Chapter 61 : Koushik Dada

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The phrase 'bad news' made me wonder if Koushik dada was alright, as he continued "At the time you fainted, a group of men stormed into our house with the intention of k********g you so that they can get leverage by striking a deal with us to get Abhinu in exchange for your freedom." "Koushik tried everything he could, to protect you. He single-handedly fought the 6 of them and was able to decapitate 2 of them with his Hengdang. However, when Rahat and his men found that he was unstoppable, they emptied 3 rounds of bullets into him. As he fell helplessly on the floor, the goons took you away." I couldn't believe what I just heard. Dada was right in asserting that I would be safe with Koushik dada around.  Dad continued "He is among the last surviving members of one of the ancient warrior clans of Axom known as Chao-Phrung-Mung. They were the direct descendants of Lasham Burhagohain, one of the earliest generals and one of the greatest strategists, second only to Atan Burhagohain of the Ahom kingdom." I was in no mood to listen to the history of Koushik dada's bloodline and decided to stop dad amidst his rant and asked "But dad, where is he? Is he alright?" Everyone began to smile at my question and Uncle Shahi responded to my concerned questions, "Do you know when god decided to create the people from the hills, he already had in his mind that they will be stronger and fearless then the average human being. Do you think warriors like him would give up so easily? Why don't you ask him yourself?" He pulled a the curtain, which was used as a barricade to block the view of whoever was next to me. It was Koushik dada who was lying next to my bed. "He is currently unconscious but he will recover. Doctors have confirmed that he is out of danger." I was happy to know that he was alright. As I was about to get off the bed to approach him, a doctor with one of the staff nurses entered the room. "I need to examine the child. All of you have to leave the room," the doctor asked. As everyone was leaving the room my mom shouted: "You guys leave the room, I am not letting my baby out of sight." Dad was about to open his mouth to say something, I saw mom interrupting him and said in a sterned voice: "JAIRUS, I AM NOT… LEAVING MY BABY ALONE." The doctor suddenly interrupted their conversation and replied, "It's ok Mrs. Christopher, you can stay but the rest of you please leave." she paused and started waving her hand in the air and finally pointed it towards the door. Everyone left the room except Mom and then the doctor smiled at me, picked up the stethoscope, and placed it on her ear and continued "I hope you are feeling better?" I smiled back at her and replied "I... I am fine ma'am..." "Excellent," she replied and then held the resonator and started pressing it to my chest. "Can you please try taking a deep breath." I kept breathing and finally, she caught hold of my right hand and pressed to feel the pulse. She took a deep breath, looked at mom and said "Mrs. Christopher, I think you can take her home now. Her vitals seem to be normal." She paused once again and continued "I will ask someone to get the paperwork done." She then looked at his assistant and said: "Get the I.V. drip off her and make sure to cover and treat her wounds." With these final words, the doctor left the room. The nurse took out a roll of cotton and softly pulled out the needle which was inserted in my hand. He carefully applied some medicine on my hand, placed the cotton on it and covered it with a bandage. He didn't say a single word and promptly left the room once he was done. I got off the bed, in my hospital robe, walked towards Koushik dada's bed. He was still unconscious, with bruise marks over his forehead and had an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth. He was not wearing any clothes and a white bandage covered his chest in the places where they had shot him. He looked so fragile, but his face still had the calmness of a hero ready to rise again. I went and touched his hand. It was difficult for me to see him in this ghastly condition, and worst of all when I know that I was the very reason behind his condition, I could only look at his face and fathom the worse consequences which his bravery has averted but at the great cost of his suffering. As I kept looking at him dad entered the room, he had a bundle of papers in his hands. "Aki, the paperwork is done." He looked at me and replied "Don't worry sweetie, everything will be alright. There are 2 men posted outside this room all the time, they will be here till he gets better or till Mr. Banerjee is brought to justice." I was relieved to know that someone will be keeping a watchful eye on Koushik dada. Mom suddenly interrupted, "Monika, time to get you changed." I approached mom obediently and dad pulled the curtain all the way and said "I will be waiting outside in the car. Come down once you are ready." and he left the room. Mom helped me get undressed from the robe to my regular casual dress. It took me around 20 minutes or so and finally left the room with mom holding my hand. As I was leaving the room a couple of doctors approached me and gifted me with a bouquet. I smiled and said, "Thank you, sir." "You are welcome dear…" the doctors replied. They shook my hand and left the room. We started making our way towards the exit and then saw a familiar sight. It was dad's silver Esteem car approach the entrance. Dad was already seated on the front seat.                                                                     TO BE CONTINUED...                                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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