Chapter 100 : Reminder from the Past

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Aamaya suddenly stood up, covered her mouth. She had a bewildered look on her face. She probably couldn’t believe Abhinu would ask her to join his team. Her face indicated that she was both in shock and disbelief as she replied “Yes brother… I will be in your team…” she paused a while and continued “But..." she paused a little and then continued "I don’t have the proper clothes to wear for the match…”  Jessica replied in an assuring tone “Don’t worry Aamaya… your boyfriend knew that you would not have any dresses after what happened... so he asked me to accompany him and get some dresses for you… you can use one of them during the match…” For some reason, nobody reacted to the mention of the embarrassing term ‘boyfriend’ by Jessica to specify me. As we’re about to leave Brigadier Shahi suddenly called out “Guys before we all disperse here is another announcement… one more event is being planned for tomorrow evening. We want all of you to come and make the event a grand success... there is a special surprise for Monika and Abhinu.” As everyone is looking at the Brigadier he continued “Sagar and I have planned a get-together in the town hall and please make it convenient to be there by 18.00 hours tomorrow. There is going to be dance followed by dinner.” *** Everyone agreed to the brigadier’s proposal and we finally dispersed. Jessica, Abhinu, Aamaya, Monika, and I proceeded towards our rooms, stopping by Vikash’s MD5 on the way to collect the packages. As we reached the room, I gave the packets, that Jessica gave me earlier, to Aamaya. I figured out that the gifts Jessica bought were primarily for Aamaya except for 3 of them. One of them was for Monika and the other 2 were for Abhinu. I saw Aamaya place all the gifts on the bed and started to open them. She was quite excited about the gifts Jessica bought for her. *** As Abhinu and Monika were about to open the packets Jessica asked “Monika, I hope you liked the color of the dress I bought for you. I came to know from Abhinu that you and Aarohi both loved the color Pink.” Monika flashed a pleasant smile, showing all her 32 teeth as she heard the work pink, and replied, “Thank you Aunty…” and then she said excitedly “I am going to wear it tomorrow for the dance…” Suddenly Aamaya says “Thank you for the lovely dresses didi…” she paused and as she was holding a white fit and flare dress and looking at Jessica “especially this dress… I love the color… Thank you for everything…” Jessica went and sat next to Aamaya, and continued “you are welcome dear… you don’t have to thank me… Aunty Christopher called me and said you will need some dresses, so I thought of getting some for you… and well the color... it's Joe's choice... he thought that you might love the color...” About half an hour later mom entered our room. She had with her a bag which she handed over to me. “These are all your clothes son. Thought you might need them. You will find something for today’s match as well.” As I took the bag from her hand mom spoke “Why don’t you guys get ready, see you in 30 minutes,” and she left the room. Jessica asked Monika to go and get changed in my room, while she asked Abhinu to go to his room to get ready. Suddenly Aamaya commented “Di… it seems like there is some mistake…” “What happened Sweetie…” asked Jessica. *** It felt like the moment has finally come for me to be the mean guy which I am not. *** “Di… This top is fine but there is a skirt, a pair of stockings, and knee-length boots…” as she took out the dresses and the box of boots “These dresses are not for playing basketball…” Jessica suddenly looked at me and nodded her head, it was the indication for me to speak. I playfully asked “Let me see what Jessica di bought for you…” as I hold the skirt in my hand I continued “doesn’t this skirt and the white stockings remind you of something…” looking at Aamaya. “What…” asked Jessica di… Before anybody could respond, Monika started in a rough tone “This dress reminds me of the basketball match… Aamaya di and her sisters made Abhinu wear a similar dress that day…”  saying that she went to the other room to change before anyone present in the room could react. “Actually, Aamaya knew it very well, a month ago we had a basketball match and she made Abhinu wear a similar outfit…” I picked up the boots Jessica bought for her and continued “Abhinu was also wearing similar boots that day…” Amaya's face turned bright red in rage, but somehow she managed to control herself to respond in a calm tone, “I think I understand where this is going… I know it’s going to take some time for you all to trust me and understand that I am not the same person I was to you before… To tell you the truth, I really don’t know how I can make you trust me or how I can make anyone of you believe what I did that day was not of my own free will but was forced to do it." "Besides for the sake of Abhinu, I will do everything I can to earn his trust… I am going to play and give my 100% in this match no matter how uncomfortable I am…The evil Amaya is no more. You will see…” Deep down I was feeling guilty about what I was doing but somehow Jessica controlled the situation “Honey, we are not doing this to offend you… Do you remember this morning when you tried to talk to Abhinu and he was still mad at you… so I felt like if you play the match dressed this way, he might be a little comforted by your gesture and might truly believe in your repentance and you might earn his forgiveness…” she paused for a few seconds and continued “and besides I think Abhinu is trying to make amends. Don’t forget he has included you in his team without throwing any tantrum.” She paused again and continued “You know a few days back Abhinu revealed to me that your skills at basketball were impeccable and I have a strange suspicion that when the team was getting sorted, our Joe…” she suddenly caught hold of my ear and started pulling them softly. As I pleaded “Aaahhh….” She continued “made sure that in order to get an upper hand and render Abhinu helpless again, he requested three experienced players to be part of his team. They are all national-level athletes, and if I am not wrong, he purposefully selected all the boys to be on his team to get an upper hand. Besides, I know that you are the only person Abhinu knows who has the skills to compete against Joe’s team. He is showing confidence in you Aamaya.” “For me, this is a sign from him that he has accepted you and is taking a positive step towards forgiving you. But this is a two-way street. The ball is literally in your court. You have to make an effort and reciprocate in equal terms to show your loyalty and consider you worthy of his trust.” “I can understand your discomfort and apprehension. But you are the elder sister who has to set an example in front of her younger brother. Please don’t disappoint him and break his faith again.” *** Wow I must admit that Jessica can really get into peoples’ heads without the person on the other end doubting her intrusion. I guess this was what Manjari Ma’am meant when she was teaching us about Psychological Warfare. *** For once it felt Jessica’s words brought hope and Aamaya replied with conviction and a smile “For the sake of Abhinu and to earn his forgiveness I am willing to walk on burning embers or through hell…Pardon my language…” With this, she walked towards her room followed by Jessica to get changed. There was a skip in her step which convinced me that she was moved by Jessica’s wise words. I waited for Monika to get ready and come out of the room so that I can take my turn for the same. By the time I was ready everyone was waiting for me at the room. As we proceed towards the basketball court, I could feel Aamaya was struggling to walk on those wedges Jessica bought for her. Monika once told me that Aamaya doesn't like to wear heels. As a matter of fact, she never wears heels and for some reason, everyone is intentionally making her wear heels to remind her of the mistake.  However, there was also another strange sight. Abhinu and Aamaya was talking to one another. I decided not to intervene and walked towards the field.                                                                     TO BE CONTINUED…                                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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