Chapter 32 : Lending Out a Helping Hand

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After what everyone heard from mom, everyone was quiet for a good 10 to 15 minutes. I could feel that everyone's face was turning red with rage. Master Daa looked as if he is going to strangle the life out of that asshole Abhishek Banerjee. Dr. Sen broke the silence and re-assured in a strong voice, "Mrs. Christopher, I don't know your plans but whatever you are going to do, you have my full support." Joy also chimed in, "Ma'am we are with you too. Vikash tells us that we are the best drivers among all his acquaintances. You can count on us for any help in your rescue plans for the kid." The elderly person interjected, "I resurfaced after 24 years to surrender, but now hearing about the dire circumstances through which this young child is moving, I have decided to postpone my surrender plan until he is safe. As a matter of fact, I will support him as his godfather till he completes his education. Whatever help you need, I am with you." The other elderly gentleman introduced himself and chipped in, "My name is Mr. Nishi Nath, IG Crime, Purulia region. Because of my way of providing justice, the police force calls me N.N. They have even nicknamed me Mr. Instant Justice. I have connections all around the country and hope to be of some use in your quest for justice to the child." He further added, "Generally I would suggest acting within the limits of laws, but in this case, I cannot deny the need for drastic measures and you" pointing his finger towards the other elderly person, he continued in a daunting voice, "Mr. Majumdar, if you decide to go underground again, be aware that you will never be able to set foot in Bengal." ***I was unable to believe that I was standing in front of one of the most wanted man in West Bengal. Probably the whole of India. The elderly gentleman is none other than the Naxalbari leader Mr. Tribeni Mazumdar.*** Mr. Majumdar smiled at Mr. N. N. and responded in an even tone, "I have committed a lot of unlawful activity in my life but here is an opportunity to do something good and I will not back off now. Here is a promise, I will never set foot in Bengal again unless it’s a matter concerning the safety of this child." Vikash stood up and said "I might not be as powerful and influential as you all, but I have something to offer for the cause. I have 4 bungalows in different states of India. If at any time you feel the need to find some shelter for Sophia, away from here, they will be available for use. I have promised her earlier that I will do anything for her and I am going to keep the promise till my last breath. He may be Abhinu for all of you but for me, he is my Sophia and will remain my sweet sister forever. I will instruct the caretakers to get those bungalows ready in the next 24 hours." For the first time I saw tears in Vikash's eyes. I have never seen him so emotionally charged earlier. He always managed to flash his awkward smile even when girls called him brother, breaking his heart when he tries to flirt with them. Koushik who was standing in the corner leaning on a pillar also added, "She is my Sophia too. I can make sure that she gets the proper medical attention whenever she requires it. This child is psychologically traumatized, and I know someone who can help her with therapy and counseling to stabilize her. My parents own a house in Assam and no one ever stays there. Ever since my sister shifted to London my parents moved along and living with her. I try to visit the place occasionally during vacations. If required, it may be used to raise Abhinu." "Woah... Woah... hold still... We are not conducting a rescue operation here… Grow up... We all have family and children. We are not doing any such thing.” Facing the 3 elderly gentlemen sitting on our couch she spoke, “All of You are in your fifties." "You are a teacher, not some Maverick, who can go about handing out justice to people as you desire," she told master da and turned slightly to face Vikash and Koushik, “and you two, one is a basketball referee, I know Koushik is an honorary Major in the Territorial Army while the other runs an NGO." "This is real life not a MacLean's novel where 10 random guys are sent on a mission to rescue a hot blonde behind enemy lines. There are consequences we need to consider.” Suddenly dad stood up, picked up a notebook and scribbled something in it, and began to pass it around. As the notebook reached me I saw “THE BANERJEE’S GARDENER IS LISTENING TO OUR CONVERSATION…” is written in it. Dad took over from Mom at that point, “I want to add something here… We have to consider the fact that the moment we attempt to rescue Abhinu from their grasp, we will be the first family to be suspected by the police and the Banerjee’s…" He paused and then continued "We should also consider the fact that Joe has been visiting Abhinu in the hospital regularly, they may doubt that Joe knows Abhinu’s secret. Whoever had visited Abhinu in the hospital would definitely be a suspect and will land up in big trouble." "Then what should we do, we cannot let the kid suffer that way," I raised my query midway through the discussion. "He won't… trust me." Mom replied. I gave a nod in agreement.  Mom who was gazing at Miss Sengupta and Mr. N.N, asked “Please do me a favor, if possible try to fish out the personal details of the other child and why he has been mentally harassed and forced to change his gender identity by the Banerjee family and how they have been getting off with it." "Once we figure out the reason why they have been doing this, it will be easy for us to devise a suitable mechanism to reduce extreme physical and mental suffering of the child in their clutches." Mom paused a little and then continued with Mr. N.N. "Sir, if you don't mind, can you try to check with the Child Protective Services, why their supervisor never came back to check with the family even though it was their duty to keep a regular watch for the welfare of the child?" I saw N.N. sir agreeing with a nod and said, "I will get it done at the earliest." At this point, Dr. Sen added, “We can medicate him to appear unconscious until Mr. N.N. manages to complete his investigation.” I saw Mom passing a note to Dr. Sen. She reads the note and replied “Sure Mrs. Christopher… it will be done…” I was not sure what was written on that piece of paper.  Mom shifted her gaze towards Master da and continued, "Meanwhile, Babul, will you still be able to continue as his teacher? I know it's not going to be easy considering that you will have to teach a trans child, but for the sake of that innocent child, will you still persist? I hope you understand that this child was transformed into a trans through no fault of his." Master da responded resolutely "Mrs. Christopher, as a teacher I took a pledge to teach without considering caste, creed, religion, or s*x. Teaching is my religion, and that is something I will never betray… but please remember that I am also a surrendered Naxalbari leader… if anybody tries to harm any of my protegees, he will have to endure my wrath. I won't hesitate for a second to turn into, the ‘Parasurama’ for his sake." ***I read somewhere that Parasurama, according to Hindu mythology, was a teacher. When a king killed his father, he vowed to wipe out 21 generations of the warrior clan from the face of the earth. He finally kept his weapon down after he was finally defeated by Ganga Putra Bhishma*** "I understand your sentiments but let me remind you that we have got children involved here, so kindly refrain from talking about violence." Mom replied. I saw a chastened look appear on master Da's face at my mom's rebuke as he softly replied "Sorry..." All of a sudden mom looked at me and started, "Joe, Day-after-tomorrow you will be reporting back to school, It is time for you to sacrifice something which you have been putting your heart and soul for so long. If you wish to go and meet your friend for the last time, you can go. I think you should stay in the hospital for the night and please don’t let Abhinu out of your sight till Dr. Sen comes for her rounds." I responded with a “Hmmm…” and then Mom continued "I know Aamaya is onto you... I want you to convince her to stay in the hospital with you... and make sure you don't let them out of your sight" For once I was not sure why mom was asking me to ask Aamaya to be on the hospital with her... But if she is asking me to do something, there is definitely something she might have planned. I replied with a lot of hesitation and doubt on my face "Hmmm... sure mom it will be done..."  But before I leave, I decided to have a little talk with Monika. I looked at Monika, bent down a little and said to her "Sweety, I have to get back to school tomorrow. I won't be around but Master Da and Vikash will be. If you sense any trouble, get in touch with them."   Pointing towards Miss Sengupta, I added "That aunty will also be around, to keep both of you safe." "But, honey, please promise me you won't do anything reckless." ***If I know my sister well, most of the time she lets her anger and self-righteousness get the better of her reasoning and she ends up doing something rash and in the current context, we cannot afford anything reckless.*** Mom interrupted me and said, "Enough Kids, Monika, you are not doing any such thing that will jeopardize your life. You are not going to their home anymore until we find out the details of their intention behind the heinous acts to coerce your friends for long and till that time you are grounded. Get back to your room this very instant." *SINCE THE STORY IS MOSTLY REVOLVED AROUND SOPHIA'S LIFE AND JOE WILL NOT BE AROUND, THE REMAINING CHAPTERS WILL BE NARRATED BY MONIKA*                                                     TO BE CONTINUED...                                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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