Book 2 Chapter 10

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~EDEN~ My very first kiss. It should have never been like this. I should have never let James kiss me. Now, I was scarred for life. I would never be contented with another man's lips on mine after this. My mate had ruined that for me. My body only wanted him, I was positive no one else would ever make me feel this way. I melted against his strong hold as I felt my body combust into flames. His mouth was gentle despite his rough grip on my waist. I expected his kiss to be a lot rougher than this but it was nothing like that. James kissed me soft and slow, almost as though he was savoring the taste of me. He gave a small satisfied sound in the back of his throat and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me want him more. He demanded entrance into my mouth and I let him have his way. His tongue plunged in and tangled with my own. James tasted me like he'd never tasted any woman like me before. He was taking all that I could offer and more. He glided his hands up my waist and lightly grazed my breasts. I shivered at the intensity of it. A soft moan escaped my mouth before I could stop myself. James suddenly broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine, "please, don't shiver in my arms while you make those sweet moans. It makes me want to f**k you against this wall." I gasped as I felt the immediate rush between my legs. James eyes snapped to mine as his nostrils flared. The dark heated look in his gaze only dampened my panties further. We were both breathing hard now, both of us staring at each other. James looked as though he was having an inner battle within himself. There was a low whistle away from us and my cheeks grew red when I saw Lucas a little distance away. "I should have brought the popcorn." James pushed away from me and stormed towards his brother. "Come with me." He snarled as Lucas winked at me. I watched them both go before I fell back against the wall. I couldn't believe that just happened. I placed my hand over my heart, it was still racing. I was surprised it hadn't jumped straight out of my chest yet. . . . . . . . . . . . ~JAMES~ "Austin isn't going to be happy about this," Lucas said with a smirk. "I could already see the look on his face." I scowled at my brother. "Austin isn't going to find out." He tapped my shoulder, "don't worry big brother, I have your back." I shook my head at him as he pretended to zip his mouth with his hand before he walked back out onto the deck. I took a moment to lean back against the wall and gave my body a chance to recover from all of the feelings swirling through it. I could still taste Eden in my mouth. Her scent was all over my body and I loved every bit of it. I wanted to wake up every morning with her scent on me. I was so screwed. I thought just one taste would help drench the hunger inside of me but I was so damn wrong. Now that I've tasted Eden, I didn't know how to stop wanting her. I wanted her more than ever. More than I've ever wanted anything or anyone in my life. I've always been one to control my emotions. Everyone knew how calm I could be in the most difficult situations. But with Eden, that was simply impossible. The woman controlled the switch to my emotions. Whatever she did affected me greatly. I was sure of one thing, I was not about to let Eden go. Not now, not ever. It was about time that everyone else understood that. After Clara called for me today, I stayed back at the pack house discussing the first plan with my pack. We'd come to the conclusion that we would join forces with other allied packs, in return we would offer our support to anyone that needed it. I would challenge the council when I thought I'd have enough on my side to give them a good enough fight and come out alive. I didn't mention anything to Austin. Lucas was the only one that knew. When the time came closer, then I would let my brother know of my plan. I didn't want him to crush my plans before I even started it properly. It would be better if he found out later when everything was already set. When I walked out into the deck, everyone looked up at me as if they already knew something had happened. Shit. Eden's scent would be all over my body. Lucy glanced at Austin before she resumed her conversation with Isabella and Lucas. "I see you didn't listen to a word I'd just said." Austin said, using a tone my father usually used on me when he wasn't happy about my decisions. "Would you leave Lucy alone if she was in a house with you and you knew that it could be the last few house you'll ever have with her before she marries an asshole?" His shoulders tensed but he didn't respond. "I thought so." I grabbed my glass from the table and stormed out the deck without another word. My body was still desperate for my mate. After just one kiss, I needed more. I felt like I would go insane if I didn't have more of her. Tonight. . . When everyone was asleep, Eden will be mine. ******* A/N: Hi my beautiful readers, first of all thank you so so much for all of the support you've shown to me in the last chapter. It really did help me so much. So as you know I had the procedure to get done. Basically, when I went to visit the doctor, he explained how everything will go and that the procedure was a very unpleasant one and they would have to sedate me. I'm the kind of person who gets scared for EVERYTHING, so as you can imagine, I was terrified. I've never been sedated before so that alone was scary for me. The nurses had to hold my hand because of how frightened I was. They did sedate me but I didn't fall asleep, I just felt calm. Then, something apparently went wrong with the machine, the doctor said the bulb wasn't working and they wouldn't be able to see inside of me without it. So basically, we had to reschedule. They gave me some medicine and it made me feel worse over the past few days, that's the reason why I haven't been posting anything. I was just crying whole day, I stopped the meds and I feel a little better now. My parents also sat down and told me to get up and fight, the crying would only make it worse. So I'm trying to stay positive, it's up to me when I want to get the procedure done now that it has been rescheduled but after everything I honestly need to mentally prepare myself before I decide to go back there. This was just an update because I don't want to leave you all worried about. I know all of you are so amazing and I'm so grateful for every single one of you. Believe it or not, your support helps me so much more than you may know. Thank you so much and I'll try my best to keep up with the daily updates as I promised starting from tomorrow. I know God is good, so I'll keep on fighting and thanking him for blessing me with such great readers! Lots of love, Laura.
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