Chapter 70: Journal : Captain DeLaVega

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After what I had read, I needed a full stomach lunch to get my mind back in order. It took us about 30 minutes to complete our lunch. They have made a makeshift dining area to have food. They have separate dining areas for officers and other ranks. Papa told me that this is a temporary military base, and that the unit has been asked to be ready and march towards Jammu. There is a high possibility of a war that might take place with one of our neighboring countries... and at this moment the Naga regiment and the J&K light infantry has been asked to move towards Kargil, it wont be long before this unit of Special Forces are also asked to move base towards Kargil. I asked dad if he will also have to go and he said that the Indian navy has been asked to stay on high alert but it is highly unlikely that they will be asked to join the conflict. Only the Indian Army and the Indian Airforce have been asked to move towards Jammu. I looked around and I could see a few known faces seated there. There was Captain Sagar who was looking at me and giving me a broad smile. Then there was Captain J.P. I don't know his full name. Everyone called him J.P. Bhai. There were a few other officers whom I saw during my a*******n ordeal. They were from the medical team. Dad was sitting on the other side and Mom sat next to me. There was not much talking while having lunch. Dad told me that the officers consider it bad manners to talk while having food hence there was not much talking. We finally completed our lunch and went back to our tents. There was nothing much to do and so I decided to read the remaining entries, eager to discover about Abhinu's life and the truth behind his struggles. The whole truth was still not evident to me yet, but I was getting closer. All I could understand is that he was on Aamaya di's good books. As I climbed on the bed, Dad looked at me and said "Honey, we will be in Capt. Sagar's tent for some work. If you need us, give us a shout." I smiled at them and replied "Ok Papa..." As they left, I picked up the bunch of papers and started reading them. 11th July 1994 Yesterday's chain of events was still lurking on my head. I was proud of what I did. It feels good to be able to help someone who needs my help. I still wonder how uncle would react when he learns about it. I am worried when Shabnam Mausi said that they are going to make my family life miserable. I wonder what they are going to do with them. I hope Shabnam Mausi is able to contact Amell Dada and tell him about Aamaya di's location. Maybe that would help. I sat on the couch in our hall holding the presidential bravery medal on my hand recalling the day I lost Aarohi, I received a call. As I picked up the phone, it was Aamaya di on the other line. She said that there will be a delay in reaching Purulia and that I must be alone for another 4 days. As I was about to say anything, she hung up. I cannot call them back too as they have made sure I cannot make any phone calls by putting on a cover over the number pad and whenever they are out, they make sure to lock it down. Aamaya di's voice sounded as if she was miserable. Food arrangements were only for 3 days when they left. Feels like I might have to starve myself once again, for the next 3 days. I felt like going hungry tonight so that I can preserve today's food for tomorrow however my hunger got the better of me and I had whatever food was left with the hope that a miracle happens, and they return tomorrow. I am used to starving myself and so without giving another thought I finally went off to sleep with the hope that tomorrow would be a better day for me. I wish aunty would have taught me how to cook so that I can cook something for myself. 12th July 1994 I am so used to waking up early that I didn't realize that it was 5:00 AM when I opened my eyes. Now a days Abhishek dada is also not there to wake me up early morning. There was nothing to do at home with the family in Kolkata. I went up to the balcony and started to practice yoga. Uncle gave me the permission to go to the balcony for fresh air everyday, however there was one condition, I am only allowed to go to the balcony before the sun rise or after the sunset. After what happened in kolkata, he wouldn't want anyone to know about my whereabouts and they are pretty careful with matters concerning me or Aamaya di. Time passed and slowly I started to feel hungry. I searched the house for whatever food I could find but there were none. There were a few raw vegetable but I have no clue how to cook them. I felt like going over to Mr. Jairus's place and ask him for some food, but ever since I came to Purulia, I have not seen any lights or any movements in his house, which gave me the impression that there was nobody at home. Besides I was also afraid that if I step out of the house, uncle might know about it and would come and hurt me again. I decided to sit on the couch and just accept my fate. Something happened which felt like a miracle. I heard some noises coming from the balcony. A man was standing there who had his face covered with a piece of cloth. At first, I was scared to confront him but then I was already in a living hell. What more he would do, rather than try to do some disgusting things to me, like uncle and Rahat Kaka does occasionally or worst of all if he is a robber, he would kill me, at least my misery would eventually end. Before I was about to confront him, he began to speak. He told me not be afraid of him and that Shabnam Mausi had asked him to bring food for me. Her friends have been keeping watch over the house and since my auntie’s family has not come back, she felt that I would be hungry and so she asked him to get something for me to eat. He bought me a packet of biriyani. I have never tasted biriyani ever since the accident. As I was about to have it, I asked if he wants some, but he replied that he has already had his food and that packet was only for me. Once I had the food, he left the house and promised to be back later in the day with my dinner. I tried asking him for his name, but he said I can call him whatever I want to. It's for my safety. I named him Captain DeLaVega. *** Wow, this is amazing, I read somewhere that If you do a good deed for someone, your reward usually is to be set to do another and harder and better one. I used to think that these are just words, but I never expected that in the case of Abhinu this is true. Besides, I have to say he has really given a nice nickname to that mysterious man. I remembered reading about that name somewhere, and after a lot of thought I suddenly remembered. It was the name of a superhero. According to Spanish legend there was a man by the name of Diego De La Vega or many young children know him as Zorro. It felt wonderful when Abhinu named his protector the same name as his favorite Super hero. I was not feeling sleepy and so I continued reading the journal *** 13th July 1994 Nothing much happened. Captain DeLaVega came back again with Breakfast, lunch and dinner to make sure I don't starve at all. I should thank god that even with all the harsh conditions I was living in, she always finds out a way to keep me safe. Perhaps God is keeping me alive for a greater purpose. I tried to convince the person to tell me more about him, and all he told me is that he and uncle go a long way and that his only aim in life is to make uncle pay for a crime he committed 9 years ago. He also told me that, he owes Shabnam Mausi a favour, and so on her insistence, he came to help me. However, he still would not tell me his name. I was bored sitting at home the whole day and stepping out of the house was a far-fetched dream for me. The books cabinet is also locked so I don't have access to the books too. Since there was nothing to do, I decided to try on the bodycon dresses uncle bought for me, Aamaya di used to tell me that when I wear pencil heels with these dresses my body language looks tomboyish, I don't know how to balance the body in heels, actually, she is right, I hate wearing heels. I thought of trying these dresses and try to walk in heels. If I know my luck well, uncle will find out that I was lying and would make my life miserable again. Worst of all, my sisters are no saints, they might ask uncle to make it compulsory for me and who knows he might even agree to it just to t*****e me. I know Monika, Daniel dada or Captain DeLaVega keeps telling me to stay strong so that the day I am free, I do not have to be dressed up in these hideous clothes anymore. Even though I try to be strong, but the mere thought of pretending or behave like a boy would make my life miserable than what it already is. Thankfully what Aamaya di asked me to do, helped me. After I convinced uncle that I love Abhishek, and wanted to be his partner for life, he began to think that I have accepted my fate as a girl he wants me to be. Frankly 7 months of wearing a female attire, having my man tool removed, sitting down and peeing just like a girl does, the formation of breasts because of the hormone medications that I need to take, my mind have started to accept that I am a girl. I don't think I want to become a boy ever again. The doctor would also occasionally come to examine me and check my wellbeing. There have been quite a few surgeries done on me too, in order to correct my deformities. Specially the buttock jobs so that I have a bigger lower back and the tight dresses would look good on me. The Doctor told me the other day that he is currently researching a wat to place a female ovaries in me so that I can also get pregnant like a girl. None of his test subjects survived so he doesn't want to risk my life. I am his most prized possession and wouldn't want to lose me. He also said that I need to get a lip job done as my lips are way too thin and it needs to be thicker. However, with my long hairs, and fair skin it doesn’t make much of a difference anyways. Daniel Dada once told me that they cannot perform surgery on my face as I am very young, at least till the day I turn 13. He also said that it is practically not possible to surgically place a pair of ovaries in boys, so I need not worry about that, because technically that is never going to happen. Thinking about what the future has in store for me, I felt like staying in the present and let the time take its own course. I decided to get back to my room and talk to dad to lighten up the mood. TO BE CONTINUED... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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