Chapter 8 : The Meeting with Aarusha Basu

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Vikash picked up the phone and called someone. "Aunty, this is Vikash here, Joe's friend. Well, I wanted to ask if Joe could stay at our place tonight." I was about to call my parents but Vikash beat me to the same. He gave the phone to me and said: "Kaki wants to talk to you." I picked up the phone and on the other end I could only hear my mom telling me "Wherever you are planning to go, make sure you don't smoke and don't you dare to drink." I knew mom was trying to pull my leg but I still replied "Please mom, you know me. I am only 15. By the way, how do you know I am going out somewhere." Mom replied "I am your mom. I know you. God be with you. He will help you." I thanked mom and as I was about to disconnect the call she said "Wait!!!" "Yes Mom..." I replied. "Call me if you need me...?" "Sure Mom" I replied even though a part of me felt what could she possibly help me with. She is only a homemaker, saying this we disconnected the call. I asked Vikash how we are planning to reach Kolkata. He took me outside and opened his garage. There was a Beemer parked inside. He told me that they have recently got this masterpiece from Germany, for his collection of cars. Vikash belonged to a family of sportsmen. His dad used to play for the East Bengal football club. His mom used to play hockey for the national team and as for him, he is into Basketball. Well, the fact is Vikash used to be one of the best players in the country, but 7 years ago, he suffered a ligament rupture and it took a long time for him to recover. The physiotherapist feels that if he played professional basketball and he suffers another injury, he might never walk again. He however didn't let this disability bring him down and decided to be a sports agent instead. He is one of the highest-paid sports agents in the country. Vikash called up a friend and after 15 minutes, 2 guys came to meet us. "Meet Sanjay and Joy. They will help us reach Kolkata and back. They are the best." "Hello!!!" I looked at them and said "Nice meeting you bro..." The 2 of them smiled and we did a fist bump and replied: "It's nice meeting you too brother?" We began to discuss some random topics while Vikash got ready. I learned that Sanjay dada has cleared the Service Selection Board and is waiting for the confirmation letter to join the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun. Joy dada himself is an accomplished race car driver and will be representing the country in the Euro Rally Circuit and is also being sponsored by the Castiel Foundation. this is one of the largest business groups in our country. The moment Vikash was out, without wasting another moment, we got in the car. Joy dada was in the driving seat. I was very tired as I woke up very early today, so I decided to try to take a nap in the car. Sleeping in a car like a Beemer is comfortable. Feels like heaven. It was about 3:00 PM when I woke up. We had already reached Kolkata. Vikash told me that we must meet Aarusha di first and that she is waiting for us in the famed Coffee House of Kolkata. She was already sitting there when we reached. Vikash introduced me to Arusha di. Arusha di wanted to know why after 4 years we were trying to investigate an incident that people seemed to have forgotten. I replied, "The other day I happened to witness a basketball match, and observed that one of the kids had the same set of identical moves as one of the kids from 4 years ago." I paused as Vikash ordered 3 cups of coffee and continued "What was strange is that as per the news reports, they are supposed to be dead!!!" "Ok... but don't you think it's possible that they might be some other kid... I mean anyone can perform such feats..."  "It true, I thought of that too but then the moment she performed the Banshee, my doubts were clarified, I am absolutely sure that she is one of those 2 kids from the basketball match... the truth is that particular shot requires a certain level of skill which not everyone can do it" "Ok... sorry I missed the part... what exactly is a banshee?"  At that moment before I could say another word Vikash took out his Ipad and played a video from yesterday's match where Sophia was shooting the ball from the charity stripe and then he showed her the clip from the match 7 years ago. The moment Aarusha di saw the clips, she was surprised, and let out a scream "O MY GOD..!!!" she looked around and saw that everyone at the coffee house was looking at her. She apologized and said "Hmmm.. Interesting... and how old did you say this girl is?" "Eleven!!" I replied. "Wow she really has skills...?"  and then Arusha di asked me "How do you know so much about basketball and especially that particular match?" I replied "I have played nationals. During our training, we were shown video clipping of players with great style and one of those clippings was from that match." Arusha di had a look of excitement on her face and then she said "Well I hope Vikash had already informed you what I need in return for the news that I had shared with you..." "Not exactly..." I replied and then Arusha di continued "I can sense a good story here... and as a sports reporter, whatever story you guys are up to... I want to be the first person to report these findings..." I looked at Vikash and then he had a face that indicated as if he was not sure what Aarusha di was talking about. But then I knew very well that in order to know more about Sophia, and if indeed we have stumbled across a great mystery, we will need the help of the press. Before Vikash could reply I spoke up "Ok whatever is your demands we are ready for it..."  Arusha di had a nasty smile on her face which probably indicated I had got more than I bargained for. She said "Ok then, you guys get on with whatever you are looking for. Let me know if I can be of any more help." She gave me her card and said "In case you want any help from the press let me know. I can do anything for this good-looking charmer." She looked at Vikash and gave a wink. Vikash got nervous at her attention, and without saying another word, we made our exit. I looked at Vikash and said "Wow, charmer ha. Great work bro." "Shut up dude..." I could clearly understand he was upset and then said, "next time you make such a decision ask me first..." I knew Vikash has a thing for Aarusha di but I was still not sure what was the reason for the outburst. Vikash gave me a look and asked me to change the subject. I could clearly understand that he was upset. "Come on let's go, we have to visit 2 different locations today." We decided to visit the Jadavpur address first, and once done, I will call up Aamaya and get her father's address. By the time we reached Jadavpur, it was about 5:00 p.m. We kept searching for the address, and finally, we reached our destination. Sanjay dada was about to go inside the bungalow when all of a sudden, a car parked on their driveway caught my eye. I asked him to stop the car and reverse. Vikash asked me "What was wrong?" and I replied, "Trust me, please park the car outside, I need to check something." Sanjay parked the car on the other side of the road. I took Vikash's DSLR and zoomed it into the car parked on the driveway, took a click, and then started to browse through the house to see if I can find someone else, and there it was, Garima was standing on the balcony with a cup in her hand. I told Vikash "This is the Banerjee, residence. I remember this car. I saw it in the morning. Their younger daughter is standing on the balcony look." pointing towards the balcony of the house. Things suddenly became clear. Sophia Banerjee is none other than our Sophia. "I told Vikash, I think we can get the rest of the answers from Sophia once they are back in Purulia.” However, there were still a few unexplained questions.  Why did Sophia stop playing basketball? Why is Sophia been kept hidden from the rest of the world? The other survivor was also from this household. Abhinu Banerjee. Who is he? Where is he now? The Middle-aged man who Aarusha di has met was probably Sophia's uncle. But why did he lie about the family's whereabouts? Is there more to it than what meets the eye? By the way, the reason Vikash got upset with Aarusha di deal was that she asked him out on a dinner date to a restaurant in Kalimpong and Vikash is sort of a person who is not comfortable with dates. That day we learned a secret, Vikash and Aarusha di were secretly dating.                                                            TO BE CONTINUED…                                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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