Of Plans and New Staff, Part 2

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"You've had a radio in, it is from  Lord Fujuii, from Japan. It appears he had close ties with your family and wishes for a meeting with the new head  to discuss the future of the relationship."  --- "I shall meet everyone now then, I have much work to do, as I am sure they all have tastes to complete and I won't hold everyone back." Sapphire swept across the room to stand beside Jacques. "Two things. I wish to be thoroughly involved in the house's redecorating. I greatly have many ideas on how we should proceed with that and some things may perhaps be old, they are still important to the family heirloom. Second, as your contractee. Please refrain from making assumptions on my emotions and desires. Ask if you would like, I shall answer you. I do not want you to guess again." "As you say, Mistress. Shall I start now, or after I assume you wish me to go with you?" The sarcasm was thick enough to cut with a knife. Sapphire fired a glare at the demon. So damn snarky.  "I should like Tina to handle my wardrobe. I am in need of new and updated clothes." As she spoke she walked away from Tina and laced her arm in Tina's. Tina saluted. OK, now this was exciting! She gotta do what she does best and shop! Oms, this was amazing! "I will need more than a few riding outfits. They are my favorite to wear, they are great for relaxing. Don't get too many with the large fluffy skirts. While they are very in fashion, they are also very impractical. I will need some for a few parties,I prefer simpler designs. My favorite palette is on the cool side. Blues, violets, greens, blacks, and maroon. While I hate Yellows and I don't like reds. I can handle most spring colors. I'm weary of summer colors. They make my face look pink, my brother's would say I was blushing. That said, I trust you." She smiled at her. Okay, no, calm down, don't show off how much of a dork she is, that's not cool or professional and she had to be both or else she would disappoint Jacques ... his white eyes were currently trained on her, making her feel all flustered and out-of-sorts. Okay, focus. She was saying something uh ... no red, no yellows. "Got it! Will do- er, won't do!" She giggled then, forgetting to act human, disappeared completely, flickering from sight.  Sapphire blinked, the girl just disappeared from her arms. She paused to look around confused. Was the girl a demon or something? She turned to glance back at her manservant behind her.  Jacques sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He'd have to remind the girl to not do that. But that was a concern for another time; for now, his focus remained on Lady Sinclair whom, it seemed, was starting to fall into the role of Master just fine. He bowed deeply again, respecting her wishes; though she certainly didn't make it an order, he was inclined to agree, maliciously, if given the choice. Sapphire recovered from the girl leaving and stared down the hallway as she walked. There was a knawing in her brain, a fact that was unrelenting. "Six days," she mumbled to herself. "What a bother." She sighed and opened the doors. To the dining room where the remaining servants were set to be waiting for her.  __ Inside the drawing room, were two individuals; one tall, dark, and handsome with glasses reflecting light, the other beautiful, silver-haired, and willowy, framed against the window overlooking the grounds. As the door opened, both of them turned to look at her. Takashi Madarame, Sakaya Kuchiki. Sapphire quickly recalled the information from her mind. The former was quicker to respond, crossing over to her and, with an arm crossed over his chest, gave a short bow. With slightly accented French, he spoke. "Pleasure to meet you. I am Doctor Takashi Madarame, here to serve you in whichever capacity I can." Sapphire looked him over and was struck by how handsome he was. He had very exotic features that she wasn't familiar with. He appeared to be of asian descendancy. He had thick soft looking dark chocolate hair and pale olive toned skin. His eyes were the same shade of brown as his hair and in the darkened room he looked almost gothic. His outfit was almost as fancy as Jacques's.  "It is very good to meet you too, we have never had a doctor at this estate before." Next to him, the lady bowed as well, her incandescent hair glistening. She tore her blue eyes away from the handsome doctor to the woman as she bowed and announced herself. If only to be polite.  "I am Sakaya Kuchiki. I suppose I'm to act as your tutor. It ought to be interesting, I've never taught a future queen before." She was quite a beautiful woman. She had a massively large blossom that seemed to be a danger. How did she not throw out her spine? Being balanced must be a challenge with all that hanging off her frontside.  "A tutor? I see. You must be intelligent then." Silence, and then; "Yes, m'lady. We must also discuss your future."   "Yes, Jacques. It seems we do." Sapphire sighed loudly as she looked down at the empty table. It seemed that there was no breakfast awaiting there. Why was the world so cruel?  The girls stomach then made a loud complaint, it seemed to be crying out just a smuch as she mentally wished to. Grinning a bit sheepishly she looked back at her demon servant.  "Can I eat before you tell me what plans you've made for me? I am starving. I'm also getting a headache." She looked at her new staff.  "Yes, mistress." came the man's deep and monotonous repsonse.  "I look forward to our future meeting, Mr. Madarame and Mrs. Kuchiki. I shouldn't be long. Ah and Mrs. Kuchiki, I am guessing we start classes this week, Let me finish my initial workload. I should be done with that either tonight or tomorrow. Then I will be your dedicated student." She then turned to Jacques. Stepping to the door that connected the kitchen to the dining room. Either Jacques was giving her breakfast or she was gonna make it herself. He followed her, holding the door open to the kitchen. "As you well know," Jacques began, talking while preparing food for her, his knife flashing as he cut vegetables for the omelette he was preparing. Sapphire looked up at the man. It seemed he was going to tell her his plans while he cooked.   "The French monarchy was overthrown forty years ago and a republic put in it's place. Most of the surviving nobles and royals have fled the country for fear of retribution, save the Sinclair family, which is something I commend them for greatly." Eggs were cracked, the shells tossed in an arc into the trash can. "However, this union is still fresh and new, and can easily be disrupted. If someone of royal blood, such as you, my mistress, steps up, with my help they could rule this country with little opposition." As he cooked she looked on at him and his fast hands. It's not that she thought she couldn't do what he wanted. It was simply a lot more than she bargained for. She had wanted her family restored. He seemed to want it risen to maximum power. She merely thought he had too high of hopes for her. However… she would do her best for him. He was her best and only friend after all. She could… Try to overthrow the republic and trick the people back into a monarchy if he really wanted it of her?  The omellete was slid onto a plate and placed in front of her. Though to him she was just an egg in this omelet.  “Do you think eggs hope to be good tasting? Or a pet pig? Grown to feed its owner one day. Do you think it hopes that it will be a good meal for its master?” Quickly she scarfed down half the food. Then paused to look up at Jacques as he spoke. Her eyes sparkled nicely in the kitchen's sunlight.  "My. What dark talk today." He poured her a cup of tea to finish off her eggs. "Perhaps my answer is best left for a day when such thoughts are to be entertained. Yes, m'lady? I would hate to spoil such a lovely afternoon." “Would you be happy if were to become queen? I did not ask for that. Merely to have my family restored and to survive beyond me when I am finally consumed. But, I wish for this to be good for you too, Jacques Beinheim. So… if becoming queen of France is what you need from me to be worthy, then I shall oblige and do my very best to become the new Monarch.” She said.  He didn't respond. Her words seemed to hang in the air awkwardly. She looked down and took another bite of food.  “Anyways." she started breaking the awkward.  "Our contract is mutual. I get what I want and you as well. I will do my best to be a queen. You must take me there though. As well as my family must be sufficiently able to continue past my permanent demise.” She then pushed away from the table.  She left the dishes on the table for the new maids.  "So that was the discussion no? I will get to work on my tasks for today then. I should like to speak with the doctor once again today but I need to get to work." He accompanied her to her study and stood over her, waiting, casually just being there, as she wanted.
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