Chapter Three: Geyser

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Elyes The images of the she-wolf were swirling inside my head. From the pale purple hair to her incredible hazel eyes and killer body. When she changed into her human form and I could finally see her I almost fainted. She was stunning with a tanned skin glowing even in the dark as the sweat, blood and dirt was covering the perfect flawless skin. Her body was muscular and it was obvious she was working out quite often. She had small breast that could fit my hand nicely and round arse I wanted to squeeze so bad. Flat stomach with a outline of abbs, strong thights and arms. I could be looking at her forever, the only thing bothering me and making me want to burn the ground was the other people who also saw her. I wanted to kill all of them who dared to look at her. She was just mine to look at! I jumped from the bed scared by the thought. What the hell? She couldn´t be mine. She was a werewolf and I hated them. But then why was I hard as brick just thinking about her? I glanced down seeing my c**k stadning for attention. I was covered just by a thin sheet of satin cover sweating like crazy as my mind was unable to think about something else, but the girl. The stunning she-wolf. My hand moved down to grab my hard on and I hissed in pleasure. I hadn´t had s*x for long time now, always on the move tracing and hunting for the hybirds, making sure the rogues were under control. But they were dead now, so I could finally have some me time. I should had been disgusted by the she-wolf, but quite on the contrary. Just a mare thought of her was making me want burst like a f*****g geyser. I shook my head annyoed with my own unknown feelings. I wanted to beat the images out of my head and the emotions out of my heart. I was not emotional type, I usually didn´t feel anything, so why did I when it come to her? What did she do to me? She didn´t even speak. She just looked into my eyes and I felt like all the air was knocked out of my lungs and my heart was pounding quicker, the blood was rushing through my body and down to my c**k. I wanted to have her. It was a devious thought, but I couldn´t help it. I needed to focus today. It was an important day. We would be testing the boy abilities. But first things first. I needed to take care about the raging hard on I was spotting. I rolled off the bed and went to the small adjusted bathroom opening the shower and waiting for the water to heat up slightly. Although, I never liked cold showers, I was a pirokinetic and I thrived in hot steaming water running down my body almost burning my skin, but I could not be burned. You could not burn fire. Seeing the red angry head of my c**k I wound not be needing a lot. I had never been so aroused in my life. I was more like a marathon runner. Always needing a lot of excercise to reach the end. But that didn´t seem to be the issue now. Weird. Who the hell was she? I jumped into the shower feeling the boiling water on my skin making me sigh in delight as I glanced down seeing my still hard and erected c**k. The precum was already pooling from the tip as my hand snooped down taking it. My vision filled with image of the unknown she-wolf, her pale purple hair, intense hazel eyes with flecks of gold and green, succulent pink lips and the way how they would taste. Sweet and oh so good, the smoothness of her skin under my hands. I imagined it was her hand that was stroking my c**k as I went faster groan escaping my lips and I had to put my other hand on the wall to support my body. My hips moving in sync with my stocking that was getting hard and faster as the images of the she-wolf filled my mind. Her perky breast, the n*****s hard and pointy in the clod air, the arse round and smooth, the p***y shaved and craving my finger, tongue and in the end filled by my c**k. "Oh f**k!" I breathed heavily as I threw my head back in blissful abandon as the imaging were flowing through my mind making it hard for me to not shout my pleasure out. I wondered how it would feel like to have those lips around my c**k, licking and sucking my head while stroking the rest, playing with my balls as I fvcked her face. I groaned again, this time louder feeling myself getting closer to the edge of fulfilment. I groaned roughly and bit my lips to keep it down as I squeezed the head of my leaking c**k, my hips moving pushing into my hand that was stroking fast as I was nearing the finish line. It felt so damn good! I pictured the naked she-wolf with pale purple hair standing in front of me, her full breasts and pink n*****s erected as I would lick and suck them into my mouth. I saw her on her hands and knees as I was pounding into her from behind pulling those strands of pale purple as she was screaming from pleasure. Yes! f**k yes! I was so close I could see the finish line of the marathon run. My breath was hard and rugged, the imagination was so hot that I was ready to blow, my hand was stoking in brutal speed seeking the relief I desperately needed to get to. My stomach clenched as I felt my organs travel down my spine my entire body shaking with intensity of that feeling. "Shitting hell!" I gasped as I erupted coating the shower wall with my seed again and again, before the water flowing down washed it into the drain. I shuddered from the incredible release still breathing harshly as I came down from my high. My hips were still jerking and I was coming and coming, erupting like a f*****g geyser. I leant my forehead to rest on the shower wall as I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart, the power of my climax hitting me hard. I never felt such an intense climax with just jerking off. Actually, I have never ever felt such an intense climax before. I had f****d my share of women, but never had I ever had such a powerful release. What would it feel like to come inside her? No, I couldn´t. She was a werewolf. She was my mortal enemy. Her people were the reason why I didn´t have a family anymore. Her kind killed them all off! I could feel my fire power raging inside me demanding to be let out, but I was still in the shower and I wasn´t burning my room again. I did it once when my powers were still hard to control, but I wasn´t the same untrained and weak child anymore. It took me a few minutes to catch my breath after the powerful release as I took the bar of soap that was scented like a cinnamon and washed my body and face. The scar on my face was burning this morning reminding me the fight where I got it. Fight with werewolves. I felt rage as my temper was raising. Here I was jerking off like a teenage boy over a sexy she-wolf. Shame. I shook my head and leant for a clean towel drying my body even though I didn´t really need to. The heat of my magic, the fire burning inside me would do it for me. I walked back to my room naked and dry as I took a dark shirt and trousers. I needed to report to my master. It was two days after the attack and the rogues, our pawns were all killed. They didn´t deserve anything less, but still now we didn´t have anyone to do the dirty work for us. What a shame. I opened the door on my room and went outside, the night was calm and silent with everyone sleeping, but I kenw he wasn´t. He never did. The huge mansion was filled with warlocks and witches. All of us were serving our master. The powerful dark warlock. I walked down the imperial staircase and straight through the hall that was lightd up with a few candles floating in the air as the magic filled the air. The equinox brought new power of autumn and we could use the magical essence to streghten our own magic. I reached the end of the long hallway seeing the single door on the left. It was wooden and craved to the perfection lined with gold. I knock and waited to be invited inside. "Enter!" The powerful voice of my master sounded from behind making me lower my head. He was a powerful warlock and not someone to cross. I knew that well. I saw him use his magic multiple times and it never ended up well for the one standing on the other side. "Oh, Lye," he greeted me knowing immediately it was me, "Come on in." I watched him as he sat behind the massive wooden desk with books and papers splattered all over reading some of them. He was a tall and strong man even though he was much older than me with a long platinum blond hair that were now tied in ponytail and intense stormy grey eyes. The eyes that were so cold like the hurricane raging behind them taking everything in its way and not leaving any survivors. He glanced at me shortly and gestured for me to sit on the armchair in front of him. I closed the door behind me with a loud tud and walked to the chair sitting on it and waiting for him to speak first. "Did you bring the boy?" he asked me with his eyes still looking at the books in front of him. "I did master," I answered immediately. "Where is he then?" he asked sound a little annoyed. "He is sleeping," I said calmly. It was still very early in the morning, around four o´clock, but I had never been able to sleep more that three or four hours a night. I just couldn´t. "Sleeping!" he shouted angrily looking at me with those intense eyes and I could swear I saw them flashing. "He is a child, that´s what they do at this hour," I continued to talk calmly even though I was brewing on the inside. "He will be well rested in the morning for the testing, master." I tried to defend my decesion. Truth be told I just wanted the poor boy to enjoy the last moments of the restful sleep, because I knew it was probably the last one for the very long time. I saw his angry expression vanish slightly as he thought over my words. He nodded his head in agreement afterwards and went back to what he was reading before. I was patiently waiting for him to continue looking over the office and noticing something different behind one of the cabinets with books. There was a small, barely noticable outline of a door. I had never seen it before, it seemed like the cabinet was not put in the place properly. I averted my eyes so master didn´t notcie I had seen it. "Right, he needs to be well-rested if he is to withstand what I had prepared for him," he said eventually, malicious smile spread on his lips, the smile I knew all too well during the years I spent with him, "make sure he is ready then in the morning." "Yes, sir." I nodded my head even though every cell in my body was against what he had in mind. I just knew t wouldn´t be anything pleasant and more likely very painful. Especially for a child. He smiled at me with that wicked smile I always found scaring as he looked me right in the eye, "People like him shouldnt be alive!" he exclaimed angrily. "Hybrids," I whispered knowing who he meant already. "Yes," he confirmed, "And we will make sure they won´t."
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