Chapter 43 : The Mystery Deepens.

1348 Words
What I just witnessed, cleared my doubts. Mom's worst fear had suddenly come true. I wonder if that's what she meant when she said that the night should pass without any incident.  Hearing Master Daa's outcry, we all stormed inside the house... the scenario inside the hall was horrific, it scared me out. It appeared like a scene out of a slasher movie, dad and Joe watching the other day on TV. The sight in front of my eyes shook me to my core. The bodies of Darika and Garima were lying on the floor with their faces down. Vikash dada and Dad rushed to them and tried to check their pulse and ascertain if they were breathing. Mom kept pushing me behind her, shielding me from the horrifying scene. I could only hear Dad speaking out the dreadful words, "I cannot feel any pulse on her. She is gone." As dad tried to remove the blood-ridden hair covering her face he declared "I think she has been shot point-blank at her face." Dad had tears in his eyes as he picked up the lifeless body of Garima in his arms. I heard Vikash Da’s voice saying, "Darika has been shot in the face too." Nishi Babu touched her chest to check if he could feel a heartbeat, and then he shrieked “Her Rib cage has been fractured” There was a gunshot wound on her thighs and I saw that Vikash was trying to remove her hair off her face and shouted “She has also been shot but” I saw Vikash taking a closer look and then shouted “looks like the bullet just grazed her skull” Vikash dada picked up Garima in his lap and began to run towards the car. "kaki maa... I am taking her to the doctor to get her treated..." "Drive save... let me know if you need anything... I will call St.Martha's hospital and ask them to be ready with the doctor..." and then mom got busy with a call. Aunty Banerjee was holding with the support of the pillar and was bleeding profusely. Her face and clothes were soaked in blood. It appeared like she was trying her level best to hold on to dear life. Master Kaku grasped her arms and tried to apply first-aid to make her comfortable. Kaku was trying to use a cloth to remove the blood from her face, but she turned his hands away and mumbled, "Please don't let that Monster know that Garima is alive... and..." she tried to stay still and with a heavy breathing continued "Please tell Amell to protect Sophia and Aamaya." "Monster? Whom are you talking about and who is this Amell?" Asked Master Kaku. "So.. Soam... soam..." With these words, a deafening silence filled the room as auntie’s struggling breathing came to an end. At times, I wished death for Darika and Garima because of the way they treated Abhinu, but I never imagined that their lives would end this horrific way. Nishi Jethu picked up the phone and dialled a number. "Hello, this is IG N.N. Chief Crime Branch, I want you to send whoever is in the station to 35 Netaji Road, right now." "There has been an incident and I want a forensic team to be sent here right away." Nishi Jethu asked mom, Dad, and Vikash dada to wait outside as this is an active crime scene.   30 Minutes Later. 2 ambulances and a couple of police jeeps approached the house and stopped near the entrance. A group of police officers got off the jeep. One of the officers approached Nishi Kaku and saluted him. I saw them discussing something, however as we were standing at a distance, I could barely hear them. 2 of the officers were putting on yellow stripes marked "CRIME SCENE DO NOT ENTER" all over the house. A few minutes later Nishi Jethu approached us and enquired, "Does any of you have the number of Mr. Banerjee's mobile." "I do..."  Vikash dada replied, Finding everyone shocked at his response Vikash dada raised his eyebrow and looked at us mockingly. With both his hands partially into the air, he said, "Oh... come on... don't be shocked." "I met Mr. Banerjee, 6 years ago in Kolkata. I went to meet him on behalf of S.A.I. to recruit his 2 children Aarohi and Abhinu for the National basketball team. I got his number back then." Nishi Jethu smiled and said "We were just watching you." and all of a sudden his tone changed and he growled, "GIVE ME THE NUMBER." Vikash dada quietly gave it to him. Nishi Jethu took the number and dialled Uncle Banerjee's cell phone. I was unable to make out what uncle was saying at the other end of the line. All I could hear was, "Is this Mr. Banerjee from 35 Netaji Road?" "Mr. Banerjee, I am Inspector General of Police N.N, calling from your residence. There has been an incident at your home, and you need to arrive here as soon as you can." "Please come soon. This is something that cannot be discussed over phone." By the time Uncle reached home, it was already morning. Uncle was looking all over and could see only the yellow stripes that said "CRIME SCENE DO NOT ENTER" all around his house and a group of cops busy with their work. He approached the first uniformed officer he could lay his eyes on and asks him "Can I talk to Mr. N.N. please?" and the officer directed him towards Nishi Jethu. I saw Nishi Jethu approach Uncle Banerjee, shook his hand and introduce himself. Uncle appeared worried with all the cops around his house. He asked, "I believe you are the one who called me a couple of hours ago. I started as soon as I received your call. Is everything alright?" Nishi Jethu, with all his experience of handling such situation, took his hands in a comforting hold and started like a sympathizer "I don't know how to break the news, but there has been an incident at your house." he paused and continued, "your wife and two daughters were murdered." Uncle instinctively made a move to rush inside the house. Dad swiftly caught hold of him and stopped from entering inside. At that moment, the lifeless body of Aunty, were brought out by the forensic team on a stretcher. Nishi Jethu made sure that Darika's body has already be sent to the Morgue right after Garima was taken to the hospital by Vikash Dada.  Nishi Jethu lets him see Aunty's corpse one last time before she was transported by the forensic team for detail examination. There was an eerie silence as the lifeless bodies of Aunty Banerjee been taken away in stretchers and the head of the family is watching helplessly. A few moments later uncle asked "Where are my daughters Darika and Garima?" "Well... Sir... the moment we entered the house we found that both of your daughters were shot on the face... we decided to immediately send them to the hospital with the hope that maybe they could feel a pulse and try to revive them..." jethu paused and continued "unfortunately the doctors have confirmed that they were already dead when they reached the hospital..." Suddenly Uncle Screamed "NO-NO-NO... THIS IS NOT RIGHT... HOW IT HAPPENED?" Mr. Banerjee couldn't control his emotions and stepped forward to hold the lifeless bodies of his 2 children and wife. He dropped to the ground shakily and started hitting his forehead with his hand and kept muttering "I am sorry my child... WHY-WHY-WHY..." He caught hold of Nishi Jethu, crying uncontrollably, and kept asking, "What did my children do to deserve something like this?" "Please promise me you will find the person responsible for the killing." Nishi Jethu replied in a sympathetic tone "I promise to do everything in my power to find the culprit responsible for the gruesome murder of your family members. Justice will prevail."                                                            TO BE CONTINUED...                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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