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December That was the weirdest dream ever!! I was woken up by the pilot. He smiled at me and I smiled right back. "Sorry to wake you miss, but we are here." "Oh thank you." Stepping out into the bright sun was blinding. We were on the helicopter strip at the back of the academy. Wolves were everywhere. Strength, power and cockiness filled the air. But the smell of omegas and other pack mates lurked here too. I guess it isn't an only Alpha school. I walked into the large building; people had come to grab my bags. They claimed they were my maids, so I let them take the bags. The ugly stares I got didn't go unnoticed. But I smiled at them and kept walking. "How can we help you dear?" The receptionist asked. "I need to speak to the head mistress." "And you are?" She asked rudely. "December. Future Luna of the Rogues." I said out of pure boredom. I counted my fingers down 3,2,1. "Oh yes! Right this way!" Suddenly a fake smile was on her face. She knocked on this large door. "Come in!" I walked in without the lady, slamming the door in her face. "Oh, hello December. What can I do you for?" "I was told to speak to you directly." "Oh yes of course. I'm Marina, the head mistress." She was beautiful, thick, wavy, red hair that went to her shoulder, brown eyes and fair skin covered in just the right number of freckles. She was wearing a navy-blue dress with a grey jacket over it. "So, you will be in the room 1501, it's our largest room tied with 1500. It's on the highest level and takes up half the floor, the other half belongs to our future Alpha King. Believe me, you don't want to mess with him, he's a player dear. So many girls lose their lives because of that boy, but I can't do anything because of his father and it's horrible." "Well thank you ma'am." "I just hope his mate can control him." If I was his mate, he wouldn't have one anymore. If that even makes any sense. Guys like him are filthy nasty animals. They think they can do whatever they wish to poor innocent girls. I remember so many guys like that back at home, mom never let it happen for long. She would always beat the crap out of those boys until they had some sense knocked into them, but all those beatings never would repay the innocent girls affected. After I got my slip, some nerdy girl started walking with me to my dorm hall. She was probably a foot taller than me. She had the body of a model, the tall and super skinny body. She was beautiful, blonde hair and blue eyes. The glasses didn't look bad on her either, they kind of were perfect for her. "Sorry about your neighbor, he's kind of loud and likes to throw parties." I'll show him, I am not going to lose sleep over some guy. "What do you mean he throws parties? Isn't it against school policies?" "Not when your dad is the most powerful Alpha in the world." "So, no one does anything? Not even lay the guy straight?" She snorted at my question. "You're a funny one, they'll love you here. But no, everyone is scared of him, rumor is that he's killed thousands of rogues. And he already has his wolf so he's that much stronger than us." "Well my name is December and I'm gonna put the princess in his place." "I'm Judy but don't let anyone else hear you say that. You might not think so but he's basically a king already." She left me outside my door. I opened it, and I don't know what to do. The place was amazing. I heard loud noises from next door. But it wasn't the party noises that you would think it would be. It was laughing and booming voices. I put my ear next to the wall. "Great job Judy, make sure she trusts you. You keep this up little mate and soon you'll be the pack Luna." "Ha-ha Haden you really think the Alpha will make me Luna? What about you?" "I'll take the pack over slowly and then we will kill him together." I backed from the wall. Two questions, how were they in his apartment and two who is this Haden? If this Alpha is loved so much, I don't think I want to be loved here because these people are crazier than my mom. Which I need to call. "Hey mom, I made it." " How's the school from what you have seen?" " The campus is beautiful, and the kids are exactly what you said they'd be like." " So is the money not enough?" " No, the money is just fine, there's just something weird going on." " Well if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." After I hung up there was a loud banging on my door, I walked to the door quickly. I opened the door quite aggressively. The stranger at the door was as handsome as they come. Tall and muscular build, caramel skin, and brown short curly hair with milky brown eyes. He had an evil aroma to him, an aroma I wouldn't want around me personally. "So, you're my new neighbor?" He sounded bored, like he would rather be somewhere else doing something else. "Yes, yes I am. And I would appreciate it if you wouldn't try to break down my door." I crossed my arms, popped out a hip and crossed my legs. His gaze was only getting darker. Thank you, mother, for being so tough and harsh, or I would have peed myself. "Look pal, I don't want you here either but I'm not having a fit about it so neither should you." "Excuse me?" "You heard me." His tall frame leaned down to my tiny one. "I don't know who you are or who you think you are, but I own this place sweetheart and I don't want to ever hear words like that ever come out of that mouth of yours." "Gee no compliment?" That just blurted out of my mouth, I could feel a blush on my cheeks. He looked at me like I was a lunatic. "What?" I had to play this off. "Typically, when guys tell girls they don't wanna hear that stuff out of our mouths they say our pretty little mouths and then we move on, but you just told me not to talk like that and didn't give me a compliment. So, you're just a bossy and mean little Alpha." "I'm sorry but I know you are not talking about little. What are you 4'11, 5'0?" "I am 5'3 thank you very much so if you will excuse me." "My bad, gee sorry for being so wrong." "Why are you here?" "Wow and right when I thought we were making progress. But I heard I got a new neighbor and that their parents were just as powerful as mine if not more and so I just had to see who the new Alpha was. But since there's no Alpha...... I guess you're the new neighbor." "I'll have you know my mother is a very strong Alpha and my dad is too." "Moms can't be Alphas only Luna's." "Not when you're rogues." Anger clouded that once calm face. "Rogues? They let rogues into my school now?" The way he said rogues was like how a kid feels about green beans. "This is not happening." He was gone and now I have the place all to myself. Just a clarification his dads pack is only the largest and strongest because dad gave up the pack title when he merged with moms’ rogues.
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