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This is the third book in the Brotherhood Series, it Started with Book 1: Alpha's Redemption (Emma and Joshua) and Book 2: Alpha's Decision (Harper and Leo). I suggest you read the first 2 books first as this one will make more sense then, but Wolf is such a stand alone character that I am almost sure you will enjoy this book no matter what. Wolf has survived being kidnapped at a young age and trained as a killer. Because of his size and wild looks, he was always and outcast, that is until the brotherhood, finally he is accepted and part of a family, but he is still missing a part of him, he does not now where he is from or who his true family is. He goes on a journey of self discovery and finds himself married and extremely attracted to his wife, Riley, who he really wants to hate. Riley born without a wolf in a werewolf world, she has always been on the outs all her life, struggling for acceptance. Now she finds herself in a forced marriage, to a man who is more wolf than man. He also has a score to settle with some very dangerous beings. Journey with Wolf as he stumbles his way through many adventures. Thank you for everyone's support I really appreciate it The Beginning Unknown POV: I stood looking out of my window, and watched as she arrived. I was not looking forward to this meeting. I watched her closely as her driver opened the door for her and her thin lanky body, stepped out of the Rolls-Royce. I walked down to meet her. As I got closer, she whipped up her head. Her eyes felt like they were burning a hole in my scull. I immediately plastered a fake smile on my face. “Good afternoon…” before I could finish, she interrupted me. “You keep disappointing me, Frederick.” I took her hand within mine and folded it to my side. “I apologise, Aunt, it will not happen again.” “Make sure that it does not. We can’t afford anymore interruptions, and these wolves are becoming a nuisance. What news have you of the wolves?” “The packs back in North America seem content for the moment, but a small group is travelling here, by all accounts, the big one is travelling to Scotland, but with this particular fucker, you never know.” She clicked her tongue at me. “Language please, Frederick.” “Of course, Aunt” She stopped and then looked at me. “I want him taken care of, quickly” she started walking again and then stopped. “First try to discover what he knows, also our alliances with the Scottish packs are strong. See what you can do, Frederick, we need these wolves under control before we summon him.” “As you wish, Aunt.” I bowed my head towards her and then walked back into the castle. Soon I will be rid of her as well. I wanted, needed the power. Dax’s POV: I woke up feeling disorientated and with a huge headache. I could hear Wolf shouting in the background, and I tried to open my eyes to see why or to just shut him up. “That’s all you got fuckers” he was laughing loudly, which was a little confusing for me. I tried opening my eyes, but they were too heavy, so I shut them tight. I tried orientating, trying to remember where I was, I tried to retrace my steps but there was nothing, no memory. All I knew was that I was with Wolf, and that was only because I could hear him. I tried to open my eyes again, but I could only manage to open one eye. When I could finally focus, the scene in front of me was a little shocking. Three men stood over a chained-up Wolf taking turns beating the s**t out of him. The shocking part was that he looked like he was enjoying it, which only pissed these guys off more. One of the men was screaming at Wolf “Why are you here?” Wolf looked at him. “Speak English please.” “f*****g arrogant dog, we are!” He stared back at them laughing. “Doesn’t sound like it”. He kept laughing and taunting them. I could see the frustration lines edged on the men’s faces, and I knew only one man that could bring anyone to that level of anger, and they were currently dealing with that man. I actually felt sorry for them. We had travelled together now for a week and the guy had continuously done his best to piss me off. Only Star seemed to enjoy his antics. I could see the men growing tired and one of them had most definitely broken his hand on Wolf’s jaw. Wolf sat there like an excited child waiting for a big present. “Maybe you could send for your mothers. I’m sure they put up a better display of manliness” he laughed while he said that. The one guy kicked him, but Wolf just kept laughing. One of the guys turned to him and whispered under his breath “f*****g bastard”. He turned to his compatriots, “I need a break, let’s just come back later.” The three of them left, with Wolf still shouting taunts behind them. “Come back, please, my jaw needs another workout.” I heard the door lock and then opened my other eye. “Seems like you made some more friends.” He looked at me and then back at the door. “I think they really like me; I can tell these things you know.” I tried to sit up. “I’m sure. Where the f**k are we?” I heard him start to pull on the chains trying to free himself. “I woke up an hour before you, so I don’t know that much. I do know that we are on some kind of boat. My guess is, that it is a fishing boat, because the smell of fish is f*****g overpowering.” “Do you know where Star is?” “I heard them talking, she is somewhere on the boat. I know she hasn’t woken up yet, so they haven’t been able to question her” “Do you know what pack they are from?” “NO, but they were expecting us. They must have given us all something at that f*****g pub in London.” Wolf was still pulling on the chains, looking for a way to escape. I sat up when I felt a sudden sharp pain in my head. I made a sound and Wolf turned to me. “What’s wrong?” “Some pain in my head. We need a way to get out of here quickly!” “Really, and here I was thinking we could maybe become fishermen, living at sea.” I had gotten used to Wolf’s sense of humour, but right now, it was f*****g annoying. “Any ideas?” “Well, seeing as we are both chained to the boat, I can honestly only think of one way.” He wouldn’t, would he? “No, don’t do it, please.” He got up and smiled at me. “To late Daxie, I am already committed.” “We don’t even know how far from land we are, you could rip out half of the hull.” “Hope you’re a good swimmer.” “f**k”. Wolf started pulling hard at the chains, trying to rip a hole in the boat. We would still have the problem of the chains, but we would be able to move, find Star and then get off the boat. I quickly did the same. As soon as these guys realise what we are doing, they will be back with whatever they gave us before. A piece of the boat came flying towards me, and I knew that Wolf had managed to loosen one of his chains. He quickly loosened the other one as well and then came over to help me. I heard the lock, and I knew the men were on their way in. Wolf ripped out my chain and then focussed on the four guys coming in. They ran into the room with clubs, but as soon as they saw Wolf was free, they automatically started slowly retreating. Wolf laughed and started toward them. He laughed loudly as he smacked the first two to the ground. The other two started toward the door. He grabbed them from behind and pulled them toward him. “No please don’t go yet, we were just getting to know each other.” He knocked their heads together and both dropped to the ground. I finally managed to free myself, so I fell in behind Wolf. As I passed one guy, he made a sound. I dropped down too him. “Where is our friend?” The guy looked at me and pointed to the right side. I got back up and kicked the guy in the face. We left the room we were kept in and turned right after locking the door behind us. Wolf kicked the door open, and we found Star lying on a bunk bed. Wolf picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. We then moved to the opening and steps before us.
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