Cell Mate

1037 Words
    I hung upside down in the cell. They forgot to chain me back up a couple of days ago, so I decided that handing from the rafters would be fun. I was not wrong. Although, I do think the blood rushing to my head is not the best feeling in the world.     I jumped from the rafters as I heard footsteps. I crouched in the corner by the chains, waiting to see what will be going on. It has been rather boring and quiet around here. "Quit fighting boy, you aren't going to get out of here this time." There was a grunt and a creak from my cell door.     "YOU CAN'T HOLD ME HERE! MY FATHER WILL KILL YOU!" The man screamed as the door slammed. I c****d my head at the man. He is breathing heavy while slamming into the bars.      It took a while for him to finally stop slamming against the wall. He slouched against the bars, groaning in pain. I wanted to say something, but talking isn't really my thing anymore. Laughing and scaring everyone away however is. I hope a guard comes around soon, I am rather bored.     "Who are you and how long have you been here?" The man asked. I looked at him closer. He is well built, although a little shaggy around the edges. His eyes are a crystal clear blue and his hair is snow white. "Are you going to answer the question?" I held up two fingers. His eyes widen. "How are you still alive and do you talk?" I just stared at him. He looked away.     "Evie." I rasped. His head turned sharply. "I'm Evie."     "Cooper. It's a lame name. Why does it dound like you haven't spoken for a long time?" He asked. I shrugged, not used to conversing with those I end up sharing a cell with. "Okay...how have you lasted this long? No one last three months here. This is my second time being here." He talks way too much, I thought. "And your looking at me funny. Can you talk at least?"     "Shut up, boy. The girl don't talk and I thought you were chianed, grey eyes." I shrugged at the guard. He motioned for two other guards as he opened the door. He walked over to me with a glint in his eyes. I grinned. The guard paused in his steps. "Get her back in the chains." He ordered.     It didn't take them long to put me in the chains. One had punched me and I just laughed. That made the guards leave the cell rather quickly. They have given up on beating me. The look in their eyes alone said it all.      "Do they chain you up often?" Cooper asked. I nodded. I began to move, swinging side to side. "You look like a child doing that." I paused, well, tried to anyways. "That got your attention. How old are you anyways?"     "I don't know." I whispered. I cringed at the sound of my voice. "I don't remember anything. All I have is three years worth of memories and snippets of my life." I cleared my throat, wishing for some water. I am only used to grunting and laughing.     "How did you end up here?" He asked.     "You ask alot of questions boy." I grumbled. "I wondered around for a year before they got me. I barely remember how that went down."     "You remember nothing?" Cooper asked in disbelief. "Only snippets of your life? Like what?"     "People. I had a dream about a dragon once." I said. I began to swing again.     "You are rather weird." Cooper muttered. I didn't reply.     Screaming errupted suddenly. It is more painful and feared filled than I have heard before. Cooper looked panicked. I closed my eyes and reached out to that blank space in my mind. There is one thing I hate, and it is people being in pain. Perhaps one day it will end, but just not today.     "Oh God, this is alot worst than I thought. War has been going on for three years. They have r***d, killed, and have done anything and everything else under the sun! Someone needs to rise up and take a stand. We need a leader!" Cooper cried out. Cooper turned to me.     "I can't help you. I am barely able to stand on my own two feet." I informed him. He looked down sadly. "Why don't you become a leader? You seem like you would be a good one."     "If I was a good leader, I wouldn't be here right now. My father is disappointed in me. He couldn't even look at me the last time I saw him. He blames me for my mothers and sisters death. He probably isn't even going to try and save me. I don't deserve it." Cooper said with pity.     "If you are going to pity yourself, do it quietly and in a corner where I don't have to hear you and please give me a moment of silence." I growled roughly. His face changed from a look of self pity to one of anger. I don't think I've seen someone's emotion change so quickly. Nevemind that, I haven't spoken to anyone long enough to get a reaction. I haven't spoken for a long time.     "So this is just you? You gave up? You have not fought since you got here?" He questioned. I stayed silent. "My cellmate just gives in so easily. Wonderful, just wonderful." He walked to a corner and sat down. I sighed and went limps in the chains.      I wonder who I was before I lost my memories. Was I brave or fearful? Did I stand up for others? I wonder if I had a family. I had to be something or someone. I hate the fact that I don't remember who I was. I hate that I am talking again. That confuses me. I hate that he insist on trying to know who I am. I'm Evie, nothing special about that. Then that thing about war? What is happening beyond these walls.
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