Chapter XIX

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                                                                                      Fight in the arena                 Time was running faster and the city was becoming more and more gossipy due to the goblins walking around looking for intruders. Corvin found it increasingly difficult to slip through the corridors looking for the way out. Since Gharel's departure, Corvin and his friends have managed to descend only two floors, which brought them very close to the exit. Reaching the top floor had to stop because of the goblins standing in the hall near the exits.              - What are we doing? Faren asks.              -We'll have to get through them somehow, but I don't think they'll keep the gates open anytime soon, Lemar said.               -Yes. Do you think that if we start running towards the exit we will be able to escape without problems? Faren asks.               -We could try, however, not many, and until reinforcements arrive we could kill them, Corvin said.               -Yes ....               -But we have a big problem, Corvin said, pointing to the door.               There were two trolls guarding it, with very large weapons and weapons. One of them had a huge hammer and the other a big stick with spikes at the tip. Normal trolls were quite dangerous.              - What are we doing? we can't fight them, Faren said.              -If those trolls see us, we're dead, but they can be useful, Lemar said. Think about whether it is reinforcements that those trolls will help us get rid of the goblins, because the trolls do not control and hit where they see with their eyes.              -Well, we get rid of the goblins but the trolls who escape, Faren said.              -Well, I want to think they'll kill each other, Lemar said. Look at those pillars there.              Lemar pointed to two pillars near the gates that supported a very thin bridge. Lemar outlines their plan for how to get rid of them without much weight. The trolls didn't think much, so it was easy to get them to fight each other and make the bridge supported by the pillars fall and block the exit. They had to get out of the mountain before the gate was locked.                - Are you crazy? Do you really want to put on two giants and at the same time run to the exit until the bridge falls on us? Faren asks.                -It's the only chance we can get out of here alive, without them coming after us, Lemar said.                -It's too late to change the plan again, Corvin said, pointing to the goblin who was looking at them.                -I'm here, said the goblin, loud enough to hear everyone there.                 Without thinking, Faren raised his bow and inserted an arrow in the head of the goblin, hoping that the others would not hear it ... but it was too late. Goblins began to scream and attract the attention of the others, then they seized their weapons and began to run towards them. Some of the goblins fired with arrows at a distance, others came with swords and axes. Faren had begun to shoot arrows at goblins that were at greater distances and those on the upper floors. Lemar also did the same thing, but due to the fact that he was moving much faster, he could also fight with those who came to them with swords. Corvin had begun to strike with the sword in every direction the goblins came from, it seems that the training he had while he was with the elves was bearing fruit. He moved faster and faster with his sword than he had ever done before.                  Goblins were dying quickly without much effort giving Corvin and his friends the hope that they would not have to fight trolls. When the situation seemed better to them, in just a few moments more goblins entered the room surrounding them, the two trolls at the entrance began to head towards them with their weapons ready to kill them in one shot. .                   - Lemar, do you have any other great ideas? Faren asks.                   - Not really. I have one but it's dangerous, Lemar said.                    -Well, if we don't do something, we're going to die, so we better die fighting, Corvin said. So what's your little plan.                     - Faren I want to shoot with an arrow in one of the trolls, then we run towards the entrance.                      -It's easy, Faren said. All we have to do is run and cut another goblin if it comes in our way.                      -If you think it is easy then you will entice trolls to attack pillars to tear down the bridge on them, Lemar said, laughing lightly.                      -No. Faren warns a troll to lose control, then you and her run to the exit and try to kill the goblins that are preventing us, Corvin said.                     - And what will you do? Faren asks.                     - What's left is to pull the trolls to the poles and get them to break down that bridge, but you have to be close to the exit. Once the pillars fail, it won't take long and the entrance will be closed, you understand?                       -Take care, said Faren.                        Without thinking anymore Faren pulls the last arrow and pulls it into one of the trolls, hitting him in front, causing him to lose control and hit the hammer everywhere. As the trolley hit in every direction, the goblins were about to kill Faren and Lemar who were running towards the exit.                          Reaching one of the pillars, Corvin puts his hand on an ax and throws it into the trolley that had a stick full of spikes. He begins to run toward him, breaking all the goblins in his path.                       The trolley picks up the bat and hits Corvin with a powerful strike, causing the trolley to hit the pole. The stick stays stuck in the pole because of the spikes, which gives Corvin little time to rise from the bottom and tell Lemar and Faren to hurry. The troll fired his weapon heavily, causing a portion of the bridge to fall straight into the head of the other troll, who was about to kill Faren and Lemar. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two got up and headed for the exit as they kept away from the arrows that came from behind and the falling stones. The trolley rose and struck the other troll who was preoccupied with Corvin, causing him to fall breathlessly into the previously struck pillar.                          Corvin removes the axes behind them and tosses them into the troll. He picked up the hammer that he held in his hand and hurled it at Corvin as he walked away, letting him hit the pillar he gave in and crumbled with the bridge. Faren and Lemar had already arrived outside and shouted at Corvin telling him to hurry. Corvin found it difficult to run because the bridge had begun to crumble, falling stones from it in its path.                      The exit was almost blocked outside a small space through which Faren and Lemar were going to be blocked in a matter of seconds.                      Just as the great avalanche of stones blocked Corvin's entire entrance, he jumped through the c***k that was still rolling up in front of his friends. The trolley that followed him was caught under the avalanche of stones, killing him, but not before he slipped his hand through the c***k where Corvin came from.                        -It was about what, Faren said. The next time you see something crashing, you run faster.                        -That and I wanted to do it if an arrow didn't hit me, Corvin said, pointing to the wound. All that matters is that I got out of there.                         - From there, but we can't stay here much we have to move as quickly as possible. Who knows where the goblins can come out and if they catch us we won't be able to fight them anymore, said Lemar.                         - You're right. However, we are closer to the tower than ever before, said Corvin, pointing to the top of the tower, which was a short distance away.                          - You know how to bind your wound and then we can go. If I don't tie it, blood will flow and leave traces after which we can be discovered.                          Faren tore off a strip of her cape and tied her leg wound as far as she could for the moment, then they got up and left for the sorcerer's tower descending from the mountain. They went to the left road that led them away from the Black Forest Mountains and closer to the entrance to the tower. The road to the tower was surrounded by mountains half way from where they came from, at the end of the road was a wide plateau that was also surrounded by mountains in the form of a circle, making the road you entered be the only one you could get out of.                          In the middle of the plateau was located the sorcerer's tower, round, at its base were four pillars supporting it. The top of the tower looked as if it had a crown on its head. Before the sorcerers disappeared, the place was very cheerful, everywhere was green, flowering trees and animals living in harmony, but since everything that lived there had died. Bandits and thieves invaded the place destroying everything that was beautiful, trees were cut down by making spikes from them that were placed near the mountain. The animals were hunted and killed, everything that was beautiful and peaceful was completely destroyed by those who occupied the place. After a short time they reached the entrance to the tower where they stopped and turned back before two well-behaved big men saw them.                         - He was on what. Do you think I know we're coming? Faren asks.                         -Possibly. Since Rohan wants Corvin to fail in his mission, he may have talked to the people here to kill us if we were to come.                         -Probably you are right Corvin, but I don't think he would have come here not to expect you, Lemar said.                         - Probably Rohan's wizard was here too. Remember, he was very upset that they didn't stop us before we went into the mountain, and if he found out we escaped I'm sure he came here.                          - And what do we do? We can't continue like this anymore, we are too tired to get in there to fight them, said Faren. Nor can we stay here as we are close to the goblins' place.                         - Even if he did not speak, as far as I know, he is not interested in anyone, who walks in their territory are dead.                          -And what is said is true, said a man behind them.                          Corvin turns his head and sees that he is surrounded by bandits who have their weapons out. Not having what to do Corvin and his friends handed the weapons as they were asked and were tied, then they were led to the driver's tent. Arriving in his tent, the three were thrown to their knees.                         - Welcome to my land. Which of you is the wandering prince?                         - What do you care about?                         -Ooo. A lady with a thud, Helos said.                          -Unleash me and I'll show you how stupid I am, Faren said, not caring what was going to happen.                           -I like the more clumsy girls, Helos said, grasping her face in his hand. I think I will keep you for my pleasure, and I will kill them not before I offer a little fun to my people.                         -Get your hand on it, Corvin said. What do you mean by fun.                         - You two will fight in the arena for your life. If you want to live ...                         - Then I'll do the same, Faren interrupts. Better in the arena than next to a criminal like you. If you touch me again you will wish you had not known me.                         - Ha ha. You really don't joke, Helos said and then he hit her. Then you will join them and you will fight for your life, the more you defeat the more you live, until I am saturated and I will kill you.                          - Why do you do this? What did Rohan offer you? Corvin asks as they raise him and the others.                          -Rohan? I don't work for him, if I see him here I would kill him without talking to him. Instead, his sorcerer still has an offer I couldn't refuse.                          -And what did he promise you? Earth, gold? Lemar asks.                          - No, I can get these things. They'll open my tower, and I'll have everything inside.                          - So daia you never left here. But I'm going to have to disappoint you, I'm not going to let you start that day.                            - It's not for you. You will soon die and I will be in the tower. Now the battle is going to be a busy day, said Helos, laughing.                            Helos was laughing as Corvin and his friends were taken out of the tent and taken to the arena where bandits and robbers living there gathered to see how intruders would fight for their lives. The arena was made of very high woods but they were not close. Those who did not have room to enter the seats in the arena could sit among the woods that formed the walls. People started screaming when Corvin and his friends were pushed into the arena. Helos stood in the highest place of the arena where he had the seat as if he were king.                            -Silence. Soon we will see how a prince will fight for his life. To begin with we will give them a warm-up and I will send five fighters.                            So had five fighters entered the arena and the world was beginning to scream and mock Corvin, Faren and Lemar. The fight had not lasted long and Corvin had emerged victorious with his friends, but they did not escape so easily that five other fighters entered the arena. Corvin had noticed that the weather was getting worse with a black cloud.                             -Looks like you're going to die in such an ugly time, Helos said. To be among my best fighters.                             Then come seven warriors, great in all respects with weapons, most of which, buzzards, swords, axes. Corvin knew that this might be their last moment, but he had to fight with all his might to win. The fight had lasted for three of Helos's warriors to die, and Faren was wounded and unable to fight. Suddenly there were loud noises. Helos thought it was going to rain soon, so he wasn't worried about anything until the thunder grew louder, causing his people to scare and leave to shelter. It wasn't long before lightning began to appear from place to place, but in a short time the lightning became sharper and hit the ground, igniting the fire as much as it could ignite. Helos had become a little spoiled by what was happening, but that was not going to stop him from killing Corvin, so he went to take care of himself.                              - What's going on? Faren asks.                              -I don't know, Lemar said, pointing to Helos who was heading for them.                              -We are too weak to fight him, we better try to run and try to hide until this storm passes, Faren said.                              - Where do you think you're leaving? Helos asks. You will die now, then I will have the tower for myself, nobody and nothing will stop me from conquering it.                               -Just try, said Corvin, who was looking for a sword.                               Helos lifts his sword with both hands and when a lightning strike hits the ground next to him he throws it away from Corvin. Faren didn't understand what was happening, but she was happy that they got rid of Helos and his g**g.                        -Corvin look up, Lemar said, pointing to the tower. Is that what I think it is?                         - Yes. It seems that wizards are still alive and I think this storm was their help, said Corvin as he lifted Faren who was badly injured to hold on to her feet.                        - Then let's go to the tower, maybe let us go in, find something to take care of Faren's wounds.                        The man at the top of the tower stops the lightning storm and disappears leaving Corvin and his friends to come to the tower. Because Faren was injured he couldn't walk and Corvin took her in his arms with Lemar, heading for the tower. Arriving in front of the doors, they were surprised how they open themselves without anyone meeting them. Lemar pulls out the sword for any eventuality and enters first followed by Corvin and Faren who were on alert in case something would happen. As soon as they entered, the door slammed shut, causing them to burst into the darkness of the tower.                          After the door was closed shortly, the torches on the walls began to light from the top of the tower to the bottom where they were. Corvin beckons Lemar to go up the stairs to the top of the tower, hoping he will encounter the wizard. The road was high and barely illuminated. There were only stairs leading to the top of the tower. The inside of the tower was as large as the outside tower, which makes Corvin wonder if there is a room. The road to the top took some time, but at the end they reached the end of the stairs with an open door. Lemar opens the door better and lets Corvin enter first, stopping in amazement at what I see. The room was as big as the tower around it. Around the room were shelves full of books, a table in the center and a couch that was near a fireplace with a burning fire. Corvin laid Faren on the couch and Lemar began to look through the books and scrolls that were placed on the table when the magician dressed in a large dark red robe appeared in their dugouts. Faren screamed at him, causing Corvin and Lemar to take the swords and lean back beside her.               -Calm, said the magician. Your friend is in a bad condition, you should take care of her wounds.               -As soon as we find something to clean his wounds, Covin said.                -One of my apprentices will take care of her, she'll be like us, said the magician while another magician appears who was a disciple and takes Faren to the next room.                  - Are you the one who helped us out? Lemar asks.                   -Yes. But let's go to another room, we have a lot to talk about.                    Corvin looked at Lemar, then took the swords in place and followed the magician into the room, where they sat at a round table with two glasses of mied and a little food.                   - Who are you?                   - I'm Merpher, the leader of this place.                   - Where have you been all this time? Corvin asks. Why did you give it to you as dead?                   - I was here all the time, I protected this place from those who occupied our realms.                    - I think you could do more than that. As far as I know, it was a very cheerful and pleasant place here, said Faren, who had also entered the room.                      - I agreed with the other magicians that the world no longer needs us so we closed here and gave the news that we had disappeared so that we would no longer be sought. It was much easier for us to disappear and live in peace.                       - Then why now? Corvin asks.                       - We know why you are here and to be honest I wasn't really going to show up, but things are getting worse and worse and we seem to have no involvement but in this war started by you, young prince.                        - Do you know who I am?                        -Of course. We also know why you came here and what you are trying to do, but what you do now is nothing besides what you will do after you leave here, correct?                       -I will think about this after I solve it here, Corvin said. What I don't understand why you showed up now, you could just stay hidden now.                         - Desperate times demand desperate measures. Dark times are approaching and even if we want to stay hidden we cannot, as the world is in danger we cannot stay hidden.                         - Then if you still show up, will you sign the treaty? Faren asks.                         -It depends on Corvin, said Merpher. It all depends on him, because he started this war we have to make sure you are the right person.                       - Suitable for what? Corvin asks.                      - All those who sign the treaty put their life in your hands. You will not go to war knowing that they signed this treaty just to escape evil. They signed because they trust you, that you can finish this war, they are ready to give their lives to destroy evil but also because they trust you. you understand that?                        -I didn't ask for that, Corvin said, getting up from his chair and heading for the fireplace. I had a quiet life, without any worries until….                        - Corvin, even if no orcs came to attack you, even if your father didn't die then, you would still be here. Your destiny was written from the day you were born.                       -What?                        - 2000 years ago when Lucifer was defeated, I knew that it was not his end as soon as the prophecy was written. It has been said that a prince will be born who will one day rebel against evil, but I honestly did not think it was you.                       - Why? Lemar asks.                      - After his father was killed I knew that if he knew who he was he would have his heart full of revenge.                         Corvin remained silent as he looked at the fire in the fireplace, knowing that what Merpher said was true. Corvin wants revenge for what happened to his family, but Faren knew that since Corvin's journey with him began, his desire for revenge was no longer as great as it used to be. But he was afraid that once Rohan was in front of him, everything would change.
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