Sophie, Part 5 - I Got Question's

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Sophie, Part 5 – I Got Question’s -   A week had passed and I had no contact with Lee or his friends which I guess was suppose to be a good thing ,but it seemed to make me feel un easy in my stomach ,the only thing I’ve started to look forward to is my first ultrasound which is in 2months ,I know it’s a long time period but ,I cant wait and after the whole thing with Lee last week messed my mind up ,he plays the same tired game over and over and I feel so stupid because I fall for it ,You know does times when you look at the show or movie about the girl who falls for the stupid corny lines or ,the ones about the girl getting abused by her boyfriend and you tell her she’s stupid ,I learned now to respect those girls for all the things they go through ,I bow down to them because they are the real hero’s and Queen’s here ,I now am starting to learn how to block the slick comments the suave and smooth things he does ,I’ve avoided them this long all I have to do is keep it up until I graduate ,and then we move.   -This was going to be my first week back at school, my first Monday which, I honesty waited for more than anything but then again, I wished I didn’t have to enter that school ever again. -2 hours later I arrive at school, as I walk through those double glass doors, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me ,I hated being the center of attention ,I guess it was because I got use to being the center of attention ,mostly by getting embarrassed in front of everyone. When I got to class I saw my seat was taken by some girl, my teacher ms. Jackson see’s me standing up so she invites me in the hallway for a private talk, “hey Soph ,I may have forgotten to inform you ,that while you were away we had a new student so all of my class is full and we came to a decision that you should be moved to gym” ,”Why ,I’ve seriously been in your class since the beginning of the semester” “yeah well I figured since your condition is more important than all of the other students we think you will be more good in gym” ,I paused for a minute with her words and my heart drops “What The f**k ,do you mean My CONDITION?” ,she looks at me startled “Soph calm down” ,”What The f**k ,do you mean my CONDITION?” ,I repeated over and over and the more I repeated without answer the more anger and all of the resulted to tears rolling down my face like a waterfall “Sophie there’s no need to cry “ ,”how many people know!?” ,she touched my shoulder gently “the entire staff at school, when ever you got rushed out of here Monday the hospital notified the principle so the school could have care for teen moms such as yourself” ,I couldn’t take it anymore so I stormed out of the door passing multiple people as they stared at me ,I couldn’t tell if they were staring at me because the knew I was pregnant or because I was storming out of school, the only thing I wanted to do was go home. When I got out side after walking from one end of school to the other side ,Lee’s black mustang pulls up he pop’s the door open and demands me to get inside “get inside now ,I’m not asking” ,for a minute I freeze to think I knew that if I protested it would be bad but knowing me I have a defensive mind I never bow down to anyone ,but I can tell when I’m about to lose a battle so this is time I’m going to decide to swallow my pride for the sake of my baby. I got in the car
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