Tessa - Fairytales and Cliches

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    Ugg, I thought as I watched the PBS walk in. PBS was short for princess b***h squad. They were something of a cross between Disney princesses and high school cheerleaders. First was Snow, and yes, she could pass as the first Disney princess Snow White; raven black hair, pale skin, and red lips, though I wasn't too sure if her lips were naturally that red or if it was make-up/tattooing. Next was Ella, blonde hair and blue eyes. Next to her was Belle, no introduction needed. On Snow's other side was Rory; she had a thing for spinning wheels and spindles. The last to enter the classroom was Jasmine, also no introduction needed. Although they looked like and were named after the famous Disney princesses, their attitudes were closer to your typical high school cheerleading squad, superficial, shallow, and absolute bitches. and each one of them had the cliché-esque backstory. Evil stepmothers, orphans, spoiled, abusive and dysfunctional family. You name it, the PBS squad had it. And it was my luck to share four of my classes with them. Not to mention that they were all short, like 5'5 or shorter with Snow being 4'11. They were also your classic damsel-in-distress/waiting for prince charming, even if they did have their mates already.     Just behind the PBS was the DS, or d**k squad as I called them. They were all mates to the PBS; they were also the classic high school jocks/assholes/bullies. They got off on bullying those weaker than them. Everyday, I found at least one student locked in their lockers because of these jerks. They never tried bullying me, at least not any more, and at least not physically. They knew better. I had broken Snow's arm once when she tried to sucker punch me. I put two other girls in the hospital when they tried to jump me. Being werewolves, of course, they were only gone for a day, but after that, every one learned not to touch me. I heard their whispers and felt their stares, but those things didn't bother me. They knew not to touch me. A small sigh escaped my lips.     "What do you think you're looking at freak?" Dash Parker, head quarterback, asshole, and Snow's mate asked as he kicked my desk chair nearly toppling me out of my seat. The whole room erupted in laughter. I knew what they were thinking, the freak is about get her ass kicked. But they were wrong, dead wrong.     Cold fury swept through me. The laughter died down in nervousness. Dash looked pale and began to sweat. "I will look at whatever the hell I want Dash. Or do I need to break it again to remind you of your place?" I responded while my eyes swept down to his crotch.      The whole room went still. Classic could hear a pin drop moment. After everyone registered what I said, every single guy in the room, except one, cupped their hands to their crotches and groaned in sympathetic pain. Dash backpedaled and then toppled over the desk that was behind him. I smirked. So much for big scary werewolf. Even if he was an Alpha, well soon to be Alpha as the pack had not officially been passed to him, I could and have kicked his ass. One rule...I had one rule. Do not touch me. You break the rules, then you get broken. That was the rule. Everyone knew that. Apparently Dash had forgotten. I advanced on Dash while he continued to back away. His back hit the wall. I had him cornered. None of his friends were coming to his rescue, and he knew it. His eyes got wider if that was even possible.     I crouched down so that I was looking directly into his eyes. "What is my only rule, Dash?" I asked as though I was dealing with a kindergartner.     "D...d...do...nn...not...tttouch," he stammered while also trying to somehow magically teleport through the wall.      "And why did you think it would be a good idea to break that rule, Dash?" I continued.     "I...I...I forgot. It won't happen again," he answered, pleading in his eyes.     Another sigh. I wouldn't break him. This time. Fear was my ally. His whole pack, the Big Thicket Pack, feared me. At least, that's what I heard in the rumors. He wouldn't loose the respect of his pack because of me. I smiled inwardly. I was allowed to stay because they feared me. For a little while longer, I was safe. Unwanted, but safe. I stood up, and turned back to my desk. I locked eyes with a new guy. He must be the new student, I thought as I went back to my seat. He was the only one smiling, like he found this whole situation amusing. He must not be part of this pack then. He'll figure it out. They all do, eventually, and then he, like everyone else, would not be amused. He would be terrified and run away. But, oh my, he was definitely eye candy. Judging from the way he was scrunched up in the seat, I would bet he was easily over 6 feet tall. I could tell he worked out, like a lot. His arm was solid muscle. He had black hair, and the most unusual storm gray eyes. I could drown in his eyes.     "Mr. Parker, is there a problem?" the instructor asked as he walked in. Even the instructor knew that if Dash was on the floor, then Dash was guilty of something. Dash only shook his head and quickly found his seat. I took that as my cue to break eye contact with the new guy. I sat down, and there was a faint smell of chocolate and leather. I had never smelled that before; the combination was heavenly. Distractedly, I took out two notebooks. One was my actual notebook, and the other was my drawing pad. As the teacher began the days lessons, I took notes in my left hand and began drawing with my right hand.      'Hey, Cat, do you know what this smell is? It's leather and chocolate and, goddess, it smells wonderful," I asked my wolf, Catarina.     'Tessa, I think...I think it's our mate,' she replied hesitantly.     'You don't know?' I had never heard Cat be so uncertain. Normally, she was arrogance personified.     'You're not eighteen yet, Tessa. I think that's why. Yes, we've shifted, but we're not mature,' she sounded so broken.     I imagined myself giving her a hug as I wrapped my mental arms around her. Her tail started wagging. 'It's ok, Cat. I'll be 18 in January; that's only a couple of months away. We'll know for sure then. If he is, maybe he won't be like everyone else here.' Cat agreed and then licked my mental self. I small giggle escaped my lips. I loved that wolf so much.     The dismissal bell rang, and as usual, I was one of the last ones out of the class. I reflected again about how my life was a fairytale cliché hell. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice that the new guy stayed behind.
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