
5000 Words
WARNING!!!this episode is not edited so you'll see a lot of mistakes...please bear with me Arizona was finally done with the cooking and they were now at the dinning eating "Sorry Meriposa,we just wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed,we never knew cooking can be so hard"Dylan said pouting his lips while chewing a big chunk of meat "it's alright,you guys have apologized for more than 50times already and I'm beginning to get headache from your constant apology"Arizona groaned massaging her forehead "Fine we're sorry. Perhaps you can teach us how to cook next time what do you say huh?"Drake asked "Hell no! I'm never gonna be in the same kitchen with you guys again"Arizona quickly replied glaring at the three brothers who were giving her nothing but an innocent look "What why? What did we do?"Dorain asked innocently "You don't know what you did right? Then just forget about it and eat your food...one more word from you and you're sleeping outside"She said seriously and they immediately zipped their mouth and focus on their food Actually,what made Arizona reject the offer to teach the boys cooking was because of what happened in the kitchen The boys were trying to kiss and touch her in differerent places as she was cooking making her loose focus and almost burnt the chicken she was frying....She had to threaten them with hot oil before they let her be. They were done eating and then helped her pack the dishes to the kitchen "You three are doing the dishes and not only that,you are also going to tidy up the mess you created here"She said gesturing her hands at the mess in the kitchen "But can't you just help us with one? These are too much"Dorain whined "Sorry buttercup I ain't helping you guys...You created the mess yourselves so you are going to fix it yourself"Arizona replied sitting on the kitchen stool "Suit yourself then....we are future Alphas, we've fought a whole lot of battles, conquered so many enemies....these things here aren't close to what we've done so they means nothing....watch us as we get done with this"Drake said boosting the spirit of his brothers while Arizona smirked in return Dylan was the one washing while Drake will be rinsing and then Dorain will dry them up. Dylan took the liquid dish washing soap and poured almost half of it in a bowl...Ariozona almost told him that it was too much but she held herself.... after all they just bragged about this being nothing so let them do it themselves He poured water inside the bowl and mixed the soap and water together and it was so damn foamy...He took.the sponge and started washing the plates...he dropped every plate he washed in the sink and Drake started rinsing them...The first plate he took slipped from his hand and met with the ground breaking into pieces "Damn"He cursed "How did that slip from your hand?"Dyan asked glaring at him "I don't know,it was feeling so slippery in my hands and it fell"He replied shrugging Arizona just laughed silently....she knew the amount of soap Dylan added to the water was sure going to make it slippery since it's a ceramic plate Drake took another one to rinse but it fell again "What the hell!!,do you wanna break everything?!"Dorain scolded him "You know what,why don't you rinse and I'll clean them?"He suggested "Better that way now swap"said Dylan said Dylan washed another plate and gave it to Dorain....he took the plate and the plate did not even spend up to a second in his hands before coming in contact with the floor He frowned his face wondering why the plate fell "You didn't drop the plate well Dylan!"Dorain accused Dylan who glared at him "I didn't drop it well or you did not hold it well"He said "Let's stop with the arguments and wash this thing once and for all...we still have the kitchen to tidy"Drake said stoping them from further argument Dorain took another plate to rinse but immediately he carried it,it slipped from his hand breaking into pieces "You know what, just go wash the plate, I'll do the rinsing"Dylan said and they both swapped "The water is so foamy"Dorain giggled as he played with the foamy water "Are you going to wash those things or you're going to keep wasting our time here" Drake asked " Ops sowwie"He replied and washed the first plate...He didn't even wash it well,there were traces of oil in the plate which he saw but didn't mind thinking it's normal He gave the plate to Dylan who saw the oil and complained "You didn't wash it well,look at oil everywhere" "Don't worry about that,Drake will clean it"was his reply and Dylan nodded as he careful rinsed the plate "You see, it didn't slip from my hand, you guys were just the lazy burnt bread that are too lazy and allowed the plates slip from your hand"Dylan grinned, happy he was able to rinse it without it breaking "Yes whatever just hand it over will you?"Drake asked impatiently He rolled his eyes at Drake and took the plate in his hand so he can pass it to Drake but immediately he was about giving the plate to Drake,the plate slipped from his hand and came crashing on the floor breaking into countless pieces His eyes widened when he saw what just happened....Arizona couldn't hold her laughter anymore so she burst out into fits of laughter falling down from the stool she was sitting on as she laughed hard The boys frowned as they saw her laugh....What's funny? They asked in their head "Kindly tell us why you are laughing"Drake said raising his eye brow at her "Why won't I laugh when you guys are destroying the plates after acting pompous a while ago....Thought you said washing plates is nothing so can you tell me why you keep destroying those poor plates?"She asked still laughing "The plates fell down in their own accord, maybe they don't want us to use them anymore"Dylan defended making Arizona laugh more "Stop laughing it's annoying"Dorain pouted "You can as well shut my mouth so I won't laugh"Arizona said now sober "I can shut it with a kiss for you if you want"Drake said smirking "I would love to see you dare"she glared at him. "Now remove those broken plates from the floor and start with your cleaning ASAP...I need to take a little stroll around the house"She said exiting the kitchen She pulled out her phone to call Luna Teresa....The phone rang for a while but there was no response so she called Cat instead "Someone finally remembers she has a friend somewhere"Cat said immediately she answered the call "I'm so sorry my darling,I've just been so busy that's why"she replied "Yeah same old excuse...Not like You have any job you're doing over there"Cat said rolling her eyes "Of course I have a job here which is to take care of the triplet" "Whatever you say....Anyways, how's LA?How's the triplet?Hope they ain't giving you tough time?"She asked "Nah not really,they've been good and they are currently putting the kitchen in place" she replied "Wait what? Kitchen?You mean the boys are in the kitchen doing what again"she asked surprised "I just said they are in the kitchen tidying up" "But why will they do that? The Almighty future Alphas in the kitchen cleaning that's new"Cat replied "Obviously....They messed it up while trying to make something so they should as well do the cleaning....I'm their mate not maid"She replied "It's really funny and unbelievable that they are working....They've never lifted a broom in their whole life before and now you're making them work...I wish I was there to see for myself" She said and chuckled at the thought of the boys Working "Anyways,I called Mom but she wasn't answering the call, can you please help me tell her I called? I'll call her later"She told Cat "Yes she's quite busy these days yunno, Luna duties but I'll pass your message to her"she said "Alright babe, thank you very much.... My regards to everyone okay?, I suddenly feel sleepy"She said yawning "it's just 11am Arizona...Didn't you sleep well at night or are you pregnant? "Cat asked and gasped "Hell no stop thinking crazy! I'm not pregnant, I just didn't sleep well last night, had a long tiring day yesterday" she replied "Oh alright then,I'll leave you to sleep and send my regards to the boys, tell them I miss them" "You can easily call them if you so miss them"Arizona said jealously "Is that jealousy I perceive in your tone? "Cat asked wiggling her brows even though Arizona won't see it "I'm not jealous okay? Just gave an advice....Anyways good bye, talk to you whenever"She said and then hung up How dare she say she miss them! Nobody has the right to miss them, absolutely nobody except herself....'I'm never gonna pass her s*tupid regards to anyone' she said to herself and huffed She was feeling so pissed or perhaps jealous as she walked to her room..... Getting inside she slammed the door shot and fell on the bed drifting off to dream Land KITCHEN The triplets were sweating hard as they cleaned.... They haven't even cleaned up to a quarter of the kitchen and they were sweating this hard and looking so tired "I can't continue with this anymore, I'm going to d*ie if I clean another spot"Dorain said falling to the floor breathing hard as sweat trickled down his body "Me too"Dylan replied also falling "Me three"Drake said sitting on the stool Arizona was sitting on before.... "What do we do now, this kitchen is a total mess and I'm sure she's not going to let it go that easily"Dylan groaned "It was all your fault Drake, you brought this whole stupid ideas! You were the one who insisted we make her something and surprise her with breakfast in bed"Dorain scolded Drake "I didn't see anything bad there... Breakfast in bed makes women happy, it's just our fault for not knowing how to cook and the YouTube tutorial wasn't even helping at all"He defended himself "We could easily order a meal and then dish it out in a plate and then Present it to her as breakfast in bed! But no you said ' she'll know we ordered and might get angry so nope we are cooking' "Dylan said mimicking Drake's voice "Don't pass the blame on me okay, I suggested it yes but it's not a must that you follow what I Said, not like I'm The older one here so blame yourselves too"He replied "Let's just think of how to get out from this mess please" Dorain Cried out " I'll just call for a house keeper, she'll do the cleaning and We'll pay her" Drake said bringing out his phone " Mate is going to be angry when she finds out we hired a cleaner" Dorain said " We should worry about that later and get this done with.... I'm tired as f*ck.... I'm never going anywhere close to a kitchen in my life never" Dylan vowed " She'll be here in few minutes"Drake said after calling for a cleaner " I'm going upstairs to wash up, I reek of sweat" Dylan said smelling himself They all walked to their various rooms to go wash up before the cleaner arrives Meanwhile, Arizona who was in a deep slumber was having one of he terrible dreams This time, Arizona is walking in an uncompleted building trying to find her way out but the more she try, the more lost she become " Where in heaven's name is the fre*aky door" She cursed already tired of turning and turning... An heavy wind suddenly blew her to the wall, hitting her back hard on the wall and she groaned in pain She stood wonderingly where the breeze came from as there's no door nor window where it can easily pass through She tried moving away from the floor but it seems her legs got glued to the floor, she couldn't lift it " What the hell happened to my legs? Why can't I move them,? Why are they numb" she asked herself freaking out already A loud shrill cry rented the whole uncompleted building Making Arizona shrink in fear A loud laughter followed the cry and then the sky rumbled releasing thunderstrike that shook the building "Who's there?!" Arizona asked feeling very scared She got no response, only the cries, thunderstorm and laughter that graced the air Dark smoke suddenly filled the room, the moved towards Arizona and started surrounding her till she was covered with the dark smoke " You belong to me! Your heart is mine to reap!" A loud voice said inside the smoke or rather it was the smoke talking " Who are you? What do you want with my heart? Why are y'all after my heart?!" Arizona screamed " Your heart is mine! Your heart is mine! Your heart is mine!!" The voice yelled Arizona Suddenly felt something's goings throu her chest and she checked to see what it was only to see a black rotten hand inside her chest..... She gasp when she felt the pain.... The smoke or spirit withdrew it's hand from Arizona's chest, bringing along with it Ariozona heart Her eyes grew saucer when she saw her heart in the hand of the beast.... She looked at her chest and saw the open before she could react, the dark smoke moved her from the building to the edge of a cliff The smoke was holding her neck tight so she couldn't breath..... despite her heart being reaped out,she was still breathing faintly "Your a threat to my existence!" The voice screamed at her face and then let go off her neck dropping her down the cliff "Ahhhhhhhh" Arizona screamed with the little strength she has left as she fell down the cliff " Stop moving it's just a dream stay calm" Dylan's scared voice said as he held her down from thrashing Arizona kept thrashing, sweating as she pant hard..... Dylan upon seeing that she wasn't opening her eyes took the jug beside the bed that contains water, he poured a little amount of the water on her face making her jolt back to life She looked around her environment with a frightened expression.... She quickly looked at her chest and saw no opening but to make sure her heart is still intact, she raised her dress up and saw that there was no hole there Dylan who was busy watching her suddenly pulled her into a home crashing hug.... He hugged the frightened girl who hugged him back like her life depend on it.... She suddenly started crying as she remembered the dream, it looks so real, so real, she thought she was going to di*, she thought that was the end of the road for her.... "Shhhh, cry it all out okay, don't hold any tears back" Dylan said patting her back wondering the kind of nightmare that she had that's making her cry this much After crying her out heart, Arizona pulled away from the hug.... Dylan stared at her red swollen face due to the cry and then he wiped the traces of tears from her cheek.... " It's okay dear.... I can tell you had a terrible nightmare, can you please tell me what it's about? " Dylan asked her and she nodded in a no... She still don't know why she's holding herself back from telling him or his brothers, she just don't feel like telling anyone about the nightmares " You should say it out Meriposa, the other day you had a nightmare too and you refused to say anything now you woke up crying and still you refused to tell what you saw, you're making us worried" Dylan said staring at her face with concern written all over his face " I'll be fine,it's just a normal nightmare ....I'll tell you whenever I'm ready okay?" she assured him " And bedside where's Drake and Dorain? " She asked getting down from the bed with his support They both walked out of the room. And down the stairs "They went on a ride.... I stayed back Because someone has be there when you wake up" he replied " Awwwn that's so sweet of you" she cooed pulling his cheeks " Are you hungry?" He asked her and she nodded her head in a no " Nah I'm not, and that reminds me.... Have you tidied the kitchen like I told you guys to do? " She asked making him stop on his track He was quite for a while before answering her "Yes we have" he replied " Let me see" she said walking to the kitchen while Dylan walked behind her sheepishly She got into the kitchen and met everywhere sparkling clean..... There's no trace of dirt anywhere... Not even a spike of dust She crossed checked everywhere and everything was neat just like how it was before they destroyed it with their horrible cooking skills She turned to face Dylan who was looks at her nervously..... She already knew they weren't the ones who did the cleaning because they can't even wash the plates so there's definitely no way they'll be able to clean the kitchen "You guys didn't do it yourself right?" She asked raising her brows at him " Of course we did... If we didn't then who did? " He asked his eyes twinkling " You're lying, you weren't the ones who did it... Your eyes always twinkle whenever you lie which you're doing now so start spilling" she said folding her hands under her boobs " Fine you caught me... Actually, Drake hired a cleaner, I warned him not to hire one but he wouldn't listen" Dylan said heaping the blames on Arizona " How much did you use in hiring the cleaner?" She asked him "I don't know, he didn't say" he replied " I'm going to let you off the hook for staying back home to watch me but don't think you are fully free from my clutches.... " She said " And as for the other two, they'll get to know their punishment whenever they return back " she concluded " What kind of punishment are you going to give them?" Dylan asked " It's non of your business.... You should try finding out your own punishment Instead" she replied glaring at him and then walked out of the kitchen leaving him behind She walked to the sitting room and switched on the TV checking through channels to see if they are showing anything interesting.... She got frustrated and dropped the remote frustratingly when she couldn't find anything interesting... " Care for a swim?" Dylan asked as he walked closer to her " Of course yes.... But the problem is that I've got no swimsuit" she said pouting " Not to worry, you can just wear your pant and bra yunno" Dylan said winking at her " You're such a pervert!" She yelled blushing and then stormed into her room to go get changed She stripped her clothes off leaving her g-string pant on.... she took her crop top singlet and put it on...she took a scarf and tied it around her waist.... She walked out of the room and head to the swimming area where she met Dylan already swimming.... " You couldn't even wait for me" she said pouting then removed the scarf she tied around her waist. " Sorry mademoiselle for not waiting,I just couldn't wait to get into this ice cold water" Dylan apologized while using his eyes to strip her naked Arizona removed the scarf from her waist and then jumped inside the water splashing water everywhere " Hey careful" said "What do you say about racing with me? " Arizona asked " Deal.... What's the catch" he asked " Well, if I win I'll do whatever I want with you and if you win you'll do same" she replied Dylan thought about it for a while and then grin "Deal" he replied and they struck hands They both stood at the edge of the pool and counted from 3 to 1 before swimming fast like a fish..... Arizona is a good swimmer, she was actually among the swimmers in her school before she left..... But she isn't that good as Dylan, Dylan is a pro when it comes to swimming so it was really easy to win Arizona.... He would have allowed her win if the price wasn't eye catching They got to the other end of the pool breathing hard " You are no gentle man at all,you couldn't even let me win" Arizona whined pouting her lips " Of course I am a gentle man just that the bet you placed is just too eye catching and I can't even think of letting that opportunities of doing whatever I want with you slip from my hand" he replied her grinning " Whatever....so do you wanna do your best now?" She asked him " Not really but there's something else I wanna do and that is cuddling you,I suddenly feel cold" he said shivering a bit " Alright then let's go inside" she said pulling him along with her The both got rid of their wet clothes and changed into white robes each They got to the sitting room and she laid on the couch and gestured to him to lay on her which he gladly did wrapping his arms around her as he laid his head on her soft average boobs " Hmmm I love this" Dylan sighed as he nuzzled more into her boobs while Ariozona stroked his dark curly hair They were both in that position till they drifted off into a short slumber that was interrupted by Dorain and Drake who just came back from their bike race They got into.the house and met in that position....they were filled with nothing but pure jealousy.... The marched towards the duo and with one swift push, Dylan came crashing on the floor which woke Ariozona " Hey what was that for!" He yelled at his brothers " What's going on here?" Arizona asked " Why would the two of you cuddle in our absence?" Dorain asked jealously Making Arizona scoff " And who do you think you are to ask me such question?" She threw back at him " Is that why you threw me on the floor like that?" Dylan glared angrily at them " Why should we wait for you guys before we cuddle... after all you were the ones who left me to go on a silly ride!" Arizona said " We didn't leave you Beautiful,you were sleeping and we were feeling bored so we just went for a quick ride" Drake defended " Whatever I don't care and for this stunt that you just pulled,I'm going to double your punishments" she said " Huh? What punishment?" Asked Dorain " First punishment was for hiring a cleaner to do your work.... second punishment is for pushing Dylan away like that...what if he got hurt because of your silly act? "She asked then walked to Dylan to Check if he was hurt anywhere "Are you hurt?" She asked tenderly "No I'm not, I'm totally fine" he assured her smiling sweetly at her.... This act of their only got the other two guys more jealous and Drake walked to their midst separating them "What do you think you're doing" Dylan asked glaring at him.... "you're cheating Dylan,you already enjoyed her company when we were away so it's now our turn to enjoy her company" he said pulling Ariozona to his side " Let go off me as*hole!" She yelled pulling her hand from his grip " Your punishments starts now....you won't touch me inappropriately,you won't kiss me...not even a peck...that's your punishment and it will go on for the whole of today...your time starts now" she declared " But that's too much! How do you expect us to survive without touching or Kissing you! That's cruel" Drake said frowning "Exactly,it's totally not acceptable....I don't agree with this...why are you not punishing Dylan?" Dorain asked " Dylan was here when I woke up and he kept me company when I was bored so his punishment got reduced a bit but now that you wickedly pushed him,his punishment have been wiped away by your act" she replied and Dylan smirked at his brothers " So you are doing favouritism now huh? He's your favorite right" Drake asked jealous " No I don't have a favorite, the three of you are the same.... Today you're acting all st*pid, tomorrow it's Dylan and next tomorrow it's Dorain so you see, you are all the same moreover if it was any of you, I'd do the same thing... I'm not partial" she replied " But can't you reduce the punishment?"Drake asked " One more word from you and I'll increase it to 1 week" she said and they quickly zipped their lip throwing away the imaginary key "It's already past 5,I should start making dinner" she added and then left for the kitchen " Enjoy your punishment kiddos" Dylan teased walking away with Arizona " Total bullshi* " Drake said walking away while Dorain followed right behind him 1HOUR 30MIN LATER Arizona was already done cooking and she sent Dylan to go call his brothers down for dinner The trio walked down the stairs still holding a grumpy look on their face Arizona already dished out the food which contains roasted potatoes and turkey.... They started eating without making a single noise till Dorain decided to break it "Will you at least sleep in our room?" He asked hopefully "No I won't... I'm sleeping with Dylan tonight" She replied and they all gasped in shock including Dylan "What do you mean by you'll be sleeping with me?" He asked " So it has even gotten to that extent now huh? Sleeping with only him and making the rest of us suffer blue balls" Dorain said Ariozona finally got what they were insinuating and she quickly clarified herself " It's not what you're thinking you perverts!" She yelled glaring at them " What do you mean then?" Drake asked " I mean we'll sleep in the same room,same bed but we won't do what you're thinking in that dirty head head of yours"Arizona scoffed... Such dirty minded people "Oh better does that mean we are all sleeping in Dylan's room? "Drake asked this time " I never remember mentioning you guys can join us. You are still serving your punishment remember? " She said " I'm going to cry at this rate.... What you are doing to us is not fair! " Drake yelled " Were you not the one that said everything is fair in love and in war? Just quit whining, it's just for tonight after all...you can do it!" she cheered trying to boost their morale which didn't work but only increased their sulking They were finally done eating and they all sat down in the sitting for movie time courtesy to Arizona She picked an high school movie titled ' The New Girl' and then insert it in the Disk player... She climbed on Dylan and wrapped her arms around him..... The other two guys were just staring bitterly at them, seeing Dylan having her for himself alone is kil*ing them and they might run mad at this rate The movie started and Dylan as well as Arizona focused on the movie while Drake and Dorain focused on the duo who kept acting all lovey dovey till the end of the movie Once done with the movie, they call it a day and retired to their bedroom while Arizona left with Dylan to his Arizona came out of the bathroom and slept beside Dylan who immediately spooned her so close to himself inhaling her vanilla scent "I finally have you all to myself" He muttered inhaling her scent " Yeah you do ... Just be prepared when your brothers don't allow you touch me tomorrow" she giggled.... She definitely knew they were going to be all over her once they are done serving their punishment "Let's worry about that later but for now, I need to cuddle you to sleep" he said and then placed a kiss on her hair cuddling her to sleep like he has promised NEXT MORNING "Good now I have to go to the super again in in the space of four days just to get groceries after you guys have wasted the ones we had" Arizona whined as they left the house to go get what she'll use in cooking " We didn't waste it.... The ones you bought wasn't really that much" Dylan said from the driver seat " Yes it wasn't much but it'll last us for 1 week but now it didn't even get to 5days all thanks to you" she said Dylan drove for 20 minutes before stopping at the popular Mart and then he packed the car getting off to go open the door for them.... That's his own punishment from his brother, he's to be their chauffeur They got into the super market and started shopping till Arizona felt pressed so she decided to use the restroom.... She did her business and came out after washing her hands.... She eye searched for the triplet when she went back to the Super market.... She saw them chatting with a lady and her blood boiled in anger how dare them! She stormed angrily to them and immediate she got to them, the lady turned to look at her.... Arizona was shocked to see her so was the lady shocked to see her as well
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