Chapter 58 : The Roar of the Lion

1050 Words
"Mr. Christopher, please let go of this man. We need him alive, to know the truth."  Mrs Sengupta prompted.  As I saw the familiar face of my dad revealed from behind the mask, I pushed myself away from Sagar sir's arms and rushed towards dad. My dad picked me up in his arms and hugged me tightly. His long and familiar hug consoled me. After a long time, he put me down and checked my leg for injuries. On seeing the bruise mark on my leg, he asked me, "Does it hurt my dear?" and pressed gently on the bruise. As I wailed in pain, he stood up, caught hold of the guy lying next to Sagar sir and started punching him on the face this time. I have never seen this angry and aggressive side of my father before. Sagar Sir and his friends intervened and tried restraining my dad in an attempt to save the man from his wrath. "STOP SIR... YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM.” Sagar sir continued yelling trying to stop my dad. It took the four of them several minutes before they could pull my dad away from that man. I could not help but feel scared by this angry side of my dad. As he controlled himself and glanced towards me, something in my expression seemed to have a calming effect on him and he restrained himself. Looking at my face he said, "I can see that you have a lot of questions on your mind right now. I know you have never seen this side of me. I am sorry dear for frightening you." "It’s ok Dad. I know how much you love me and care for me. But what I don't understand is why are you wearing some armed forces uniform" I asked. Mom came towards me and replied, "Honey, your dad is not who you think he is. He is Commander Jairus Christopher, of the Marine Commandoes. Because of his nature of work, this was kept secret from the 2 of you." I couldn't believe what I just heard but after witnessing this hostile and commandeering version of my dad I was convinced that this might be true. I knew my dad was some sort of a detective or something, but I never thought he was a uniformed officer. Suddenly dad caught hold of me by my right arm and said: "You might be having lots of questions right now, and I think it’s time for you to know everything." "Actually... I don't have a lot of questions, I have only one. Why did Koushik dada d**g me?" I asked. Dad looked at me and countered my question, "Are you sure Koushik drugged you? Try to recall what happened when you stepped out of the house to get on his motorcycle." Dad's counter-question made me think back to what happened that moment after I had the halwa and walked out of the house. After a lot of reminiscing, I finally recalled feeling like something biting me on my neck and me blacking out after that. Before I fell unconscious, I remembered a silver-coloured SUV entering our premises. "But how did you guys find me and what happened at the house?" I asked. Dad looked sad and replied, "Before you know what happened at the house, we want you to be strong to endure what you are going to hear from us." I saw dad caught hold of Rahat's collar once again and continued "Want to start talking or you want me to start convincing you?" and raised his fist to punch him on his face. Rahat raised his hands and tried covering his face and pleaded "Please don't hit me, I will talk." Before Rahat could start talking, Miss. Sengupta received a call. "Hello..." "Yes sir... tell me?" "Ok... we will be ready, just let us know where to meet you?" and disconnected the call. Miss Sengupta looked at us and stated "It was Mr. Tribeni Mazumdar. He and his men have caught someone. He wants Commander Christopher to meet. Further, Babul and his old friends were able to get in touch with someone whom Brigadier Shahi would be really interested to talk to." The man with the big moustache stepped forward, he was the same person who was at our home the other night. "What are you talking about Miss Sengupta?" "It was Babul who called and informed about an incident which happened seven years ago and how it was linked to you, Commander Christopher and Abhinu. They have apprehended a man who has knowledge of a secret related to Colonel Banerjee and once they reach Purulia, they will hand over the custody to Mr. N.N. who will ensure that the military police get the custody of that man. You might want to know what he has to say about the murder of Col. Banerjee. He will call again to share the location," replied Miss Sengupta. There was a lengthy silence, and Miss Sengupta advanced towards Rahat and shouted menacingly: "DO I HAVE TO SEND YOU AN INVITATION TO TALK?" With all the people coercing him from all directions, Rahat looked helpless and was left with no choice but to talk. He began, "That morning when Ma'am," looking towards my mom he continued, "came to the hospital and asked Banerjee sir and her son to go and have breakfast, he doubted that you were up to something. So as soon as they left, he called me up and instructed to keep a watch over your house." "He enquired Sophia about her conversation with Ma'am to which she informed him that she was just asking about her leg and the incident that led to the fracture of her left leg." Suddenly Sagar sir leapt like a lion and caught hold of Rahat's neck and shouted "THAT'S A BOY YOU PERVERT... NOT A GIRL... STOP CALLING HIM A SHE... AND HIS NAME IS ABHINU..." The other officers rushed towards Sagar sir and tried to pull him away from Rahat. Suddenly a familiar voice called out "Captain Stand down?" "Sir, he disrespected and violated a child. He doesn't deserve to live," replied Sagar sir. "Captain... STAND DOWN... THIS IS AN ORDER..." shouted the man with the moustache.                                                         TO BE CONTINUED...                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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