4 - Nigh time visitor

1017 Words
Sophia I jump back in my car and start driving, muttering all the curses I know, under my breath. My healing kicked in so the scratches are all gone now, being replaced by thick lashes of guilt going deeply in my heart.  “f**k!” I hit my fist on the steering wheel. “He’s going to be fine, someone will stop and will surely take the little pest home, right? Right?” I ask out loud but get no answer. How is it that I have no issue killing rogues, pack wolves that fight me or any other creature that decides it would be smart to attack an Alpha, but I feel so remorseful for leaving a damn cat stranded? And after it scratched me for no reason. “It’s just a stupid cat, I don’t care!” I shout and drive faster to get to Lenox’s pack. Tired and still highly guilt ridden which also made me particularly annoyed, I reached the border of Shadow pack. Finally! They have been allies with my pack for as long as I can remember, even before the current Alpha took over their pack and I took over mine. I drive through the barrier that makes me feel weaker than usual and arrive at the pack house where Lenox and her mate Keith were already waiting, a little surprised and possibly concerned. “Sophie!!” Lennox runs to me, engulfing me in a warm hug as soon as I step foot out of the car and on the ground. She sure doesn’t look guilty of plotting to have me killed, but I still need to be careful with who I can trust. More reserved than his mate, Apha Keith steps forwards with a smile on his face, welcoming me and my guards to their home. “Sophia, always a pleasure.” The Alpha extends his hand.  “Thank you, Keith. Sorry to spring this visit on you like this.” I apologise since I didn’t exactly announce my arrival. They only found out about me coming when their sentinels spotted our cars. “Nonsense, you are always welcomed here.” He says before leaning a little to whisper in my ear. “Sophia, if you need help, anything, you can always count on us, you know that, right?” I look towards Lenox and she is smiling reassuringly at me. I guess I’m more transparent than I thought. “Get some rest babe, we’ll talk tomorrow and you can fill us in about… whatever this surprise visit is.” My friend calmly says.  A few helpers come to show my guards to their rooms and also take my bags. Not that I have much packed. “Oh.” A young woman jumped back from my car, slightly startled.  “What is it, Mandy?” Lenox immediately enters Luna mode, concerned for her fellow pack member. I’m actually super proud of her. “Nothing Luna.This little guy just startled me, that’s it.” She turns towards us with a bundle of black fur in her arms. My eyes widen instantly, to the point of popping out of their sockets and my jaw is somewhere on the ground, at the same level as my flat shoes. I swear the little devil is almost smirking, its bright white whiskers just begging me to pull them out with tweezers in the most painful way. “Mittens?” I all but squeak, sounding nothing like the Alpha that I am supposed to be. “You seriously got yourself a cat, Sophie?” Lenox quirks an eyebrow at me, but I am unable to form any coherent thoughts, nevermind offer my friend a reply as to why I have a cat, the cat, in the car with me. Muttering something about a midlife crisis and spinsters, Lenox drags me to a suite and orders me to get some rest, threatening about us needing to have a serious talk in the morning. I nod and barricade myself inside, cat and all. I have a slight feeling my friend believes all this is due to me suddenly wanting to find my mate, but I didn’t have the heart or the energy to correct her. Right now, I’m just trying to keep myself alive and figure out who wants the opposite. I've been tossing and turning for hours, feeling like there is someone in the room with me, other than the cat. I feel something watching me, waiting for God knows what. I'm also freezing and despite having tried to pull Mittens in for a cuddle, the tiny beast refuses any physical contact. I guess he's still holding a grudge for me leaving him on the side of the road.  “Fine, I can also hold a grudge for the scratch marks you gave me!” I mumble under my breath when the sleak furry creature wiggles itself from under my arms. Tired of flinching at every odd sound that I hear, and influenced by my deep setting paranoia, I start talking, deep down, really hoping that no one answers me back. "I know you're watching me. I know you're in here." My voice started out confident, a little enraged, but as the air grew heavier and colder, my last words came out as barely a whisper. “Do you, now?” A deep, guttural voice that makes all the hairs stand up on my arms, replies. I really hope I imagined that, but I’m finding it hard to believe I’m also imagining the tall figure coming closer and closer to the bed. The room is almost pitch b;lack, but my wolf vision allows me to see everything even if I prefer to be lost in ignorance at the moment. I scramble in a sitting position, gathering the comforter up to my chin, all while scanning the face of the man that is almost smiling, but in the most evil, bone chilling way. My wolf refuses to come forward and give me a hand, leaving me almost defenseless. Fuck, this time I’m really going to die, aren’t I?
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