The Basement

1694 Words
Help me God, he’s skinned me alive…. Abigail felt like her skin was peeled off her body as her bare breast and torso were dragged across the hot sand of the beach, which now turned to grass which worsened the pain in her already chaffed skin…. She tries to squirm to get free as the man dragging her stopped at the front of the villa-like house, chatting briefly with goons with menacing looks that stand guard around the property…. “Where’s my brother…?” Asked Burhan as Abigail felt that the leash loosened… “He is working out, Burhan…. Basement… Come….” Said the goon, telling the man where he should meet his brother, and escorting the man to the place. I have to escape… She thought, as she felt the rope loosen…. She tries to squirm herself away from the man, her eyes set towards the pathway she was dragged from… I have to get away…. I have to…! She thought…. But it was only seconds before… “Ngggghhhhhh!!!!” Abigail screamed through her gag as Burhan stepped his boot on her calves, driving her shin pushed to the ground below her, hurting her… “Where did you think you were going, huh?!” He said, twisting his boots, making the girl squirm harder, trying to lose herself from the pain in her shins…. “Mmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!” She groaned as Burhan dragged her again towards the place… Arrrggghhh… He’s killing me….! It was only three flights of stairs, but the pain she had as her body banged on those stairs was excruciating…. “Burhan is working out!” Said one goon, escorting the man as he entered the lobby of the place… Abigail felt dizzy as her head dangling, looking at the boots of her captor, but she also managed to see a glimpse of her surroundings, and it was shocking, terrifying to her… Naked women, prostrating with their faces on the floor, hands stretched outwards, and she could see iron shackles and chains bound their wrists, but instead of facing the man, their jutting buttocks, upwards to the ceiling what was welcoming the man, allowing the man to see their most private, intimate part…. And there too, at their ankles, Abigail could see another set of iron chains and shackles bound their ankles…. God help me….! Shouts Abigail in her heart, looking at the horror of debasement and degradation before her eyes, knowing that she will have the same fate if she doesn’t try to escape that place…. “He’s downstairs…” Said the goon, opening a door, which looked like the door of a walk-in freezer, for the man, that leads to the basement… Knowing what would happen, Abigail again tried to squirm free, but it was useless as her strength was no match for the man now pulling the rope, making her dragged closer…. She sobs as the man lifted her body with ease, as if she was nothing but a bolster pillow, he carries her over his shoulder as he walks down the stairs…. And she was frightened by what she saw…. The stairs were narrow, and the path was dark, the sound of creaking wooden stairs filled her ears as they both descended to the basement…. It was chilling, not only from the terror she felt, but also the air, which is icy cold that evaporates from the basement… The light was minimal, and colored red, which makes the scene more frightening for the girl dangling on the right shoulder of Burhan…. The sound of someone punching that of a sandbag echoed in the basement, along with the sound of whines and sobs… Is this hell? She thought, with fear filled her heart as they approached the source of the sound of the repetitive punching and kicking…. **** “Brother…!’ Said Burhan, as he approached his brother. Thud! “Uuugghhhh!’ She yelps from her gag as Burhan opens his arm wide, making her fall off his shoulder, and her body slams to the icy cold floor and her head knocked on the floor… Her head hurt and was dizzy, she saw stars, as the result of her head struck the floor hard…. The icy cold floor makes her body shiver, trembling and reflexes to coil herself, but her bound arms behind her back makes her unable to wrap her arms around her body to give herself a little bit of warmth…. **** Murad stopped his training, turned over to see his brother … “Burhan….” He said, ignoring his brother's wide-opened arms…. “I heard that you got a good catch…” His eyes looked at the duffle bags laid on the floor next to him…. “Nothing but to give us more income, brother…” Burhan said, humbling himself, opening the duffle bag for his brother to see…. Murad nodded, but his face was still, no expression on his face…. “Good stuff….” He said… “Worth a fortune….” The statement makes Burhan smile, missing the cynicism and sarcasm in his brother’s voice. “And who do you think had such good quality merchandise? Brother….?” The chilling voice of his brother swept the smile away from Burhan’s face, as he looked at his brother, turned back to the sandbag…. “Did you check your intel?” He said, punching the bag hard…. “Uuuuggghhhh” Craaack…. Burhan stepped back a little, hearing the muffled groan and a loud crack coming from the bag…. He knew that his brother was angry…. “Did you check that you were used by the serpent?” Murad said again, with disgust at the end of his sentence, as he kicked the bag hard, making the bag give a muffled squeal and another cracking sound, that made Abigail shut her eyes tighter, didn’t want to see what happened around her…. “I am sorry brother…. I should have been more careful…” Burhan said, no more pride in his voice, but a hint of anger in his voice…. For long, he wanted to be acknowledged by his brother…. He wanted to make his brother proud of him…. But it seems everything he did was never good enough…. Murad looked at his brother and gave a deep sigh, knowing that he had been hard on his brother, who, despite his massive frame, was still a little boy he cared so much…. He then held his brother’s head, pulling his head until their foreheads met, and then he said…. “Just lie low for a while, brother…. I will take care of it…” He said…. “Thank you, brother…. Much appreciated it….” Replied Burhan, but still there was bitterness in his voice…. Murad then barked and ordered towards the far side of the basement, which was dark, because the light from the small light bulb didn’t reach it… “Release….!” And… A loud thudding sound followed the fall of the sandbag to the icy cold floor that made Abigail gasp, and with reflexes, opened her eyes. After she managed for quite sometimes she managed to keep her eyes shut, trying not to see the horror that might be laid in front of her eyes…. Her fear came true as she saw the head of a woman pop out of the sandbag…. Her face was beaten beyond recognition, her eyes busted, her nose broken, her jaw misaligned, dangling even…. Blood seeping out her open wounds…. And her terror continues as four naked women, with shackles on their wrists and ankles, trembling, coming out from the dark side of the basement, trembling from cold and fear…. Their appearance was dreadful, their bodies were dirty, their hair tussled, unkempt, one of them was scrawny, as if she had not been eaten for days…. Abigail could see that their palms were opened and shaking, and she could see that their palms were chafed, and looking at the hemp rope that tied the sandbag, she knew that those girls were trying to hold the bag for the time the man punched it…. “You three…. Get that dead meat out of my sight…. And you…” Said Murad to the three girls while her finger pointed to the scrawny girl, trembling with fear…. “Get inside….” Abigail’s eyes widened with horror as the three girls removed the girl inside the sandbag… Trembling and sobbing in fear, the three women remove the girl inside the sandbag whose condition was terrifying…. Her limbs broke in pieces and places that made her look like a lifeless marionette, and Abigail could see her head dangling on her broken neck… And Abigail watched in horror as the scrawny girl, moving like she was a zombie, slowly crawled inside the sandbag which one of the women, tears in her eyes, tied the top of the bag with the rope, before assisting her friends carrying the dead girl outside the basement… “And her….?” Abigail's heart seemed to stop beating as she heard the man speaking of her…. “Mmmppphhhh…!” She yelps as the man kicks her to her back, and presses his icy cold feet on her breast…. “Not bad, Burhan… not bad at all…” He said, moving his foot to her chin, using it to turn her face left and right, as if checking her face…. Burhan grunts but says nothing…. He knows what will happen next…. “You’ll have twenty-four hours with her, then put her in my chamber, ya….?” The man said, then looked at the new batch of four women in shackles, down the basement, and obediently moved to the dark side of the basement and pulled the rope, lifting the sandbag with the scrawny girl inside, waiting for her sealed fate…. **** Burhan said nothing but shoulder Abigail and left the basement, leaving the man to start his workout once again…. And once again, Abigail dangling on the man's shoulder, even with the sunset that still gave its warmth, she felt the cold of the horror she witnessed, and what fate would bring on to her as the man quickly brings her to his own place….

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