Chapter 40 : Daughter of a Traitor

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The day was tiring today but for some reason, sleep was not in the plates for me. It was probably my excitement to finally know that I am going to be finally reunited with my dear Abhinu or the belief that in another few days Sophia will cease to exist and Abhinu could get to live a normal life once again.  The other photograph was from an incident that happened 6 months after the Incident with Aamaya didi's.  I remember it was 2 months after the incident because, after Abhinu’s rechristening ceremony, I scarcely went to their house for a whole month because of our exams and Abhinu never attended school after the incident with Harsh. Besides that Aamaya di asked me not to come to their house for a few months because there are some things that need to be done which she felt that my presence would make things difficult for her.                                                                                                                              ***7 YEARS AGO,*** Every passing day was hellish for Abhinu as he was tortured or abused by the members of Banerjee's household, be it Aunty, Darika, or Garima. Even though that particular day made me realize that Aamaya di is there to protect him, but just to make them believe that she is on their side, she had to prove to them that she is the meanest of all. During Abhinu's stay in Kolkata, post his rechristening, he was not allowed to meet anyone other than me, Harsh, and Grihamani. Occasionally Daniel dada would come over and he would come to meet Abhinu too. Aamaya di made sure to tell everyone in the family that Daniel dada's orientation is different, and so the family had no problems allowing him to come to their place. Uncle was happy when he used to be close to Abhinu. Other than the 4 of us, no one was allowed. If any guest would come to their house, they would lock him up in his room. Aamaya di once told me that Darika came up with the bright idea that it was a precautionary measure to conceal his identity from the outer world.  She further added that although make-ups and dresses managed to bring about a girlie look, Abhinu’s body language still reflects boyish characteristics, and any smart man would easily make out the difference and understand that he is not what he appears to be. She further added that something happened a few days back, and after that, they came up with another bright idea to tie him up to ensure that he won’t try anything funny during their absence. They have instructed Rahat, the gardener, to keep a watch on him. Abhinu was really scared of him. That particular day was no different. I remember, Rinku and his mom came to their residence to meet Aunty. She learned about Aunty having a baby and came to wish her. Rinku had recently joined our school and is my classmate. Both of them were waiting for Aunty to come out of the bedroom. I saw Rinku’s mom getting up and walking towards the bookshelf, placed right next to the couch. She adjusted her spectacles and started browsing through the books. Aamaya di who was sitting on the couch got up and stood next to her. "You have a good collection of books? Do you read them all?" "I love to read them. Especially that..." pointing towards the book Born to live in the Shadow: Vengeance is Ours" is my favorite. It’s a psychological thriller about a boy called Amell Harper suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder and how his younger brother tries to exact vengeance on him because Amell Harper bullied his younger brother Adam in school. This book has been narrated through the views of Amell Harpers doctor Amelia H. I have read the book at least 6 times." replied Aamaya di. While glancing through the book covers on the shelf Rinku’s mom saw 2 medals, placed inside 2 glass boxes, lying on the shelf.  As she picked up one of the boxes, Aamaya di declared excitedly "Those medals were awarded to me and my sister by the IG traffic, Kolkata police, last year because we saved 8 children from a burning bus." "Whaaat!!!" I don't believe it. She outrightly lied to Rinku's mom about the medal. That medal was won by Abhinu and not Aamaya di. Maybe for the safety of Abhinu' she must have lied about it. I ignored her remark. Aunty was surprised at Amaya di’s achievement and excitedly extended her right hand to commend her, "Congratulations, I am really lucky to have met a brave heart like you." Aamaya di replied with a broad smile, "Thank you, Aunty. I was just doing what anybody would do for their friends." She paused a little and continued," I couldn't see my friends agonizing inside a burning van." "I would love to meet your sister Sophia too. You know, it's not every day you get to meet those Brave-hearts who have won a Presidential Medal for bravery," replied Rinku's Mom. Aamaya di bowed down and continued with a sad face, "Actually... Sophia doesn't stay with us anymore. During the accident, she suffered severe injuries to the head causing her to suffer from Infantile amnesia." She paused for a while, took a deep breath and continued," She is currently undergoing treatment. She doesn't remember her past and has deluded herself into believing that she is someone called Aarohi." Aunty let go of Aamaya di's hand and replied in a sympathetic tone, "Oh... I am sorry to hear that. I will pray to God that she gets well soon." With these words, she seated herself on the sofa. I could really be a mute spectator to the outrageous lies and charade fed by Aamaya di to a stranger. Wait a minute, Aamaya di didn't mention Sophia's name, so how did she know the name. I hope Dad or Aamaya di has nothing to do with this. I was pulled out of my stupor by the sudden sound of both Rinku's mom and Banerjee auntie’s phone ringing together. Aunty looked at Rinku's mom and said, "I am sorry, Mrs. Sengupta, but I need to go somewhere, it's important. I am really sorry about this." "No no, it's fine... actually I have to go too. It's my husband. He is back early from his tour. He is in the Army you know." She gestured Rinku to follow and continued. "Mrs. Banerjee, if it's ok with you, I can drop you wherever you want to go." "Oh... it's ok Mrs. Sengupta, you don't have to do that. I can manage it." Aunty replied. Rinku's mom insisted, "I insist, Mrs. Banerjee, you shouldn't take much stress at such time when you are expecting a child. You don't have to worry about my husband. He makes me wait for months, now he can wait for me for a few more hours." Aunty smiled at her reply and without further resistance asked Aamaya di to get ready. As Aamaya di was getting ready, I saw Rahat leaving his room. I asked aunty if everything is alright. She replied, "Grihamani and Harsh were kidnapped 3 days ago. There was no ransom demand or anything. However today early morning someone dropped them in front of their doorsteps." "Do they know what happened, where were they?" I asked. Aunty replied, "They were very traumatized, and were unable to say anything. There are deep lacerations on their body and since morning their only desire is to meet Sophia. Their parents kept asking them, but they wouldn't divulge. They have no clue about their abductors." Aamaya di came out about 15 minutes later, looked at me, and winked. She had a smile on her face, she came close to me and passed a small note in my hand, and then they left. I opened the sheet of paper and found that something was written on that paper. "Daniel has kept his promise..." I was happy that Daniel dada has kept his promise even though Aamaya di never went back with them as they wanted her to. I told aunty that I will stay at their residence until they return. Before leaving Aunty bent down slightly to reach my ear and whispered, "Sophia is in the room and she might need your help and I trust that she will be safe with you when Harsh would be in the house." I told her not to worry as Harsh would not dare to lay a finger when I am around Abhinu. As they left, I dashed into Abhinu's room ignoring everyone present in the house and found him lying on the bed and struggling to free himself from the bindings. Without wasting more time, I helped him to be free again. As the restraints are removed, Abhinu hugged me tight and started crying like a baby. He was sobbing relentlessly and shivering as if something unfortunate has happened. Lately, he became more sissy, and his attitude changes whenever Harsh or Grihamani is around. Earlier, even with Harsh's constant ragging, he has never cried, but something might have hurt him immensely for such a drastic change. I let him cry on my lap for some time and after a lot of persuasions he finally opened up. He sat beside me, on the bed, still shivering and holding my hands, began, "Every time Rahat kaka comes to keep watch on me, he keeps touching me here and here” he pointed to specific parts of his body, “It makes me really uncomfortable. He stuffs a piece of cloth in my mouth so that I cannot make any noise.”  As tears began to roll through his eyes he continued "Do you know what he did today..." "What..."  I was keeping my fingers crossed with the hope that he didn't do anything disgusting. He tried to pull my skirt up to my hips and then he tried to insert his fingers on my..." as he was about to say the next word I placed my hands on his mouth and said "Don't say a word..." At that moment I really want to Kick Rahat’s a*s. "Have you tried telling aunty or uncle about this? You know, dad always says that if anyone tries to touch you inappropriately you should report your parents about it immediately." I asked. "I tried telling them, but they don't believe me. They think I am lying. Rahat Kaka has been working here for more than 10 years and they trust him a lot." He wiped the tears off his eyes and continued "aunty told me the other day that for my sake they will be leaving Kolkata forever." "That's good news. At least, that way Harsh will not be able to bully you anymore." I replied. He looked down and replied, "Hmmm... that's true." Still sitting on his bed he bent down and hugged me once again and continued with a faint voice, “If I stay with this family, a day will come when everyone who knew me will forget that I even exist. I just want to die... at least all these sufferings will be over... I just hope you and Aamaya di would come to visit my grave once every year so that I can know that my true friends would not forgive me like the others." I didn't know what I should say to ease his grief. However, I caressed his long thick hair reassuringly and said, "Remember, you, me and Aarohi, we made a promise ALL FOR ONE... ONE FOR ALL. It was probably God's will that you picked up Aarohi's name that day to keep her memories alive. I promise you; I will not rest till the day you are rescued from the clutches of these retards. Please promise me that you will never ever talk about killing yourself..." It felt like my words brought a glimmer of hope in Abhinu and he let go of me. As I got off his bed, I saw something tattooed on his back. I caught hold of him and pulled down his skirt a little. He was wearing a formal shirt with a grey-colored pencil skirt and he has hidden carefully what appeared to be a tattoo on his back by covering it with the shirt. However because of the constant struggling at the time, he was tied up, his shirt came off from underneath the skirt where it was tucked it revealing the tattoo. Taking a closer look, I found that "DAUGHTER OF A COWARD" has been tattooed on his back. Abhinu pulled the skirt up hastily. "What the hell is that?" I asked angrily. He replied, "Remember I told you that I ran away from home 2 months ago." "Yes... what about it... What has that got to do with this..." I asked angrily. "Well just because I ran away from home… they decided to punish me and as a reminder that I don’t try a similar act again, they tattooed the line “DAUGHTER OF A COWARD” on my back. It was Garima di’s idea to inscribe this line on my back instead of physically hurting me." He paused and then said "Her justification was that my parents were cowards that's why they left me all alone in this world and since I was their child it would constantly remind me of what they did to me..."  He got down on his knees, folded his hands together, and cried, "My dad is not a coward Monika… he was a Patriot… Brigadier Shahi said that my dad was martyred fighting against the Naxalites…” I bent down, caught hold of his shoulder, softly pulled him up, and hugged him as tightly as I could. "You don't have to explain to me, sweetie. I know uncle very well… no matter what others opine…  He was the bravest of the brave… he is not a coward." As tears started to roll, I continued, "I cannot bear to see you sad. You know, every time I see your photograph in my album I feel sad and helpless. I would like to promise you that I will not rest till I find a way to secure your freedom from this hell." Finally, I added, "Forget about everything, let's go to the balcony, I want to talk to you about something." He responded positively and we started walking toward the balcony holding our hands together. However, I could sense that he was limping in his walk. "Why are you limping, and why are you wearing such uncomfortable clothes?" I asked. He replied "Aunty told me that since I am not going to school anymore, I should wear formal clothes and follow a set of rules in the house. She got me 3 pairs of uniforms and wants me to wear them with these uncomfortable pumps daily during the daytime. She thinks this way I would get the feeling of school at home with the only exception that I don't get to study." He continued "These shoes" pointing towards the shoes he was wearing "gives me blisters on my toes, but aunty wants me to wear them all the time and never take them off." The shoe, he is made to wear, has pointed pencil heels. Being a girl, I could understand how uncomfortable it is to wear and walk on heeled shoes even for an hour, but aunty has made him wear it all the time. What has gone wrong with the family all of a sudden?                                                     TO BE CONTINUED...                                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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