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4 months later… Amelia was starving, tired, and ready to rip her own hair out. She was on the road, two months into her book tour, and the fans were demanding release date for Alec’s book. She hadn’t written much more than the intro about Alec. She was stonewalled, and she hated being able to do nothing for her fans. Her publicist wasn’t helping matters by vetoing any questions so she just smiled and told them it was all a secret and that she couldn’t fully write until after the book tour. There had been times between the books and the dreams that she didn’t get much done either, but those never blocked her from writing down facts about her new characters. Alec was still a mystery, and he would remain so until she had her attention on him completely and not in cars and trains and buses to the next towns. Amelia sat back after the reading as people formed the line for the signing. Her wrists and fingers hated her, but her fans were well worth the pain. She loved hearing how happy the books made them. It was sweet that some of her fans would bring her things, like hand drawn pictures of the characters she had seen so many times in only her mind. Some were almost spot on, and others were more amusing to look at. All the same she liked to shuffle through the pile when she got to her hotel at the end of the day to see what her fans had brought her. For now, she uncapped her sharpie and waved the first person through. A cute 20 year old walked over, and held out the last 4 books of the series and she told Amelia how she had the others that she bought from eBay and how she was just glad that she got to meet her in person and how the reading was great. “Thank you. I love hearing that. Sometimes when I talk in the male perspective, I get a little worried on how it comes off.” Amelia laughed and so did the girl. She was waved through and the next two people came to hand over just the last book. Gabe’s Vampire Prince, while it had two crowns on the cover was more masculine than it looked. The publishing had gone for an all-out gay theme making the background color a royal purple with some pink mist around it. The signing went on for about 3 more hours before she got a snack. There were a few people waiting for the ladies who worked in the shop to find their online orders. And there were a few books left on the shelves but for some reason the store policy had them put the pre-orders away and the other books were for customers who walk in. Amelia watched as one girl walked up to the books and something about her looked familiar, and it was almost an eerie feeling as the girl picked it up and seemed surprised to read the back. She looked back at the authors name before realizing that it matched the author in the building. The girl looked around before seeing there was a series section on the other side of the table, and she shifted towards it. She looked at each of the backs, before stopping at the first one and just staring at it for a minute before looking up at Amelia. The girl grabbed all of them and smiled before going to the register. She paid for them and walked into the line and set the bag down. “Hi… are you the real author? I have heard of people doing the whole fake ghost writer thing, just so they didn’t have to come to these things themselves.” She set the books down in front of Amelia. “I am. Amelia Goble.” She smiled at the girl, and the same feeling hit her as they made eye contact. It was like she knew the girl. “I’m Josie.” She picked up the first book and smiled slightly. “I was interested but then I was hooked when I saw my name on the back.” She laughed lightly and I nodded. Amelia signed them before smiling up at her. “I am guessing this is the end of the series?” She asked as she collected them into the bag again. “No… one left. I hope you like them.” Amelia told her and she smiled and seemed to hold something back before nodding and walking off, she looked back and saw a paper and she grabbed it. She looked over the authors book tour and then went to the car she had outside waiting for her. Josie got in and looked at her mate before gulping. “We might have a problem.” Amelia sat there for the rest of her time and thought about all the couples in her books. Josie had been with a man named Erick, and they had been two wolves and were separated by Josies’ parents. After them it was June and Hank. A werewolf and a recently turned vampire had found love against the rules. June’s brother was next, he had been turned as a vampire too and fell in love with a mortal. Robert and Sasha were almost the perfect couple. Then came the more intense couples as the council for both species started to interfere in what they through they could control. Josie and Erick, June and Hank, Robert and Sasha, Tony and Rachel, Megan and Jack, Gianna and Silas, Jillian and Alistair, Blair and Marcus, and finally the latest, Gabe and Thatcher. Amelia still felt like she knew each and every one of them, she definitely knew their secrets. “Ms. Goble… I don’t think anyone is coming for the rest of the night. We still have 45 people signed up for tomorrows reading.” The store owner went over the times one more time with me and I nodded slowly and collected her few personal things she had. Amelia left with a small wave and walked down the couple of streets she had walked down this afternoon. It was dark out, and there were smells coming from all the restaurants and there was even a candy shop and she walked to the first Italian themed one and ordered something to go. Amelia felt like she was being watched, and as she looked around, she started to see things that looked almost familiar, but not exactly. She ate the bread that was offered and when her order was up, she took the bag and walked out, completely forgetting about the chocolate shop she had seen and walked the rest of the way to the hotel she had paid for. She got to her room, sat at the small table and suddenly felt completely alone. She ate slowly, went to shower, laid in the hotel bed and thought about what she could do tomorrow morning when she woke up since she didn’t have to be at the reading until 1 tomorrow, just like today. She turned the little TV off at 9 and rolled over, going right to sleep and for the first time since she finished the last book, she had her dreams filled with Alec. He had been sleeping when the dream started, but as the sun set, he rose, just like most vampires and he moved to get things done. He had one of the largest covens under his command so there were people wanting to join, and leave, and apply for certain jobs they needed and things like that, and that was mostly what he did all day. Amelia almost wanted to reach out and make him do something more fun, this book could be boring for other people who wanted something just as exciting as the other books. Amelia felt like she was simply watching him do his normal routine, and before he went to bed, he did something she didn’t see him do when he woke up. He hadn’t fed so when he got to the kitchen, she was sure that he would grab a bag of blood, but instead he started to cook. She felt confused, but she watched him. Why did he cook? But he boiled the chicken, made rice, and boiled carrots and then put them all in a to go bag and then walked out. The sun wasn’t rising over the ridges yet, so he wasn’t in any danger from it, but he walked right to what looked like a doghouse on the edge of his property and set the bag down before setting out the bowl. He collected the one that was already there and turned to leave, he paused as he passed Amelia and she watched him look around, almost as if he was looking for the animal. Amelia walked with him back into the house, happy that she got to see a new part of him she didn’t know existed. He was an animal lover. He laid back in his bed, he turned to the empty spot next to him, his eyes seemed angry, almost like someone was missing, and Amelia had to wonder if she had missed something… had he already had a mate and she died? Was that why there wasn’t any dreams? He had his love a long time ago and she was gone now? Amelia woke up sad, thinking about how bad this was going to be, to watch Alec in her dream and not be able to make up a love interest for him. Maybe she could just create someone like her to fill the void… something easy, a mortal for him too. Just like Alec best friend had ended up with a human too.  
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