Chapter 2: My Daughter?

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After looking at his wife, who looked normal again, the husband said, "Thanks, Doctor Qin. Thank you for saving my wife's life." "You're welcome. It's what a doctor should do," Qin Haodong said. "Doctor Qin, there is one thing I don't understand. I was having a stomachache, but why did I have a heart attack?" the woman asked. What she asked confused Ma Guoqiang as well. He was wondering how this woman had a heart attack with the symptom of a stomachache. Qin Haodong answered, "Our hearts are connected with our small intestines. Isn't this simple knowledge that every doctor should know?" "You're great, Doctor Qin. So young and so skilled!" The husband turned to look at Ma Guoqiang. "Not like someone else who claimed to be a chief doctor. Bullshit! Let me say it, he is just a quack." The man and the woman thanked Qin Haodong again before leaving the emergency room together. When they left, the room was filled with an awkward atmosphere. Having an intern show him up was a slap in the face, and Ma Guoqiang was flushed with embarrassment. After a moment of silence, he shouted, "Qin Haodong, you just treated a patient as an intern, which is a violation of hospital rules. I'll report this to the director, and you'll be kicked out from our hospital." "Do you really dare to do that?" Qin Haodong looked at Ma Guoqiang with a smile. "I'm just an intern, and it doesn't matter if I'll have to leave Jiangnan Hospital. I can find another hospital to gain an internship. However, as a chief doctor, you misdiagnosed a heart attack as acute gastroenteritis, nearly causing serious harm to your patient. If our director find out, how long do you think you'll remain a chief doctor?" Ma Guoqiang was speechless. If the management of the hospital discovered his misdiagnosis, he would lose his job, and even his teacher, Zhang Tianhe, would not be able to help him. He'd made the threat on impulse and forced himself to calm down. Qin Haodong ignored Ma Guoqiang's hateful glare. He was Emperor Green Wood, and in his eyes, Ma Guoqiang was like an ant. Who would care about the anger of an ant? Ma Guoqiang's expression darkened as he pulled up a chair and sat down. In that moment, he decided to find a way to ruin Qin Haodong's life. The emergency room fell into dead silence. A screech of breaks came from outside. Moments later, five bodyguards in black suits ran through the doors of the emergency room carrying a woman covered in blood. "Help! Where are the doctors? We need help!" The lead bodyguard rushed forward as the other four carried the woman behind him. "What has happened to her?" Ma Guoqiang asked. He could tell these men were not normal people and took them very seriously. The bodyguard didn't seem to hear him. "Hurry, save her! If anything bad happens to my boss, you'll all be dead!" Ma Guoqiang could see "Lin's Group Security Department" on their name tags and froze with fear. Lin's Group was a leading financial group in Jiangnan City, and the chairman of this group was Lin Zhiyuan, which meant that the wounded woman was likely his daughter. The group was rich, powerful, and would donate many medical devices to Jiangnan Hospital every year. Ma Guoqiang said to the nearest nurse, "Take her to ICU and get her an examination. I'll call Zhang Tianhe right now." The hospital was always fast in dealing with patients with special connections. In less than twenty minutes, the examination results were sent to Ma Guoqiang's desk. Reading it, Ma Guoqiang was shocked. The woman was wounded badly. Both legs were broken, along with five ribs, and one of the broken ribs was stuck into her lungs. It was a miracle that she held on for so long. "Are her wounds serious?" the head bodyguard asked worriedly. "Yes, very serious. She needs an operation right now." "Then, what are you waiting for, doctor? Why don't you start operating?" the bodyguard shouted. "Start operating? That's outside of my specialty!" Ma Guoqiang knew very well about his own skills. The woman was wounded so badly that even if Zhang Tianhe himself carried out the operation, he would only have a twenty percent chance of success. Of course, he couldn't tell the bodyguard that. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "The patient's wounds are too serious, and it will be a messy operation. The chance of success with our facilities is quite low, and I suggest that you should transfer her to another hospital." "Transfer to another hospital?" The bodyguard was furious. His is eyes were red as she shouted, "This is the best hospital in the city! Where else can we transfer her to?" "She may have a better chance in the capital," Ma Guoqiang answered, shivering. "Capital? Are you a fool? Don't you know how far that is?" The bodyguard thundered. If he wasn't counting on Ma Guoqiang to save his boss, he would have beaten him on the spot. Ma Guoqiang replied in a hurry, "Relax. I've notified my teacher, and he is on his way. He'll know what to do." What a rotten night! It had just been one bad thing after another. The bodyguard seemed to calm down a little at this, but then the wounded woman began to cough violently and spat out mouthfuls of bloody foam as the monitoring device started making ear-piercing sounds. Qin Haodong had been watching all this silently, and he frowned. The woman's injuries were very serious, and her breathing was fading. If she wasn't treated immediately, she would die. Right then, a woman in a business suit ran in with a small girl in her arms. The girl was wearing a pretty white dress and looked like a princess from a fairy tale. She carried a pink schoolbag on her back. The woman shouted at the leading bodyguard, "Zhang Desheng, why hasn't the boss been treated yet? You've neglected your duty." "Miss An, the boss is wounded too badly, and the good-for-nothing doctors here won't perform an operation. We're waiting for experts to arrive..." "We can't wait! Waiting will kill her!" An Biru thundered. Seeing the woman on the bed, the little girl was puzzled for a moment before crying out, "Mommy, wake up! I need your hugs!" Tang tang had seen many babies on TV who were left alone because their mothers died. Thinking that she might lose her mom, she cried even more sadly. An Biru put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Staring at the crying girl, Qin Haodong narrowed his eyes. He sensed a familiar bloodline from the girl. This feeling was more accurate than DNA. "Is... she my daughter?" Qin Haodong was too excited to speak while looking at Tang tang. "How could this be?" he thought. "How can I have a five-year-old daughter?" The night before he left the earth, Tang Long was frustrated when trying to make his career in the capital. Upset, he went to a bar to drink wine and met Lin Momo, who was upset as well and got drunk for the first time in her life. They spent a romantic night together. At midnight, Lin Momo had woken up and left the hotel in a hurry. When Tang Long realized she was gone, he'd tried to find her outside the hotel, but was taken away by Yimu Zhenren. It had long depressed Tang Long that his first girl was someone he did not know. He never expected that he would find his daughter by chance, from which he finally realized that the wounded woman on the bed was the girl he met in the bar. Realizing this, he turned his gaze away from his daughter and walked to Lin Momo's bed, taking her pulse with his fingers. "Qin Haodong, what are you doing?" Ma Guoqiang shouted in horror. "This woman is dying. Do you dare make more trouble for us? Who will take responsibility if anything bad happens? She is the daughter of the Lin family!" "Doctor Ma, she needs an operation right now, or she will die!" Qin Haodong shouted. Ma Guoqiang was burning with anger. "You're talking nonsense. I know she badly needs an operation, but who will do it for her? You?" Qin Haodong continued, "I'll operate on her. Don't disturb me." It was a matter of life and death of his child's mother, so he wasted no words on Ma Guoqiang and pulled Lin Momo's bed into the operating room. "Stop!" Ma Guoqiang ran over, trying to stop them. Qin Haodong did not have time to explain further and just pushed him out the room. "Bastard..." As Ma Guoqiang rose to his feet, he was struck by an idea and paused. The woman's situation would probably get worse. If she died due to lack of treatment, he would face blame from the director and the Lin family. If she died in Qin Haodong's operation, however, he would not be the one to blame. Ma Guoqiang shouted, "Qin Haodong, you have to take responsibility for whatever happens..." Qin Haodong ignored his words and turned back to shut the door of the room. An Biru was confused by what was happening. She asked, "Who is he? Is he also a doctor of your hospital?"
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