Chapter X

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                                                                                  Road to Shinestone                          After an evening of turmoil and a tough fight, Blackheart was happy that he could finally spend his life among his own, though he knew he would not enjoy it too much. Blackheart was going to help Corvin on his mission, even if Elder decided not to help him. The day after the fight between Blackheart and Baverian, Corvin and Faren were called in front of Elder to talk to them.                           - Corvin, how was the room you stayed in?                            -All right. As for Blackheart, what are you going to do with him?                           - He made a few mistakes in the past and last night he proved he didn't do anything stupid. He fought for his forgiveness and won.                         -All right .... now what did you want to talk to me about?                         - The time has come for you to answer your question. This decision is very important and that's why it lasted so long, because I had to think about my own nation. I will help you to help, but I will not be in the lead when we fight.                          - Why?                          - Because I'm too old to be able to move, I fight, and I don't think I will be then, but he will be my successor.                         - Thank you for accepting to be the first to renew the treaty. But I have a question, what is the connection between you and Blackscar?                          - I think you know ...... It was a cover-up, I needed something like that, when no one wanted to keep in touch with the treaty. When the others decided that the treaty would no longer be valid, we decided to make it clear that we no longer exist and that Shinestone is just our legacy.                           - I understood. Well then I thank you for everything, and I will let you know immediately about my progress.                            - That's how you do it. Someone is waiting outside to talk to you. Good road and great success, young prince.                            The same dragon awaits him outside, who brought him here. Blackheart was looking up at the sky, as if he wanted to see something, and when Faren and Corvin were around him, he stopped and looked at them. Blackheart was glad to see them, but also a little sad, because one day he would have to tell her that because of him, Corvin had no father.                              -Elder said you want to talk to me, said Corvin .                              - Yes, that's right. It's time to continue your mission, you've accomplished some of it, but you have more work to do, and it will become harder and harder. Our clan renewed the treaty.                            - Yes, it was time ... ... I'm glad Elder agreed to renew it. As I told him, as soon as I am successful with the mission, I will let you know.                           - Well then we should go, right? Blackheart asks.                           - How do we go? Faren asks.                           -I'll take you to the edge of the desert, so you won't waste any more time, said Blackheart, when Baverian was just past them.                           - You should be careful who you trust, little ones. Not trustworthy, Baverian said, then left.                            - What was that?                           -Nothing important now, said Blackheart. Now get on me and let's start to hit the road.                           For several hours they continued to fly along the sandy sea and through the heat that fell upon them, but, as the hours passed, the evening drew nearer and faster. The night was colder than during the day, when the sun was burning, but it was pleasant to rest. Corvin and Faren settled near a small rock, where they made a small fire and prepared the evening meal, with Blackheart going after a little prey for him.                          The next morning, Corvin and Faren set off again, boarding Blackheart, taking their flight to their destination. They didn't have much to go on, but they hoped to get there as soon as possible. After an hour, Blackheart went down to the edge of the forest to allow them to continue their mission.                       -Looks like I got where I needed to get you, Blackheart said.                       - Yes, that's right. What are you going to do now? Faren asked.                        - I will return to mine, and we will prepare for war. I will wait for the news from you. Be careful until you reach the castle, as there may be orcs nearby.                        - Don't worry. We will get there without any problems.                        The two look a little behind the dragon, and as they disappear into the desert, Corvin and Faren head for the castle, entering the forest. As they entered the forest, he noticed that winter had dawned. Corvin pulled out of the bag he was carrying in the back, two thicker clothes, for him and Faren, being cold.                         -Let's stop here, Corvin said.                         -I don't know how you are doing, but I can't be cold anymore, Faren said with a chuckle. - Well, I'm used to it. You, on the other hand, have lived your whole life alone in the sun. Stay here, I'm going to get some firewood.                         -Okay. Can't we go there? pointing to a cave.                          -Hmm. Stay here. I'll go get some wood and check the cave, if it's safe.                          -What could be in it, Faren said with a laugh.                         - Well, they can be wolves, bears or trolls. It won't take long.                        Corvin left Faren alone near a large boulder that protected her from the back wind. While collecting wood, he also passed the cave which seemed to him fine at first sight. There were some dead leaves on the earth in the cave, but also some old bones that showed that no one had lived there for some time. Shortly after, you stepped out of the cave and motioned for Faren to come along. Corvin had made the fire, and put some sausages in a pan on the fire, while Faren warmed up to the heat emanating from the fire. Faren was not used to the cold of winter. Corvin still took a blanket and put it on to warm himself.                         They spent some good hours in that cave, where they were able to warm up for a little while, then set out on their way to get to the castle as soon as possible. It had been a long time since he'd left there, and he was sure Blackscar was worried about him. Corvin had to stop several times because of the goblins walking around with the orcs.                          The goblins were creatures much inferior to the orcs, most of them walking in four paws, being very skilful, but they had the advantage of moving very fast. They had very dark purple skin, big eyes and very sharp ears, almost like those of elves. After a short while, Corvin heard that the Orcs had ordered him to return, which made the road to the castle clear again, and he could go safely. At the end of the evening, Corvin and Faren were only a few steps away from the forest, which meant that they didn't have much time and reached the castle. In front of the gate was Tom, who was waving his hand.                         Corvin and Faren moved quickly, and entered the gate, where they were met by Argon. He did not let them rest too much, and led them to see the king.                         Once they arrived in front of the meeting rooms, Argon asked them to sit on the chair and wait for the king's arrival.                      -Welcome back Corvin, said Blackscar. It took some time.                      -Yes. I hardly found the dragon and ...                    - In fact, he was about to die walking in the sun like a madman, Faren laughed.                    - Who are you? Argon asks.                    - It's Faren, the head of the nomads. Her father found me and pointed me in the right direction.                    -Aha. It seems like a lot has happened, Blackscar said. What would you like to tell me soon?                    Corvin took a mouthful of fear, and began to tell him everything that had happened to him. Blackscar listened without interrupting him, he was very amazed that the orcs were in the forest behind the castle.                  - Named in the desert? And why did you come with him, Faren?                  - Nazar, my father, believes in what Corvin wants to do. I'm referring to the initial mission, and I'm here to make sure that it's not just about revenge.                  - Yes, it is. But I'm sure it won't be a problem, is it Corvin? asked Blackscar, who was looking at Corvin.                   - Yes ... but Rohan has to pay for what he did. I will not leave him unpunished.                  - He won't escape. Remember that it will not be easy to convince others. Once and for all, you will need to regain your kingdom in order to be able to join the others ...                  -I will find the sword, and they will join me, with or without a kingdom, Corvin said, turning to the king.                    - You really don't understand? You will find it for nothing, if you do not have the kingdom back. Your kingdom and sword are one and the same. Why do you think Rohan is not in control of the kingdom?                    - Because he's a b***h and a killer ...                   -And that's because he's not the king of law. However, as far as we know, he still doesn't know the sword. The sword is the only thing the true king can do, "said Blackscar, making Corvin quieter.                   -At least we have dragons on our side, Faren said.                   - Faren..I sent Corvin there, because I knew he was going to help us. Elves and gnomes are more difficult. The gnomes have retreated into the mountains, and no longer want to help people, and the elves are very strict, said Argon, sighing.                   -What do you mean strict? Corvin asked.                   - Well, for example, orcs and goblins that are found in their places are killed instantly.....                   - .... but sometimes people, Blackscar completes.                   - Well, what are we going to do? How will we meet them? Faren said a little scared.                   - You are quiet. We will solve this problem. But we have an even bigger problem, said Argon.                   -What? Corvin asked.                   - We don't know anything about magicians. As if it had disappeared from the face of the earth.                  -That's impossible. Maybe the elves know, Corvin said.                   - Not likely. They were last seen in Vally of the Dooms, but are now occupied only by bandits and robbers. I doubt he would be there anymore.                  -  Where is this valley? Corvin asked.                  - It's beyond The Black Forest Mountains. That area is very dangerous, why? asked Blackscar.                  - Well, I don't think we have where to go, I have to make my way there. It's the only solution to find out something about magicians.                  - You can't go there. Haven't you heard what I said about what's out there? You will not escape alive.                  - You said we need to renew the treaty, we don't know anything about them, so the only solution would be to get there. Maybe I can find something that can tell us where it would be.                  - If you die, for nothing you convinced the dragons to join you. What will you do with your kingdom, will you leave it to Rohan? Or do you just want to kill him, and you don't care about the kingdom?                - Rohan will die by my hand. He started this war when my mother killed me, and I'm about to end it, Corvin said more nervously than ever.               -Calm down, Faren said, putting his hand on his shoulder. If you start this mission with hatred, then you better not restore the alliance.               -You're right, said Blackscar. No one will follow you if you hate yourself. Rohan will die, I promise you that, but not now.             - But when? If Rohan dies as soon as possible, then the war will not take place and no one will bring Lucifer back.                - Do you think Rohan is the only one who serves him? He already has a dark magician near him. If Rohan dies, the magician will take his place.                 - Then what do you want me to do? I can't leave him unpunished.                 -First, go to the elves, see what you can do with them, and who knows, they may have information about magicians, and if they don't know anything, you can go to Vally of the Dooms and then see, Argon said.                - Now Argon will give you a large table, and then he will show you your rooms, and you will start tomorrow. We have no time to waste, because, as you can see, the mission got worse, and winter will pass quickly and spring will come.                  Corvin still nervously got up from the table, looked at the king and then left, following Argon. He knew it was not good what he was doing, but somewhere in his soul he wanted revenge. Arriving in the room, he lay down on the bed and thought about what he was going to do. After many hours of sitting and looking empty, he fell asleep. For Corvin and Faren the night had been long and good, they hadn't slept in soft beds and in the heat for a long time, and for Faren it was a real treat. The morning had come, and Corvin was still sleeping peacefully, Faren, waking up before him had gone to the room and pulled his curtains aside, letting the sun's rays enter, touching his face and causing him to wake up.                      - Good morning, Corvin.                      - You have no sleep? Corvin asked, still asleep as he rose to the top of the bones in the bed.                     -When it's such a beautiful day, no, Faren said with a smile on her face.                     - Why are you so happy?                      - You didn't tell me you have such soft beds. I've never slept like this before.                      - Honestly, neither do I. If you remember, I didn't live in the castle, I lived in a small village, and I had beds like yours, but I knew from my mother's stories about these beds.                      - Anyway, I let you change and I wait for you in front of your room. Argon and the king are waiting for us at the table.                      As soon as Faren left the room, Corvin began to change into the daywear he had found on the crate in front of the bed. They were new and clean clothes, which also impressed him. Then they headed for the dining room. Faren wore a dress like the one he had come from, except they were black and his shoes gray. Her clothes were perfectly fine, and Corvin was speechless. Without further ado, they went to the dining room, where the king and Argon were waiting. Once there, the four of them quietly enjoyed their meal.                     After the meal, Corvin and Faren walked for a few hours through the castle. Before leaving, Corvin had a small talk in the meeting room with the king.                    - So you've decided where you're going to go first, Corvin?                   - Well, I don't have much to choose. I'll go to the elves, but you'll have to tell me where I am, because I don't know.                   - It is a very beautiful place, you will never see that place changed. It's called Selumista quessir.                   - Selumista  quessir ?                   -Yes. Whether winter or summer, that place is always green. You will have to pass near Val-dul, then head north and pass a village called The Black Rock.                   - What village is that?                  - They are simple villagers, as in any other village, except that they are mostly based on a black stone, hence the name. I make that stone all they need, axes, knives, weapons ... said Blackscar.                  -Interestingly, maybe I'll take a look there, Corvin said.                  - Well if you decide to stay there overnight, go to Ms. Blogger.                  -Ms. Blogger?                -Yes. The owner knows me, and he'll take care of everything if you tell him you're on my side. I will give you this letter anyway, said Blackscar.                  - I understood. Well, now that I have clarified where I am going, I'm going to retire to get my luggage to go.                 - Argon will be waiting for you at the exit of the castle with two horses, so you can travel faster.                 After an hour, the two exited the door of the rooms, and headed for the exit of the castle, where Argon was already waiting for him, next to Blackscar.                   - These horses are the best and the most outgoing here. I also prepared a small luggage with some road food and thick blankets. Be careful who you trust, and be careful when you go out, not to be followed.                  - Yes, we'll take care. And as soon as we have the news, we will let you know.                 -All right. Then all I have to do is say good-bye to you.                 After saying farewell, Corvin and Faren left the village gate and headed to Valda, where they would see hell on earth. Neither of them expected what he was going to see. Two of the people in the village tried to track them down, but were stopped by the village guards, as long as Corvin was far enough away to lose track of them.
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