The Storm of Crows

1603 Words
What is love? Unfaltering, indestructible, unsurpassed fondness and an extreme feeling of emotion to care, affection, intimacy. Is it enough to drive people crazy? To trick our minds that they are there with us, living. It sure is to Amadeus. Soaked from the relentless rain, Bran wanders his lonesome in the pathway of Masse as he notices the bucklers and swords inn’s door wide open. Hearing chatters inside, Bran intrudes to look over. He saw a couple of people merrily drinking, celebrating for Masse free of Vaxia mercenaries, with Lady Munzen half-drunk and blissfully serving the patrons. “Hey, Bran! I learned from Fahrer that everything is good and back to normal now! Come, let us celebrate,” Munzen said. Munzen invites Bran to sit on the stool near the counter with a foaming beer ready for the taking. “What is this? What are you all doing!” Bran yelled. “Hey, come on! Calm down, it’s just a little celebration,” the drunk said. Hearing Bran screams, Munzen snags the tankard from the table as she steps closer to Bran. “Here have some beers, it’s on the inn,” she offers the beer to Bran, “What’s wrong, Bran? Is everything all right?” She said. Bran seizes the beer as he gazes at the ale; it reminds him of the burning house of the two sisters. He heaves the tankard above as he thrust it to Munzen’s face, hitting him hard enough to knock her to the ground. “HEY! What’s wrong with you Bran?” the drunkards yelled as they stood up. Munzen did not expect any of it as she remained stumped and silent on the ground staring at Bran, caressing her bruised cheeks from the blow. “You are all going to die!” Bran said in an exhausted voice. “Why is that Bran?” Munzen asked in an apologetic voice. Ignoring Munzen, Bran turns around toward the door to leave; he speaks once more as he is about to close the door before him. “We are all going to die. In the end, she was right,” Bran said. They soon heard the thunderous cries of a man? A beast? It was so loud and terrifying, but the echoed cry that travels in the rain was mourning. He was severely sad. He cried his heart out from the deepest core of his personality. Amadeus gazes his dreary azure eye at the charred bodies of Elise and Amelia. He was looking at the sisters’s mouths wide open that were frozen from fear. Amadeus could not help himself with his jaw lowered; he let out an ear-splitting bellowed eruption of his feeling as if his body was plummeting to the land from the topmost space. I don’t understand how they could do this. The excruciating strain in my heart as if it was on fire is unbearable. I want to rip my heart off and offer it, but even that would not be enough, Amadeus thought in his collapsing mind. Amadeus focuses on Elise’s desolated eyes with his slobbering mouth as he lets out a series of short wails. He caresses the hardened burnt body of Elise. “They are heartless! Wicked! Ungodly! They don’t deserve any shade of life!” Amadeus yelled. He clenched the charred body of Elise to cover the broadening hollow of his ribcage. Then, embracing Elise’s freezing body, warming her on the growing fire inside Amadeus’s heart as he caresses the cracked cheeks of Amelia, with her head laid still on his legs. They are so close and yet so cold, only if they could talk and understand what I’m feeling, without them, I am lost, Amadeus thought. “Amadeus, do you like being with us?” Amelia said. “I do.” “Ex-knight! Are you happy here?” Elise said. “I was.” “Are you scared, Ex-knight?” Elise asked with care in her voice. “I am…” Amadeus said with breaking in his voice. I could not help it; my heart and all that is left of it have dissolved as it emerges from my only misty eye. I’m scared, Elise! Amelia! “Here’s what my father taught me. He said for us not to feel any fear, we should instead focus on our promises. That’s why we are making a promise! I will never feel fear so long as you stay and you should never feel fear as long as you have us! Pretty good deal, right?” Elise enthusiastically said. “It’s a wonderful deal, Elise.” “Oh, Galiet. I’m so sorry!” Käresta said. “Let him mourn, Käresta,” Wolfvir said. “You are all still here?” Amadeus said. Käresta bent down to Amadeus, gazing at him with her cosmic desolated blue eye that gently resonated a feeling of care. “We are never gone, Galiet,” Käresta said. “What should I do with this feeling?” Amadeus asked “You know what to do and you know what you want, Galiet. How about you tell it to us,” Wolfvir said. “I don’t know,” Amadeus said in a drained tone. “You don’t need to be ashamed, Galiet. Come, follow me here!” Rassa said. Rassa skips to avoid the empty hole as he steps towards the cliff; Amadeus stood up to follow him. “You see your home? Do you remember the promise you made and failed?” Rassa said. The cosmic Wolfvir and Käresta hovered to get closer to them both. “They killed our family, Galiet. We won’t let them get away,” Wolfvir said. “The sweetest warmth we all feel, our redeemer. They were our savior, Galiet,” Käresta said. Amadeus fell to his knees, weakened by their truthful words, trampling some of the nightingale flowers. Wolfvir and Käresta, the cosmic anomalies, are starting to disperse as they merge their bodies back to their creator Amadeus. “I can see that you are now ready. You accepted the truth that they are gone, Galiet,” Rassa said. The Blind Rassa stands in front of him, crouching as he viciously smiles with his vermillion red eyes until the jet-black oddity metamorphoses into a gas. Amadeus inhaled Rassa through his mouth and nose, letting all of his desire back to where they should be, in his control. “It will be fun, Galiet!” Rassa said before Amadeus devoured the last of his presence. Suddenly the quietness was unnerving. Everyone is gone, he figured, I am all alone and always have been. “No, we are always with you,” Amadeus’s desires said. “You have us, Galiet. We love your craziness,” His desires said. The fire in his heart grew stronger as he let out an unrelenting cry of unimaginable pain. The one eye Amadeus is transforming into something terrifying and massive. The flame broke out to his chest, the immense heat that burns and dissolves his skin as he grows larger and larger. His beckoning cries as if a signal to all crows that heeded to his pain—thousands of crows encompassing the growing size of Amadeus. The crows lap over at Amadeus’s head as they pluck his left eye, leaving both of his eyes socket blanks, with the other crows helping to peel his human skin off. The fire continued to burn to destroy all his weakness, his human flesh. The skeleton remains. Doubling the height of the God Wolfvir, The Skeleton Amadeus stood tall as high as 60meters. The eye on his skull is burning. Thousands of crows envelopes all over his skeleton body with their blood eyes as if the skeleton is glowing. Accompanied with the rain, The Skeleton Amadeus emits steam of air encircling the Village of Masse with colorless fog. The colossal skeleton howls in the air as it travels like a rumble of thunder to the people in Masse, foreboding what is about to transpire. The enormous skeletal feet that shattered the snowy land along with the flattened trees as he walked leaving a devastating wake of his presence. While walking away, casting aside all the difficulties in his life, Bran overheard the intensifying existence of the monumental being at his back, and it roared with extreme emotion. He stops to gaze at the stranger who he desired to kill. The fire in the colossal eyes, he is enraged, not because of what we did to him, he figured, but because of what we did to the sisters. “I understand now, you love them both as much as I did. Even as you face death you push forward while I stand shaken,” Bran uttered in the vigorous winds that hid his voice. He glances at his worn-out hands as he accepts his defeat and his imminent death. “We were awfully wrong to fight you. You weren’t the disease in our lands but our pitiful minds that express our delusions, fears, and most of all our envy,” Bran uttered. I am sorry, Amelia, Elise. But unfortunately, my strong affection and envious mind have corrupted me. “I’ll accept whatever punishment you desire for me!” Bran yelled. “I’ll gladly accept it!” Rassa uttered.
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