| 1 | This is war.

1218 Words
Emeliana stands in the middle of the weapons room with her arms crossed, her eyes focus on the activity going on in front of her. Her men are readying up for war, making sure that all the weapons they have are ready for use. Demetrio stands beside Cartelli and Oro, the two of them discussing things quietly, an assault rifle in his hand as well as a magazine while explaining something to both Cartelli and Oro. Demetrio then shifts his gaze to Emelian once he finds her staring back at her. The two don’t need to say anything to each other, instead, Emeliana gives Demetrio a small nod, trusting that they will be able to take care of things right before they prepare to leave… They are meeting with Amethyst in a few minutes. She had made the bold call to Emeliana a few hours ago, telling her that she had possible intel on the whereabouts of her brothers. Now Emeliana knows well enough that it could be a trap to lure her out, just so Bonvalli can kill her. After their meeting, they made it clear that it this is now war, and they have no time for games. Emelian has no idea how the meeting will turn out, but if there’s a possible chance that Amethyst might be telling the truth about knowing where Emeliana’s, then she’s going to take it. Emeliana decides to leave the weapons room, and once Demetrio notices her walk away, they know it’s time for them to leave. He, Cartelli and Oro begin to walk after her, each with guns in their hands as they follow their Donna along, being prepared for whatever the meeting might hold. Back upstairs on the the ground floor of the Delassaro manor, are Luca and Adriano, the two brothers speaking quietly with each other as they wait for Emeliana to return. They both know what’s at stake here. It’s not just about getting Emeliana‘s brother, but getting an advantage over Bonavelli, and they’re all prepared to do whatever it takes to take him down. After a few moments, Luca and Adriano are joined by Mattia and Julia. Adriano is quite happy for his sister finally finding someone to keep her happy, and even though Mattia is Bonavelli’s son, he’s proven himself to be a suitable partner for Julia. Luca on the other hand, despite giving them his blessing, he feels on edge about the two of them being together. However, he did reach an understanding with Mattia, and as long as he vows to protect his sister, Luca doesn’t have a problem with the two of them being together. Emeliana finally joins them in the living room with Demetrio, Cartelli and Oro, all of them exchanging determined expressions as they all mentally prepare for the meeting ahead. The last person to join them is June, strolling into the living room and walking straight to Emeliana after doing what she had asked. “Our guys are placed all over the area, if anyone comes in or out without authorisation, we’ll know,” June informs Emeliana just as Emeliana nods once at June, being glad that she was about to fulfil the tasks she had given her. “So we’re all set for the meeting?” Emeliana asks June and in response, June gives her boss a swift nod, glancing once at Demetrio to find him staring back at her with a small concentrated frown. “Excellent,” Emeliana says, and that’s when June hands the phone in her hand to Emeliana, one that’s undetectable and can’t be traced by any third parties. Emeliana then takes it from June and unlocks it, going into the contact list and finding the only number saved in it… Amethyst. Emeliana exhales deeply before she makes the call and puts it on loudspeaker, her focus being on Luca specifically for only a few moments, her gaze returning to the phone screen to watch it ring. Thankfully she doesn’t have to wait long, and after a few moments, someone finally answers… “Hello…” Emeliana hears the voice of Amethyst on the other side of the phone, her tone being confused and uncertain, possibly from seeing an unknown number. “It’s Emeliana. I’m sending you the location now. You have 30 minutes to get there. Remember what I told you. If I spot any signs of trouble, if you give me any reason to believe you may be double-crossing me, again, you’re dead. Do you understand?” Emeliana states firmly, her tone sounding just like her father’s, the only difference is that she isn’t as rage-filled as he was… “I understand. I’m leaving now…” Amethyst then answers Emeliana quietly and Emeliana nods to herself. “Good,” Emeliana answers her, before she cuts the call and hands the phone back to June, taking a few steps to the entrance of the living room as if she is ready to leave. “We’re going to listen to what she has to say… you all already know what to do if we found out she’s been followed, as well as if she trying to be smart with us…” Emeliana explains to them, watching as they each nod their head in acknowledgement. “Let’s go…” Emeliana tells them and in a matter of minutes, the group piles out of the house uniformly, ready to decide what Amethyst’s fate… Meanwhile, at Aurelio’s house… Amethyst stares carefully at the phone in her hand, right after getting on the call with Emeliana… She sighs carefully to herself, being sure to memorise the number before she deletes it from her call log and turns around. She is currently standing in Aurelio’s bedroom, thankfully being able to speak freely on the phone since Aurelio had stepped out for a bit. She then contemplates on leaving without telling him she’s left, but she figures that’s not the best idea… Right when she is about to leave a message for him, she hears an engine revving in the driveway of the house, making her rush over to the window to find Aurelio pulling into the compound. Amethyst then sighs quietly, realising it’ll be best if she speaks to him rather than making him wonder where she had gone… As she makes her way downstairs, her heart races with anxiety. She feels she’s become infatuated with him very quickly, and though she enjoyed the time she spent with him the other day… she can’t stomach what Bonavelli is doing… She wanted to get back at Demetrio, but she’s no longer sure all of this is worth it… She finds herself downstairs just as she hears the front door open, her eyes landing on Aurelio as he walks into the house and spins his keys around in his hands. “Amethyst, I’m back…” Aurelio calls out right before she acknowledges that Amethyst is already nearby. Once his eyes land on her, a smile appears on his lips as he begins to approach her. “Hey…” He greets her and though Amethyst is nervous, she smiles back at him continuing to walk towards him at the edge of the hallway that leads into the living room. Now to convince Aurelio to let her leave without any suspicion,,.
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