131. Your safeword is here

1632 Words

Erica I stared at him, dumbfounded and unable to grasp what he just asked. Do you like me? His question ping ponged around my head and I couldn’t decide on an answer. Yes. No. I don’t know. Fûck. Antonio had become something complicated that I know longer have a category for him. I don’t hate him. I don’t despise him like I did before. And yet it should be impossible to feel anything else for him. Fortunately, I was saved from replying when Mario’s cheery voice came from behind me as he stepped out on the terrace. I turned around to see him, to take reprieve from those golden eyes that were still on me, waiting for my answer. “Dessert is here.” I let out a shaky breath and jerked in surprise when Antonio said, his tone amused, “Your safeword is here.” I bit down on my bottom lip as I

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