Chapter 9: Vesna’s party

2817 Words

They came to the apartment one hour before everyone else and Ilona saw a team of caterers setting up the self-service buffet and a real life size bar on the terrace. The party will be huge if they need an additional bar outside. There was no sign of Vesna and she really needed her best friend before all the other guests started to flow in.  “Can you tell me where Vesna is hiding? I really need to talk with her.” Ilona asked Veles. “She is in her room getting ready. Go right in, she knows we are here. I will just go and change.” Veles narrowed his eyes like he was concentrating hard on something. “ She said you can use her private bathroom to get ready.” Ilona carefully opened the door of Vesna’s bedroom and poked her head in. The room is just like Vesna, perfect. A warm, plush, beige ca

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