Chapter 3: Oliver's Book Shop

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Natalie P.O.V   Working in a bookstore was not where I thought I would ever find myself, but it seemed jobs were slim pickings in this town. I was trained in Botany, but seeing as there was only one florist on the high street, I was unable to find work in what I loved. Strangely, however, being around so many books was quietly calming for me. The dusty shelves in Oliver’s Book Shop held so many marvellous adventures, and while the store was quiet, I would pick up a lonely novel from the racks in the back, and lose myself in a different time and place. Moby d**k. Great Expectations. Treasure Island. All these books that people just didn’t seem interested in anymore, were so enthralling. They would captivate me like no television show could; The complexity of their characters and the relationships they would keep, would keep me hypnotised for hours. And, today, was one of those quiet days. Rain had finally begun to wash away the snow and black ice from the street outside, and with it, any possible chance of a customer. The windows let in as much light as possible as they spanned the width of the shop front, but with the sun tucked behind the grey rain clouds, the atmosphere was gloomy. I was tucked into a cosy corner behind the register with my nose deep inside ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’, reading about the children’s suspicions about Boo’s disappearance.   “Good book?” A tuneful voice sang through the air and bolted me out of my imaginary world. I looked up to see one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, looking down at me with a smile on her face. Her long silver-blonde hair sat cleanly over her shoulders, and her eyes were as blue as crystal clear waters. I peeled myself off the bench I was sat upon, and rose to stand before her. “Oh my gosh. I do apologise! I didn’t even hear the door go.” She laughed at me and waved her hand. “You don’t need to apologise. I’m always being told not to creep up on people.” Her character was so inviting, that it put me at ease right away. I laughed along with her at her comment. “So, how can I help you today?” “Well, you will have to forgive me, but I only really stepped inside to avoid the downpour outside.” “Ahh, I see. Well, stay here as long as you want. No one else has been in here today.” “Do you get a lot of customers usually?” I shook my head. “Unfortunately, people just don’t seem to want to read books anymore.” “But, you enjoy them?” I nodded. “Very much so. And I find a lot of comfort in holding the paper between my fingers.” “Well, we have loads of books at my place. Maybe, one day you’ll be interested in coming over and reading some of them. They probably aren’t anything you have seen before.” “Wow, really? Thank you, yes.” Her eyes glanced around the small shop in interest before settling back on me. “I haven’t seen you around town before. Are you new here?” ‘How would she know that?’ “Um, yes. I moved here with my sister a few weeks ago. It’s been hard to settle in, I’ll admit.” “I’m not at all surprised. People around these parts aren’t very welcoming to strangers. But, maybe on another day, when it’s not raining cats and dogs outside, I could show you around?” “That’s so kind of you to offer.” Her smile beamed at me as her pearly white teeth appeared between her parted lips. A strange feeling flurried through me as I looked at her, captivated. Her beauty was beyond compare, but there was something else. I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Listen, I know you were lost in that book there, but do you mind if I buy it from you? I think I might know someone who would be really interested to read something like that.” “Oh, sure! I’ve read it before anyway.” “Really?” As she looked towards me, I couldn’t help but be taken back. A slight flash of green glossed over her blue orbs so quickly that I almost missed it, and yet it compelled me to speak. “No.” I placed my hand to my mouth as the word escaped me. She simply let out a musical laugh and pulled out her purse. “Well, I promise when my brother is done, I’ll make sure he hands it back for you to finish.” Unable to speak past my embarrassment, I took her money as she held it out to me, and wrapped the book in a few layers of brown paper, and then placed it inside a simple plastic bag before handing it back to her. With one final smile, she turned and headed towards the forest-green framed glass shop door, pulling it open and flooding the shop with the noise of cars driving across the wet roads outside, and the jingle of the bell above the door. She turned to me. “I’m Elizabeth by the way.” and with that, she disappeared out into the drizzle. ‘What the f**k just happened?’   *****   Elizabeth P.O.V   I know I should let things play out naturally when it comes to this new mate of our Beta’s, but I cannot help but feel intrigued by this new mystery woman that Ash was already torn over. Even if he didn’t know it yet, this woman would be his salvation. I keep it to myself, but seeing the future is so handy sometimes, especially when it comes to things like this. I tell others that I can only sense good and bad outcomes, but that’s only so they don’t pry the things I see from my mind. Yes, my foresight is sometimes changing; there is always more than one way to reach a destination and decoding every situation was exhausting, but I knew I felt something good about her when I read Ash’s future.   Having our 3rd pup helped me hone in on my abilities. I still don’t know if it was the birth of Penelope, or the fact that this pregnancy had less stress attached to it, but my powers seemed to be growing. Siana has helped navigate me through these bizarre new skills, but she was also still learning. On top of the ability to grow larger in my wolf form, I learnt to pull the truth from people, to see what is to come, and recently I’ve been learning to heal others, well mainly myself at this point. Small cuts and scrapes during training mostly, but I can feel it growing, like a light inside me that burns hotter and brighter the more I recognise it. I know that werewolves don’t require much help healing normally, but I know it will come in handy at some point; I just wish I had noticed this power within me sooner. I could have saved our Sam. I missed her.   When I finally managed to hunt down the woman from my visions, I was surprised at what I found which caught me off guard as I thought already seeing her in my mind was enough. Her slender frame, all curled up in a ball as she concentrated on a book in her lap. Her wild, auburn hair was scraped up into a messy bun, revealing her long neck and milky skin. When I saw her eyes, I was consumed. They burned back at me with a rare flame, so golden and brown, but not dark; almost like copper. I knew I liked her as soon as she spoke.   This woman had strength beyond measure, whether she knew it or not herself was a different matter. I laughed inwardly as I smiled to myself, knowing some of her future, was so thrilling. Her scent was nothing to peculiar to me, but I knew it would drive Ash wild if I could bottle it up and take it home. That’s when I had an idea. Knowing her hands had been wrapped around the pages of that book she was just engrossed in, would work just as well. I knew Ash would never read the bloody thing, but that’s not why I brought it. If her scent could just push him enough to seek her out and meet her, then I was positive it wouldn’t take much. And if that didn’t work, I would just have her come to the packhouse and meet him face to face. It’s not like he could ignore her then.   As I sat back in my Land Rover and headed for home, I could sense Victor. He was looking for me and soon, the mind-link came through. “Where are you, love?” “I just nipped out to the shops. Why?” “And that makes you feel giddy because…?” ‘Damn the mate bond!’ “No reason. I’m just excited to get home to you.” “Really?” His sultry tone swam in my mind as my skin began to dance with subtle tingles at the thought of his hands on me. “I’ll be 5 minutes. Give the kids to Ash for an hour, won’t you…”
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