Book 2 Chapter 3

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Eden's POV : His eyes held mine for a few seconds before glancing at my siblings , for a second I saw a flicker of surprise before his cold gaze took over once more . His steps were confident and dangerous as he approached my brothers . His men all walking in tune with him , as though they'd rehearsed it multiple times before . "We meet again ." "Unfortunately." Thane growled . " Couldn't get a woman on your own so you had to let the prosecutor force a bride to marry you , right ?" Hunter looked unbothered by his comment . "Says the one who doesn't have a say on his own life , has to follow the rules every single day like a lost puppy ." I stiffened at his words , how easily he spoke such bitter things , did he not know how difficult it was for us to have to follow everything the council ordered us too , how much it scarred my entire family . Of course he knew , he was just as heartless as everyone said he were . A new familiar figure caught our attention and we all looked up in the direction of the castle's entrance . As expected the prosecutor was already outside to welcome his guests , the tension in the air only seemed to increase at his presence . "HUNTER!" The prosecutor greeted him with open arms . "We've been preparing for you ." Hunter's eyes grazed past my sister before turning to me . His eyes took me in for a few seconds before he walked past me without a single word , almost as if I were dismissed . I could already foresee how I would be treated by him after the marriage , he would no doubt treat me like an object and use me in whatever ways he pleased . A chill travelled down my spine at that thought . I watched as he gave a small nod at the prosecutor , unlike us he didn't have to bow to him ... Since he wasn't bound to the council like we were , he didn't have to follow their rules . In fact , it almost seemed like the council followed what he said , for his alliance was important to them . "Eden. " The prosecutor called turning his cold gaze on me . " Follow us , let's have a proper introduction between the both of you ." I swallowed my fear and frustration and followed after him without a fuss , from the look he gave me it would seem that he wasn't pleased at all with the way we had greeted Hunter . I could feel the presence of Hunter's men right behind me , they gave off a dangerous aura just like him making it even more uncomfortable for me . The prosecutor guided us to one of the rooms that was only used for important guests , Hunter didn't seem impressed so he must have been used to that sort of treatment . "Hunter ." The prosecutor started motioning for me to stand opposite the heartless monster . " This is Eden , your bride . We give her to you untouched by a single male and with the teachings instilled in her on how to please you . From the day that she's bonded to you in marriage , she will cut all ties with us and completely belong to you and you alone ." Hunter nodded without so much as a smile , in fact his face was wiped off any emotion . " I presume there is to be no interruption from any outsiders … such as her mate ." I froze at his words , had he heard of the incident with James already ? The tension in the air only seemed to worsen at his mention of my mate , even the prosecutor seemed troubled . "As you can see ." The prosecutor said gripping my neck and pushing my hair out of the way to show off my tattoo . " We placed this exactly over the area her mate's mark is supposed to be symbolizing that he has no claim to her , if he even tries to do so the punishment is death for both of them ." Hunter nodded , pleased at his response . " Good ." "Well now that it's all settled , let's all prepare for the engagement ceremony ." I stood there in silence , my heart still racing at the conversation that just took place while they went on with the discussion as though I wasn't even in the room , as though they didn't just discuss killing my mate and I if he ever tried to claim me . Monsters … they were all monsters . ………………………………….. James's POV: "Was it really wise to come here without our pack members ?" Lucas drawled lazily , breaking the silence amongst us . " We went through this already , if we came here with the entire pack it would look like a threat to the council , we aren't coming here for a fight … at least not right now ." Austin answered . " Though I would have felt a lot more better if Lucy hadn't disobeyed my orders and come with us ." "Not this again , I told you as long as it involves my family I'm coming ."Lucy snapped , her pregnancy hormones acting up again . "Yes I understand that but you're pregnant , this isn't the place for you ." Austin growled . "Ah guys , how about we keep the arguments at home for now … we're already here ." Lucas cut in . I followed his gaze and found Lucy's brothers at the gate's entrance to welcome us . The castle was packed , creatures of all kinds flowing in for the engagement … the engagement of my own mate to a f*****g monster . "You guys really came ." Marcus said with a chuckle . " We could do with some excitement around here ." I watched as they took Lucy in their arms . " Always a pleasure to see you sis ." The brothers turned to me . " Thanks for coming but we must warn you to not cause a scene today , it would only end in a lot of deaths from both sides … control your emotions for now ." I nodded , understanding the gravity of the situation , however I wasn't sure if I would be able to control my emotions , not after my last reaction to Eden . ……………………………………. EDEN'S POV: I was in the middle of greeting guests when my body froze , heat traveling from my head to my toes . He was here , my mate was here ... I felt him . No , he couldn't have possibly come here . It wasn't safe , not after our last encounter . My eyes travelled to the doorway as they settled on Lucy , my sister . If she was here , then he had to be as well . I continued to watch as I noticed her mate Austin right behind her . I tried to look behind him for there were two figures hidden behind . I gasped , Austin had moved and my eyes came into contact with James . He was even more gorgeous now that he wasn't bleeding and chained to the ground . Almost as if he felt my presence , his eyes started searching the crowds until they fell on me , and then they stayed there . I couldn't move , couldn't breathe , the power of his eyes alone kept me completely glued to the ground . I felt the heat spread as my belly did little flip flops , his eyes narrowed almost as if he sensed what he did to my body. God . What was I going to do ?
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