Chapter 13: Search and plan

2230 Words

Veles delegatet all of the meetings to the kitchen. He didn’t want to bother Ilona or to make her worry too much. He knows that she does worry, he can see it in her eyes sometimes, but he won’t force her to the meetings. If she wants to come, she is welcomed. And he promised not to tell her anything if she doesn’t ask him about it. On the other hand, the kitchen is the best place for him to be if he can’t go to his forge. He likes to cook just as much as he likes to make weapons. It’s a great stress relief for him and nobody complained about his food, yet. He can escape into his own world for a few hours and not think about anything. It is eating him up, this situation with Lizbeth. And they have to resolve it fast, before she does anything drastic or harm a human. “Any news?” Veles inqui

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