedly like someone that is being chased without stopping to drink water. She finished eating and finally took large gulps of water She emptied the bottle and belched loudly in satisfaction... She wouldn't lie, the food was tasty. She finally regained her power after eating and she thought about the next step to take She picked the fork she used in eating and hide it under her gown, waiting for any prey to step inside The girl who was timing Arizona waltzed into the room humming a tone to herself as she walked towards Arizona She was almost getting closer to Arizona when the door opened and a guy different from the ones that came with Sebastian stepped in making the girl halt her movement "s**t" Arizona cursed in her head " What are you doing here? " She asked him " Boss is furious, don't know what happened but we are leaving immediately" he replied and Arizona heart skipped many beats as she heard that.... Is this how she's going to be bundled away to an unknown land where the boys will never find her? Is this how her love story with her triplet mates is going to end? No, she just can't give up like that, she has to think of something and fast at that " Alright then, I'll just leave with the plates" she said " No, there's no need, you can leave and I'll just bring her with me" He replied and she nodded then walked out of the room leaving Arizona with the guy The guy walked to Arizona and started freeing her from the rope He was done getting rid of the ropes and then he gripped her arm pulling her up with force making Arizona groan in pain as her waist was numb so the force of the pull made her waist hurt a lot " Be gentle will you" " Just shut up and move" he ordered and Arizona did as she was told but immediately they got to the middle of the room, she acted as if she felt pains in her abdomen and then bent down a little holding her laps. "Why did you stop?" the guy asked " It's nothing, I'm fine" she said and then stood straight to continue walking. When she saw the guy was not paying much attention to her anymore, she used the fork she had pulled from underneath her dress when she bent down and then she quickly shoved the fork into the guy's neck He yelled in pain as he wasn't expecting it.... His blood gushed out like tap as Arizona had stabbed him deep She was scared at what she had done but she knew it has to be done else she was never going to leave here She heard footsteps coming to the room and she panicked.... She can't allow them meet her here, no she can't.... She drew out the fork from the guy's neck and he yelled in more pains. He isn't going to die,he is just going to be weak for a few days or hours depending on his healing speed She stood behind the door waiting for whosoever that was coming to step inside so she could stab him too The door flew open and the footsteps walked turned out it wasn't just one person like she had presumed,they were more.... How was she going to handle them all! Without thinking,she flew out with the aim of stabbing the nearest person in the neck or eyes or even anywhere but as she was about to push the fork inside the girl who turned out to be the girl from earlier,the girl sensing the movement from behind turned swiftly and hit her hard sending her crashing into the wall... They had all ran in when they heard the guy's cry of agony. Arizona grunted as she felt her spine had shifted. She tried getting up but fell back down " What is going on here?" Sebastian asked as he stepped inside the room and saw one of his men on the floor " Alpha,she hurt Trevor and was trying to hurt Samantha too but Sam was fast enough to hit her away" A guy reported Sebastian moved his angry gaze to the guy on the floor and then to Arizona who was still trying to bear the pains she was feeling in her spine " How did this happen" Sebastian asked in his cold voice " No idea Alpha,I left him here to go get ready for our departure as per his command only for us to hear him scream few minutes ago and we ran all the way here to meet him on the floor in his own pool of blood" Samantha replied " Take him away and get him treated" he ordered...two guys stepped forward and carried Trevor then they exit the room to go take care of him Sebastian took angry steps to Arizona and held her jaw tight squeezing it hard as if he wants to pull out all the teeth in her mouth " You've grown wings haven't you? How dare you hurt one of my men!" He yelled in her face making Arizona whimper in both pain and fear " Let go of me... You're hurting me you bastard!" She cried trying to free herself from his tight grip " You still have the guts to curse.... You deserve to be taught some lesson" he said smacking her hard on her face with his free hand " Ouch that hurts" Arizona cried as tears streaked out of her eyes... He hit her way too hard... " You said I was yours! You said my parents betrothed me to you! Is this how you treat someone you claim to be yours you sonofabullet!" She yelled crying hard as his grip tightened every minute "Repeat what you just said again"He dared her "I said you are a sonofabullet!!! I'm never going anywhere with you!!! I'm never going to be yours!!! You don't own me!!! You're just an old bag of wastage that I can't wait to get rid of!!"She managed to yell...His hands moved from her jaw to her neck strangling her Arizona held his hand trying to free herself from his grip as he squeezed her neck hard "L...t...m...Y"Arizona couldn't form a sentence as her throat was being crushed....She stopped trying to talk and started struggling with him...She scratched his hand on her neck and in the process of trying to free his hand from her neck,her necklace snapped off and fell on the floor...Everything happened like a slow motion in her eyes...She stopped struggling when she felt the absence of the necklace from her neck She remembered the warning note that was left with the necklace! She remembered what Sebastian said about how the necklace was stopping her from getting her beast or something....She was slowly losing consciousness when different voices started getting to her eyes...Far and near,she could hear them all,the sounds of children laughing,the sounds of adults talking, the sound of arguments, the sound of vehicles moving on the road, the sound of engines even the sound of the plane that wasn't even close by,she could hear them all just like she did on her 18th birthday...She grunted in pain as they started flowing more into her ears...She couldn't bear the pains anymore and she screamed "Ahhhhhh"She screamed holding tight to her ears and her eyes were shut tight The force of her scream flung everything and everyone away including Sebastian as he hit his back hard on the pillar inside the room Sebastian was surprised as to how her scream was able to push him away....He's an alpha,a very strong one at that....How could a little lycan girl push him away with just her scream Arizona on the other hand felt her bones breaking...She screamed in agonizing pain, the pain was too much to bear, every bones in her body were breaking....She was having her first shift!!! She stopped screaming in pain when her bones stopped breaking and she sighed in relief.....She looked up and saw everyone staring at her in surprise and shock even Sebastian's mouth was left opened, he was stunned at what he's seeing Arizona noticed the stares they were giving her and wondered why.Her eyes mistakenly drifted to her feet and she saw a huge hairy feet like that of an elephant instead of her thin slender legs....She checked her hand but instead of seeing her pretty tiny hands, she saw a hairy looking huge hands that she knew was definitely not hers . "Agggghh"She screamed frightening and ran away but the more she ran the more the thing ran after her then she realized the thing was the one running not she...She looked around searching for herself but she couldn't find herself anywhere...Instead she only saw this huge beast standing in place of her "Are you done being dramatic? If yes then you should step back, I need to gain full control"She heard a female voice in her head and she held her head thinking she was crazy...She shook her head vigorously and held it tight "Who are you?Where are you? Why are you talking in my head?"She asked frantically as she was scared "I am you, you are me...Let's just say I'm your beast shadow"The voice said in her head "The f*ck is that? Just stop this noise I'm hearing and get the F*uck out of my head!"She yelled at the thing she was seeing "Not now, but for now we need to deal with these bastards"She replied and then faced Alpha Sebastian and his subordinates that had already shifted to their beast form Alpha Sebastian was the hugest amongst them as he is an alpha so it's very normal for alpha wolves to be extra powerful and huge Alpha Sebastian growled loudly at Arizona's beast and she did same, her growl shaking the building a bit Arizona's beast is a big white beast that has pretty golden furs.It was huge, really huge and mighty.The Aura coming from the beast was so powerful and dominating,it could make every other were creatures bow even Alpha Sebastian and his subordinates.The beast was looking so beautiful,very beautiful but don't be deceived by the beauty,it's extremely dangerous. She growled and this time even louder that it shook the building very well this time. The growl frightened Alpha Sebastian but he did not allow it show in his facial expression...He can't allow a little girl's growl frighten him like that. He growled again, signifying for his men to attack Arizona and a hot combat ensued between them.Arizona's beast found it so easy snapping the necks of the other beasts.To her it was fun but to Arizona, it was a bloodsheding spree and she knew she's never going to be the same after this. Samantha's beast ran to Arizona and tried biting her legs but with just one kick from Arizona, Samantha hit Alpha Sebastian and they fell down together....Alpha Sebastian snapped her neck himself out of anger and then he himself charged towards Ariozona as all of his men were gone,dead He charged towards Ariozona who tried using her teeth to hold his ears but he dodged It and then gave her a kick on her back which made her stagger but held herself from going down.Alpha Sebastian was strong himself,but he is no match for Arizona whose beast was mighty. Arizona's beast is not just any type of beast,it's a special beast! Arizona plunged towards him and headbutt him sending him crashing to a wall...He stood up immediately and charged towards Arizona but claws suddenly started growing out from her fingers,it was sharp and unusual...Alpha Sebastian seeing this knew that him fighting more is just going to get him killed...So instead of getting killed by a little girl,he would rather hurt his pride and with that thought, he dashed off through the door as he was close to the door. Arizona's beast would have gone after him but she just let him off the hook, knowing fully well they were going to meet again. The beast jumped celebrating her Victory and then gave a loud growl. "I want myself back,give me back myself!!"Arizona yelled at her beast who only chuckled and asked "Why should I give you control? I have been locked for years and now I'm finally free,I deserve to enjoy too"She sneered "No please,I'm not comfortable being inside you,just give me back me and then I'll allow you morph into you whenever you want but for now,I need to meet my mates,please"Arizona pleaded "Mates! I've always want to meet them,it's so sad they couldn't sense me because of how mother gave us a lot of wolfsbane...I can't wait to finally meet them, we are going to run around the forest the way we want!We are going to cuddle! Oh I can't wait for the day we are going to F*ck! What a perfect foursome!!"She squealed excitedly "Just shut the hell up and morph back to me!"Arizona yelled Making the beast scoff "Whatever, you're such a fun sponge"She said and without warning,she started shifting back to Arizona who was screaming in pain as her bones were breaking again...She was in pain, agonizing and excruciating pain Arizona breathed hard as she lay on the floor, tired and weak from the fight and transformation...It was all new to her, she was still trying to come in terms with her being a beast but then she had to morph into the beast "Why didn't you warn me you i***t!"She yelled at her beast who giggled in her head "Punishment for talking to me the way you please and punishment for not giving me more time to enjoy being in my real form"She threw back a reply "Just get out, you are a pain"Arizona replied and stood up. She was Stark naked as a result of how she had transformed without taking off her clothes...Her clothes were torn into pieces at the end "What am I going to wear now?I can't possibly start walking naked like this!"She said to herself She looked at the dead bodies laying on the floor and gagged...She wasn't the one who did it right?No,it wasn't me,it's just that hideous creature "Hey I'm not hideous,have you seen me before?I'm more prettier than you and it was you who did all this.You are me, I am you, we are one.I'm your shadow beast and we are of one spirit... If I die,you die and if you die I die"The beast replied in her head "I remember telling you to shut the hell up!" "Fine, I'll shut it and you'll beg me to speak just you watch!"She said and like that there was silence "Good riddance...Now where do I get a dress" she asked herself and walked out of the room...She came across so many doors and started opening them one by one till she got to what look like an office, it was Sebastian's office...She stepped inside and was able to find a male short and a singlet.She quickly wore the shirt that was obviously big on her but she held it with the belt she saw lying in the table.She wore the singlet which was also big and then picked the jacket that was hung on an hanger then she wore it. "Think I'm okay with this"She said to herself and turned to leave but her eyes caught the hat that was hung on a nail behind the door.She took it and wore it. "Perfect"She said to herself and walked out of the room...She was able to find her way outside and she saw that the place was indeed hidden and isolated.It was already past 6am so everywhere was bright "How am I going to find my way back home now!!!"She screamed in frustration as she stumped her foot on the floor...She was without a footwear She composed herself and started walking away from the building barefooted, trying to find her way home.She kept walking with no destination in mind, she doesn't even know the country she was in...She was still walking when she came across a group of bandits who were waiting for a prey "Look, we've got ourselves a beautiful prey"The leader of the bandits said when he sighted Arizona who didn't notice them at first...She paused when she heard that statement and turned to see where the noise is coming from but she got nothing... "Who's there?,Hello?"She called out and then she heard rustling of leaves from behind her and she swiftly turned....She came face to face with 4 dangerous looking men that looks like they were going to pounce on her in the next minute "Who are you guys?"She asked fearfully "You don't need to know now honey,why not allow us do some introduction in bed"The leader said as he rubbed the edge of the knife he was holding.He looked hideous with the numerous scars on his face due to several battles They started moving closer to Arizona who shifted back in fear "I know I told you to shut up but can you please help me just this once?I promise to listen to you from now on"She pleaded to her beast who ignored her "Please I beg you, we are going to die if you don't do something"She said and the beast scoffed "Now you know I exist...Anyways, I'm not shifting,just imagine what you want to happen to them and it'll be done"She replied and Arizona was baffled...Is this thing crazy?Does it look like this is some kind of joke to her? "Just do as you're told or you die...After all, I'm going to reincarnate"She replied and Arizona quickly nodded "I wish they can just stab themselves to death"She said in her head closing her eyes tight...She suddenly heard different grunts and she turned to see it was the 4 guys stabbing themselves....She was elated it worked and she tried again "I wish to be in my room at Crimson blood pack" she said closing her eyes and when she opened it,she saw herself standing in her disorganized room.A maid who was assigned to clean her room stepped inside but when she saw Arizona standing in the room looking all bloody, she yelled and ran out of the room Immediately Arizona just stood still without moving "do I have some kind of super powers?"She thought to herself
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