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"Father please," he'd said it was a painful to hear, standing by the bedroom door he was beyond concerned. Mareddeth shouldn't have come, he was too innocent for this and the way she accused him was out of line. "I should do something about her soon but now I need spare keys," he said to himself rather loudly. But why was he begging his father? and who was married? he realised that this innocent man he was falling in love with every passing second had a terrible history and with that his heart ached to know what happened, to protect him from it all. Joshua went down to search for spare keys. After searching for hours he gave up and slept on the couch. The next morning he rushed to try and open the door remembering he had a morning lesson. When he pushed the door open it was unlocked so he carefully walked in. "Morning love, are you awake?" he asked trying to lighten the mood as he felt very uncomfortable. His eyes swollen from too much crying, Joshua realised and he was shivering and wet. Did he stand in the shower the whole night, Joshua wondered approaching him. He shook his head. "You'll be late for school," he said in a quiver. That broke Joshua's heart wondering how broken and hurt his husband was. "What about you? Let's go together, I'll drop you off your university." "I.....I don't go to school " looking down as a way to hide his shame. Silence fell. " I never went to school," finally looking up with a set of tears preparing to flow. "What? you mean like not even elementary school?" he asked with a shocked expression. Wondering if the was someone in this age and era who never went to school."Philip that is not funny," only to be met by sobs of the other man."Hey, its okay I didn't mean to upset you," he crouched infront of him to hold him. "My father has always been strict so he had someone teaching me at home, the basic I mean but whenever I had time I'd visit the library. so I never set foot in a school." he looked at Joshua with helpless face " I'm sorry if I had embarrassed you in front of your ex, are you gonna....leave I really don't have a choice if it's not you then it's gonna be someone else." he said finally fear overtakimg his face. "What? someone else!" Joshua said his rage taking control, yes he was not gay but there is something that Phil brings out of him. Feelings of dominance, authority and of wanting to protect him and keep him to himself. Was he loosing his mind or this was him, looking at the scared man he tried to speak softly. "She had no right to accuse you of things you knew nothing about, I will fix it but you are mine and you are not going anywhere." he roared in with power asserting his dominance over the other man as he connected their lips with a slow and tender kiss, he pulled away to look at him in the eyes, "I'm sorry you had to go through all that because of me but know one thing Philip. I love you." he said bringing his face close for a kiss but Phil only moved back, trembling "What did you just say?" in a confused voice, " I said I love you." he said loudly and pulled him back to get his kiss but he moved back again. A growl reverberated from him as he swept Phil up and placed him on the bed and captured his lips roughly trying to be let in. And finally he was given access to the sweet lips that he realised he'd craved the first time he saw him. "You will always drop me off and pick me up from school, cook for me and give me my f**ken babies ryt, I want four babies." he said between kisses and grinding on top of Phil who made him even more hard by spreading his legs wide. "Yes baby, just like that. God!" he said lost in the ecstacy that threatened to tear him apart if he doesn't take him right there. "Let me f**k you baby, I wanna thrust so deep in you and flood you with my seed, do I have the permission to ruin your little love hole?" he said while taking off his shirt. "School, you'll be late." Philip said trying to escape what was about to happen. He couldn't believe that Joshua had chosen him, finally someone who loves him. Love, was this love or not? he was asking himself hoping against hope. " God!" he moaned out as he felt Joshua kiss his neck, aching his back he realised that his husband was not going to school but that was not a bad thing as long as he wants a family with him right? Kids, he said he wanted four kids. He blushed thinking about that. Undressing Phil was rushed he was losing his patience as he removed his boxers and looking at the naked guy below him made him even more hard. "I'm gonna f**k you baby if it's painful tell me, I'll give you pills afterwards cause I don't think I'm gonna stop until I flood you again and again and again," he said kissing Phil's n*****s to get a moan from the man urging him to continue and the swirled his tongue around the left n****e while brushing his hand around the other. "oh, aah! oh, my God Josh. please." Phil said clutching at Joshua's hair, wanting more from the other man. " Don't stop, more please. oh!"he screamed in ecstasy as Joshua bit the top of his n****e sending a pinch of pleasure and pain throughout his body. Joshua moved to ravaging the other n****e with his mouth and started pinching the already sensitive one. Phil's moans were getting louder with each action and they were pitched with impatience as he tried to move the other guy down to where his body was burning with need. "Easy baby I'm not finished yet, let me take time eating you up," "down please, I need you to go down." he breathed with need but Joshua started sucking his n****e sending a wave of pleasure throughout Phil's body. He became a moaning mess, twisting around and bitting his lips to stops the moans as the pleasure intensified.Why was Joshua so good at driving him to the edge without even penetrating him, "I'm....gonna...oh!" he couldn't finish his sentence before he closed his eyes and moaned out loud as he came. Joshua moved up to kiss his lips and looked him on the eyes "was it that good, you didn't wait for me to enter you," he asked with a smirk. "You jerk! you know it was amazing, I've never felt like that before. Thank you." he said kissing him. "Thank me later, right now I have to ruin you." Josh replied him.
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