Chapter II

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                                                                                                          Blackscarthe III rd                             After wound healing, Corvin started looking for the person described in his father's letter.                              −I see that you feel increasingly better. That means you will leave soon, is it?                            −Tomorrow morning. Thank you for all the warm hospitality you've offered me , but I got to go, to search  Blackscar the IIIrd, as my dad wrote me…….I want to go seek vengeance upon all the evil that was done to my family.                            −But it is not right what you do, I am confident that your dad does not want to be vindicated. You are the Prince and you must retrieve your throne, but if you start like this, you will not get far from traitor Rohan….                           −And what would you want me to do? To forgive him because he killed my family? Icannot overlook it, without having him be punished.                            −You deal with it in time. It has Important that you find Blackscarand you make a plan to regain the throne. only so you can destroy evil. You will find out more at the right time............                         −I understood! By the way, I need the ax with which I arrived here, can you tell me where it is?                         −The axe was very old and the blade was dull for everything, said Jhon who had just entered through the door.                        −Jhon, I was wondering where you disappeared. Where have you been? asked his mother.                      −I was up at the village’s blacksmith. I asked him to make a weapon fit for a prince …                       −You didn't tell people that I am a prince, right? Corvin asked a little scared.                       −No, do not worry, said Jhon laughing a little. I just told him to make a good sword, because I know that in your travels, you will go through fights.                      Then Jhon put a sword folded back into leather made from deer skin. Corvin grabbed with both hands and put it on the table in front of him, for a few seconds looking at it, after which he started digging it out from the deerskin in which it was encased and he tossed it for the first time to the left then to the right, then stopped.                    The sword was well cared for, the handle was long, silver color, long enough to be hold with both hands. The blade was very glossy and very sharp. This sword was suitable for journey with many dangers ahead.                 The next morning, Corvin woke up early in the morning, and after he had breakfast with Jhonand his mother, a last meal before partingways, prepared the road. The two, drove Corvin to the gate and they said good-bye, their last words before being split.                    −It seems that the time has come, said Margaret.                    −Yes that is it! I will head to the North; I hope to find some information about Blackscar. I have no idea where to look for it...                   −Then I advise you to go to a small village in the North called Shinestone, said Jhon. They will know for sure about Blackscar III, Blackscar’s race has a past there. Nevertheless, beware, those in Shinestone they are some what skeptical with outsiders                   −Thanks for the advice. Sothen there I will go. After I finish a travel I am going to pass by here, said Corvin while they embraced.                   −Way to go! If not, I am going to come after you and you will get the ear, said Margaret after laughing a lot.                  For several days, he went in search of the village, and finally, on the fourth night with the torrential rain he stopped before wooden bridge leading to the foot of the mountain, where the village Shinestone was. He crossed the bridge  slowly slipping and increased the pace to find a place to take shelter from the rain during the night. After half an hour, of searching for the shelter he wake up at the Shinestone village’s gates, which were guarded by two guards tall and fierce.                  −I want to go into thevillage. Can i?                 −What business do you have in the village?                 −Looking for a bed to sleep and a meal for tonight.                 − But I have not seen you around here. We do not allow any stranger  to enter. You can look elsewhere for a place to hide from the rain tonight.                −What? I will not do any harm.                 −What do you want exactly in the village? Looking for someone or for a scandal?                 - I am not looking for scandal ... I am looking for someone and I was told that I can find here. It is urgent to find him, Corvin said.                   −Looking for someone? Who? Maybe we know him and we'll tell you whether he is here  or not. I know them all, so what is his  name?                 − His name is Blackscar the III rd. Do you know him?                 Hearing that name guardians  grabbed the handle of the sword stronger and began   looking at each other with a frowning face and a little surprised because nobody came to the village in search of their king, who evidently Corvin didn’t know.                  −It is a cottage at about 10 meters to the right, showed one of the guards to the cabin. You can stay there tonight, tomorrow you can get in.                    −Thank you very much, said Corvin heading for the cabin.                    On the way to the cottage, he collected some wood to make a fire to warm up and prepare some food. The next day, early in the morning three guards come over him, hit him over the head soundly and after fainting, he awoke in a dark room where light barely entered. From the shadows, someone starts talking.                    −Who are you, and why are you looking for Blackscar?                   −Without bursting into the cottage and hit me you could not do it? Why don't you come to the light so that I can see whomI am talking with, Corvin said?                     From the shadows, a man well built, past the age of 40, with a big moustache, which united with a very short beard, wearing thin guard clothes on the inside and on top of iron armor on his hands and feet. The front armor was a falcon head with a scar on the eyes.                      −There you go. Who are you?                      −Answer the question that I put! Who are you and why are you looking for Blackscar? Said the guard hitting him hard in the face with his fist.                      −It is none of your business, Corvin said, spitting blood. I have work with him and I was told that I would find him here. Now I have answered the question, so you answer me... tell me who are you?                       −I am Argon, head of the royal guards...                      A soldier enters the prison door and went to Argon, telling him something slowly.                      −It seems like the king wants to see you, you will not live long.                      −Really? What does it have do with what I'm doing with your king?                    After a few minutes, Argon and two soldiers led Corvin into the throne room. Once in the throne room, they forced him to kneel before the king.                     −I will ask only once. Careful how you answer or it will be the last answer you will give. Where did you get this dagger? asked the king.                     −It's from my dad, he told me to look for a man named Blackscar III and to show him the dagger. Moreover, what are you doing with my stuff?                    −What is the name of your father? ,King asked, a little worried.                    −From what I know from my mother called him Corvinus and he was king of the kingdom...                    −…. Akerel? Corvin?                    −Yeah, said a little surprised. How do you know my name?                    −I am Blackscar the IIIrd, King of Shinestone. Therefore, the day came when we start to renew our vows with the other kingdoms and turn to war to protect this world again. Release him and lift him.                    −I did not know you were king. Why so cautious? Corvin said as he rubbed his wrists where he was tied with string before.                   −Sorry about the way I treated you, Prince Corvin. Just that I'm being searched for by Rohan, who killed your father.                   −Why does he look for you? In addition, please call me just Corvin.                   −Of the five kingdoms only your father and I have kept in touch and Rohan wants my head because I do not want to join him. He needs me because I am the only one who can summon dragons to battle. Rohan wants to control the dragons, and you and everyone who asks about me, they will be under observation. Unfortunatelythat is the only way I could keep my kingdom protected.                    −I understand, but I still do not understand what my father wanted to do and why he made me look for you. However, I know one thing, Rohan is controlling the orcs.                    −What? Blackscarsaid. How do you know? Are you sure?                    −Yes. I heard while heading to the village where I lived, I tried to stop them but they killed everyone including my mother, Corvin said with a sad voice.                      −So the queen died too, I am sorry! Your mission is to reunite the kingdoms and lead us to war in the event that Lucifer will be brought to our world.                    −But didn't he die in the last war?                    −If he would have died, Val’dren would have not become Val’dul. Your mission is very hard for the others will not participate and it will be hard to convince them to join us...                   −What do you mean by joining us?                   −You already have me. I will help as much as I can with all the other information so it will be more easily for you. Soon Rohan will pay for his treachery.                    −So, first I am going to kill Rohan and regain my kingdom.                    −No! You cannot now, if you go and kill Rohan, people will think of you as an assassin ... they do not believe that you are alive and even if you say you are the king it will be hard to believe it.                    −There must be a way to regain the trust of my people                    −Yesthere is a way ... the ancient sword called Arkeryn. A sword resists against black or white magic. It is said that only the true king of men can bring it to life.                    −To life? How so? It is alive.                    −No, said Blackscar laughing. Sword is not how to say, metal now. Because it has not been used for nearly 2,000 years, it is covered in stone. Anyone who tries to take it out of its stone armor fails. Even the gnomes who are experts tried.                     −Where is the sword now?                    −All I know is it is under the elves’ guard. However, unfortunately they do not accept visitors in their kingdom.... Who will walk on their land will die?                    −But how do I take it? There must be something to give me permission to go into their kingdom.                   −I do not know. You could go directly to tell them who you are and they can let you talk to their king, but I think it is not very helpful. They will still blameus for the death of King Alijar.                    −Why?                    −Well Blackscar the I and Corvinus the I convincedAlijar to participate in war. Elves did not want to participate, saying it was not their war. After the war, the elves retreated to their kingdom and killed everyone who entered their lands. Your father and I have been named after them, thinking that Lucifer is not going to try to attack the surface. It seems that the last kings before us knew that another war will come and tried to stop him but it seems useless.                     −Are you saying that if I fail to unite the kingdoms, the world will be destroyed?                      −Yes. Now I leave you to rest, tomorrow we will decide what we will do next. You do not have to do that, but you have to think very well. Argon will show you the bedroom where you willstay overnight, then you can walk through the castle even outside of it... see you in the morning.
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