Go West!

349 Words
We were now Vegas bound. When we arrived in Vegas, we were welcomed by a mad hatter. I say that due to the fact that he was wearing a hat, and he said he was mad about something or another. He showed us around a bit until he lost his hat out the window and we kindly took him back to it and bid him adieu. Nice guy whoever he was. Next we came across a man named Smokey. We met him at the parking garage. He had a style and street smarts we knew we needed. He gave us his phone to charge in our car, and we gave him 16 triple C‘s. He told us he could help us make some cash. We desperately needed cash. He managed to sell 16 Corricidons for $90 bucks. $45 for him $45 or us. With our money Suz and I parted with our friends to do some exploring of our own. We wanted to make this trip more personable for us, and not constantly bombarded with friends input. We took the Liberty of passing out CD’s we had made to local people, when we eventually found ourselves at a casino picking up drinks as we strolled around. No I.D.’s were needed apparently; just a girl and a smile. We managed to stumble upon an English couple, talking of music and their daughter. We exchanged numbers and minor information, then decided to leave. We couldn’t seem to find our car or the direction of it for the life of us. We had forgotten to keep track of that bit of vital information. “What have we become here?” We walked in a direction that seemed just as good as any, and as luck would have it, we ran into our comrades. We then decisively walked into the direction we thought our car was, when we ran into a Hispanic man. We talked a minute and he decided he knew where our car was and said if we needed a place to crash, we could stay at his place.
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