KING ALFRED'S VIKING | A Story of the First English Fleet | By | CHARLES W. WHISTLER-23

2001 Words

So with walled towns and hill forts the corners of Heregar's land were kept; and with sea and marsh and hill the sides were strong, and we thought to find Alfred the king here before us. But he was not; and next day we rode on to Taunton to seek him there, for that was the strongest fortress in that part of the west. And again he was not to be heard of. Then fear for his life began to creep into our minds, and we came back to Cannington sorely downcast. Then Heregar spoke to me very kindly of what he thought I could best do, and it was nothing more or less than that I should leave this land, which seemed to have no hope of honour for me now. "Go rather to Rolf, your countryman," he said. "There is great talk of his doings in Neustria beyond the Channel. It is your kindness only that hold

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