chapter ten: Back to the city

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(They were still kissing and the reptiles are moving backward. They could not get close to them because of the love that is been shared between the four of them,they move towards the portal but they have to solve a puzzle if they are going to open a portal to a new place entirely.Taylor and Kyla are puzzle expert and some of them have to continue kissing if they want the reptiles to stay away from them and it is impossible for Jake to kiss Mike so that Kyla and Taylor can solve the puzzle). Kyla:(She stopped kissing Jake)what do you think we can do.I and Taylor are the puzzle expert and we have to kiss till the puzzle is solved.I don't know how long the goddamn puzzle is gonna take. I would have suggested that we switch.(She kissed again) Taylor:(She stopped kissing mike)I think you are right. But switch in what sense (she asked and she kissed Mike again) Kyla:(She stopped kissing Jake again)I mean....I and Jake will stop kissing while you and Mike will keep on kissing. I will do the calculations and I will kiss Jake again. You will stop your kissing with Mike and you will finish the puzzle(she kissed Jake again). Taylor:(she stopped kissing mike again)I don't think it works that way if we keep on kissing,we will get tired.I suggest that we make force the dragons to make fire. I know they are ill now but it is our last hope their fire will create a dividing line between us and the reptiles for a short period of time. Jake:(He stopped kissing Kyla)I guess I am okay with your idea. (The reptiles noticed that love is not circulating between Jake,Mike,kyla and Taylor because they have stopped kissing and they attacked them. Jake commanded the dragons to spit fire and they forced themselves to make the fire because it wasn't easy for them. The fire created a dividing line between them and the reptiles and this gave them sometime to solve the puzzle. Taylor,Kyla,Jake and Mike moved towards the puzzle and they sat in front of it). Taylor:(She reads somethings with her finger)I think this is a love puzzle. It looks a little bit hard. Kyla:I can see it too, let's do this;we won't know how hard it is if we don't try it. First of all,how are we going to solve this puzzle. Taylor:with the little understanding I have ,I think we are going enter letters.(She pointed at a hole in the rock that has a rocky computer like keyboard). The question is that, mention how a marriage begins;the full explanation of relationship. Like what comes first in a relationship (she told them the question). (By the time they were still thinking,the reptiles are provoked because of the and they wanted to force their way in.The dragons kept on creating more fire). Mike: Crushing of course (He answered Taylor's question)it is crushing Taylor:(she typed it and it says that the answer is wrong,the cave began to shake because of the wrong attempt). Wrong,I think we are having life line,is we keep on typing wrong answers,this cave will collapse and we will die if it does. Jake:I think I am having little idea about this,I am a love guru. Admiration comes first.(Taylor typed it and the answer was right,the portal machine powered on by five percent) impression, feelings is the third,then crushing and asking out on a date, courtship.(All the answers were right and the portal machine powered on to fifty percent). Taylor: Nice work Jake,you are really good at this (Kyla was surprised to hear this and Taylor asked Jake the next question)what are the steps to reproduction?(she asked) Jake:I don't really wanna say this,but I guess kissing.(The answer was wrong and the cave shakes again. A large piece of rock fell from the roof of the cave and was heading towards Jake,Leo froze up the whole roof together with the falling rock with it ice spit. By this time the reptiles are forcing their way in).I can remember,horny to kissing, kissing to hugging and romancing , romancing to s*x and s*x to reproduction. (Taylor typed the answered Jake. Taylor asked Kyla where the next place they needed to go and she told Taylor that it was the city. Jake kisser Kyla when he notices that the reptiles were moving closer to them but it was no longer working. When this happened the portal machine has fully charged itself. Mike mistakenly scroll away the city's picture and he chose the jungle's picture. They didn't check it properly because millions of reptiles were about to kill them,they ran into the opened portal and the portal closed. They were wondering how they got to the jungle and the guardian appeared). Guardian: you wanted to know how you got to this jungle.(he said). I saw everything,the reptiles eyes were filled with tears because their wonderful lunch were escaping and they attacked you angrily. You were scared and you couldn't focus on what you were doing, Mike chose the jungle instead of the city because he was sweating and shaking.(Jake,Kyla and Taylor shouted at Mike). You are here already, shouting at one another won't solve anything, all you have to do now is to find the portal at the tree of life. It is the only portal that leads to the city apart from the portal in the cave. And it is a long way, good luck gamers. (The guardian disappeared after speaking and Jake turned to Mike). Jake:you caused this Mike, you should have done it patiently. Well I can't blame you, at least you saved us from those hungry i***t. Mike:I really appreciate it that you understood me. I was scared and even if I die, I won't be eaten by those hungry reptiles. (They all laughed and they began to move. They got to a place where voices were coming out of the trees). Kyla:I am having a bad feeling about this place, what do you think about this place?(she asked). This strange voices and the unseen touch.(she asked when she was scared). Jake:we have to prepare for anything, anytime and any moment. Mike:I can really sense that I took you guys from the frying pan directly to the fire. (sharp objects started coming out and no one knows where the sharp objects were coming from. The dragons were seriously injured but they managed to save Mike,Jake,Kyla and Taylor. After some minutes,some animals that are as small as squirrels were coming out of the tree. Some came out from a tree where they were hiding. The animals look weird and they have never been seen by any man. They have a small wood that has a hole. They blew the share object at them). Mike:oh!my God, we are at the wrong place, our dragons are seriously injured by these things. Okay gamers let's show them what we got. Jake:Yeah,the only thing we can do right now is to fight back. (They transformed to their new ultimate rainbow suit with every weapons and they are prepared to fight back). Taylor: how can we kill these things ?( She asked),they look small but I don't think we can kill them,they are too much. Kyla:I don't know if you guys might need this idea , but you running away from our fear can make us go to the wrong direction again. We have to use the dragon ice breath to freeze the whole jungle together with these things and we will fight the ones that are not frozen. Taylor:I think Kyla is right, it has only been a week since I got to this world And i wish to see more adventure. We can't stay to fight everyone of them. They are too much and the dragons are weak. Jake:okay if you say so, we have to freeze this forest and we will find our way out of here.(he commanded the dragons and they did as they were told. They froze the jungle but some of the animals were not frozen). Mike: that's really great, let's end things now. (They started fighting the animals and they managed to kill some of them. They noticed that those animals were too much for them to fight, so they broke their promise that they will always stay to fight and they ran for their life. Their dragons decreased their size to the size of a toy and they jumped to their owners backpack. Mike,Jake,Kyla and Taylor got to a place where there are no trees. The things has stopped following them so they sat down to rest). Jake:those things are pure bastard, they almost got us. I can't believe that you guys can run this fast, none of you wants to die. Mike:what do you mean man?(he asked). Dying is not that easy, who wants to die.( He laughed). Kyla:(she opened the map)forget about dying for now,I can't find where we are on the map;I can only see from ; from the jungle to the tree of life and that is the second portal but here on the map between the two. Jake:so what does that mean?(he asked). Does it mean that we are in an illusion realm or what. If no where exists between the jungle and the tree of life. So how are going to get there?(he asked). Taylor:(she answered Jake's question). As far as we can remember,the dangerous places are not always on the map. So there are more dangers ahead. (Mike began to panic,but he was calmed by Jake. They began to move and they walked for seven hours. It was getting late so they had to pass the night where they are. They slept off while discuss and when it was morning, Mike and Jake went to hunt in the jungle so that they can all have breakfast. Before the return of Jake and Mike, the guardian appeared to Kyla and Taylor and he gave them a lot of foods. They stored all other foods in a magic cube that the guardian gave them, he told that the cube will provide any food they want. Unfortunately for Jake and Mike, they were unable to find a single animal but Kyla and Taylor ate till they were full. Jake and Mike sat down to rest under a tree but some baboons came out and they were throwing stones at them. Jake and Mike ran to where Kyla and Taylor were sitting and they told to run, the baboons were still chasing them with stones and rocks). Jake:(speaking while running) what is wrong with this animals?(he asked) this baboons are going to kill us with stones. We were unable to kill a single animal and we are seriously hungry. And we know you guys must be hungry too. Kyla:(she chuckled). The guardian gave us a magic cube that can provide all the food we wanted. We are full already, how did these things were able to find you guys.(she was speaking while running too and they all jumped over a tree that fell). Mike:oh!lucky you, they saw us resting and they began to fire stones at us. Well Where is the cube?(he asked while running too). Taylor:I have it in my bag pack, but guys! Where is Leo,Joe,Riele and Freya (she asked). Jake:you know, they can now change size, so they are in my bag pack.( He answered Taylor and Mike, Kyla and Taylor were surprise). (They were still running and they were scared when they saw a giant baboon with tooth. It has a remote in it hand which controls other baboon. The baboon s came down from the tree and there are cables all over them, if any of them refuses to listen to the giant baboon, it will activate the electric charge in the cables with the remote in it hand and all the baboons will be punished for the disobedience of other baboons). Jake:what on Earth is this, it is two times taller than me. I think it controls the baboons with the remote in it hand. (The giant baboon spoke and Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor were surprise to see that the baboon can speak like a man. It commanded the baboons to kill them but they refused and it activated the electric. Tears rolled down the baboons cheek and this provoked Jake,Mike,Kyla Taylor . They transformed and they attacked the giant baboon and with the help of the dragons, they were able to defeat the baboon. Jake brought out the man in the baboon's costume. The giant baboon was a robot controlled by the person in it, Jake brought him out and they punched him several times. Red blood came out of his nose and this gave Jake,Mike,Kyla and Taylor the proof that the man is from the human world just like them). Mike:(he was surprised) you are from the normal human world. (He faced the man). Taylor: How did you know that ? (She asked Mike). Are you a genius or what ?(he asked Mike). Jake:No,he is not a genius. The thing is that, only people from the normal world has the red blood. People from the game world has the green blood. Taylor:Green blood?(she wondered). Kyla:yeah, their animals has a red blood in their vein but the humans has the green blood.(she faced the man). Gentle man, how did you get here. The man:I am Travis Hayes, the creator of the latest Halloween game in California, USA. I finished the game and it has to be tested because it is a weapon that the president wants to use to decrease the population. We have to check if the game can really trap people in a different dimension.So the scientist built the giant baboon costume for me. It can go into the game world and it can return the person wearing the costume to the normal human world again if the game is still and powered on. The President hired new game makers that can duplicate my work and he switched off the game while I was still in it,so I am trapped for life.He doesn't want me to expose the secret. Jake:You did all this because of money right?(he asked) Trapping and killing millions of people in that plays the game.You are heartless. The man:I am really sorry,I don't wish to do this but...(He brought out a knife and he rushed to stab Jake but he was shot by Taylor.It is blood splashed on Jake's face). Jake: Thanks Taylor.....That i***t almost stab me .Well,he paid for what the man is still breathing. They shouted and the guardian appeared coming out of his UFO). Guardian: Thank you gamers, you have saved this place again. I have a gift for you (he brought out another magic cube).(He continues)This cube is not like the foods cube but it can provide a shield that can protect you from any danger till you are able to think properly.(He gave the cube to Jake and he moves close to moves close to Travis,he healed his wound) I am taking him to the game prison,he must pay for what he did and luckily for him he is going to meet different types of gangsters just like him.(He smiled and he disappeared with the man). Taylor:Wow!he is too friendly.He does not become like a guardian. (They all laughed and they moved close to the baboons. They disconnected all the cables that are connected to their skins.They played with the baboons and when it was evening time, they slept where they fought the man.The baboons were happy and they could not sleep because they are finally free after four months. When it was morning,Jake noticed that they were standing on a trap. Kyla moved and a giant metal net captured them and they were tied to a big tree,an unknown person sprayed smoke at them and they were all unconscious. They were taken to a place filled with bamboo and the kwele tribe "The kwele tribe live on the northern frontier of the replubic of Congo ad and have produced a famous type of mask called Ekuk. It displays a flat surface and often has a whitened heart-shaped face, a triangular nose and coffee bear eyes.The kwele tribe lives in the bush forest"were standing in front of them with spears in their hands.One of them raised Jake's head with his hand. Jake opened his eyes and he saw that they were all tied to a tree,he saw one of the kwele tribe and he screamed and his friends opened their eyes). Mike:(He was scared and he stammered)who are you people and why are you here. Release us,(he tried to loose the rope). Kojo:"Kojo is the leader of the kwele tribe"I am Kojo, you have just a minute to explain who you are before my people use you as lunch. You sleep too much just because of a smoke spray, you slept for four hours. Taylor: please don't kill us,we are good guys (she tried to convince the leader of the kwele tribe). Jake:Oh!Kojo. i am Jake,this is Kyla(He pointed at Kyla, Taylor and Mike), Taylor and Mike. We really want to make friends with a special tribe and that's why we are in this forest.I am glad we are able to find you. Kojo: You spoke like a reasonable person and I am highly impressed. Release him and release no one else.(He commanded his guards and they released Jake). Jake: What of my friends, won't they be released (He asked). Kojo:I won't release them, especially this girl(he pointed at Kyla)she is too beautiful,I will be taking her with the other one (He pointed at Taylor too). Mike:You dare not touch them,if you try it I will kill you.
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