Chapter VII

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                                                                               Returning to his fellows                    Blackheart was surrounded by three dragons larger and stronger than he, in the center of the room where Elder was. One of the dragons slipped into the room, who was like a captain of the army, he was a dark green with very bright scales, and all over the column, up to the top of the tail, had very sharp corners and about 10-15 cm wide. length, and the tip of the tail was like a round ball with smaller corners, but very strong.                       He turned to Elder and Blackheart to be upfront to see what they were going to do to the dragon.                       - You shouldn't have come back, Bleackheart. You knew what would happen if you returned, Elder said.                       - Better come back, it will be a great pleasure to kill him. I will put his head in front of the cave entrance, so that others will not learn to betray us.                       - Quiet Baverian. You forget your place, Elder screamed at him so hard that Baverian bowed his head to the ground immediately.                         - I'm sorry. But that will happen anyway. He knew very well that if he came back he would die ... ... he did it with his hand.                      -Even if the fight is over, you know you're going to lose the Baverian, Blackheart said, making him more upset. I've always been stronger than you. What makes you think that if I was expelled, I'm no longer strong?                     - Betrayer, you will pay for everything you said. I'll sweep the earth with you, scar.                      - Do you think that if you tell me in certain ways, I will become more nervous and attack you in front of Elder? You're more pathetic than you were before.                      - Quiet both. You will have a chance to solve your problems in the arena. Now we have something else to discuss. So Blackheart, why did you come back?                          - You know why. The time has come to rise against Lucifer, and Corvin will lead us.                         - Are you sure? The last time you tried to get us to fight, a kingdom suffered and still has.                          - It wasn't my fault. Nobody expected King Corvinus III to be killed by Rohan. You think I'm not sorry for what happened? Because of me Corvin was left without parents and the kingdom without the right king.                           -Does Corvin know the truth?                           - I did not speak at all on the road and it is not the right time to find out…. I will protect him until I die, only so I can recover for what I did to him.                          −Atunci nu vei mai avea mult timp, spuse Baverian râzând. În curând o să mori, iar el o să afle adevărul depre c*m l-ai condamnat pe tatăl lui la moarte.                          −Se pare că ești prea nerăbdător, Baverian. Blackheart, știi bine că nu am ce să fac acum… ți-am dat o șansă și tu ți-ai bătut joc de ea. Va trebui să te lupți în arenă. Dacă vei ieși învingător, te vei putea întoarce aici și tot ce ai făcut se va da uitării.                           −Cum? Nu poți să faci asta, Elder. El ne-a trădat, a adus rușine acestui regat și tu vrei să-l ierți?                            −Calmează-te Baverian, spuse Elder. Tu te vei lupta cu el și doar ai spus că vei mătura pământul cu el, sau a fost doar o minciună? Mâine la prânz soarta ta se va hotărî, Blackheart.                             Baverian nervously left the room, causing the others to step aside, letting him pass. Bleackheart had been sent to a room much larger than Corvin and Faren's, but very well guarded. Knowing that tomorrow might be the last day, Blackheart was resting and meditating for the fight to come. Before Blackheart was ousted, he and Baverian were equal in power, but now no one knew how strong his opponent was. Baverian had become the strongest of the dragons before Blackheart was ousted, but not as powerful as the Elder. Dropping and parting by dragons made Blackheart stronger, because he had to be on alert all the time to survive in the desert that was full of dangers. ............................................................... ..                                The arena was ready, and the other dragons that were around were around her. It was inside the cave, in a room next to the one where Elder stood, and the room was as tall as three floors, and each dragon had a small room next to each other. Now all the dragons had taken their place to watch the fight, even Elder.                              - The time has come when we will show that those who betray us and do not obey the law of expulsion, we will not forgive them so easily. If the ousted person wins, he may return among us, but if he is defeated, he will die at once by tearing his head. now let the traitor come in, said Elder.                             Immediately, Blackheart entered the arena, without being disturbed by the ugly cries and words addressed. Arriving in front of Elder, he stopped and made a slight bow, then in a few seconds, the room was filled with very loud screams, even huge flames to the ceiling of the room. He had just entered Baverian, one of the most revered dragons, all the others following him as an example.                            - Blackheart, it's time to die for your betrayal. You will die like any traitor, shake your head that I will put you in front of the cave, said Baverian                            - Before you can pull my head, you will have to defeat me, which will be very difficult. Remember that for 14 years I lived outside the kingdom, and you stayed and slept here, being the strongest, there was no one to challenge you.                            - We'll see which of us will win, traitor.                            - Then let's not let anyone wait, right? So let's start the fight between you two, Elder said.                            And with that said, Baverian and Blackheart went to opposite corners, causing them to stay face to face where they were preparing for battle. Baverian slammed his tail into the ground, remaining stiff, then lifted it, tearing off some of the ground at the tip of the tail full of corners around the strong ball, throwing it at Blackheart, who was behind him. Baverian did this, because he knew that if he let him prepare, he was very likely to take a beating, because in recent years he had no competition in training. being the strongest, no one dared to confront him from there. Blackheart turned quickly after the heavy blow to the back and looking at him, he was so wounded that everyone in the room shook.                            - So you're afraid, is that Baverian?                           - And where did you get this conclusion, traitor?                           - Only cowards attack back.                           Then a powerful blaze of fire struck the Baverian in the face, causing him to shun as well as he could, but he was hit in the face causing him to scream. After he calmed down, he looked at Blackheart with a frown, nervously and with a thin stream of blood flowing near his left eye that he could barely keep open. Baverian flung himself at him with great speed, Blackheart responding with the same movement. Reaching close to each other, Blackheart jumped directly to Baverian's neck, biting him so hard that his teeth penetrated his throat, causing him to bleed. He didn't sit too long, hitting him hard with the tip of his tail in the form of a ball with his teeth directly in his belly. One of the tails on his tail was left in his belly, causing Blackheart to move very slowly. As Blackheart tried to pull his corner out of his belly, the opponent jumped back at him. But this time he threw himself in the throat, because he knew that if he could catch him, the fight would end.                         Baverian had a very strong bite. As Baverian was about to grab him by the neck, Blackheart hit him hard on the head with his tail so hard that he slammed it to the ground. Then Blackheart leaped toward him, placing his forefoot on his neck, and bowed his head open with his mouth so that he caught his head between his teeth. When he tore his head, he was interrupted by the Elder.                         Blackheart let go and headed for Elder. As soon as the Baverian was able to move, he also rose and his b****y face turned to Elder.                        -Baverian, even with the stupidity you did at the beginning of the fight to attack your opponent in the back, you still lost. What happened? Did you still boast that you were going to kill him and now that you were taking a beating from a traitor?                        - He had little luck, just that. Next time I'm going to kill him for sure, said Baverian angrily.                       - You will not defeat me in your life. All these years you've been lazy and you haven't trained at all. Being the strongest of them all here, you thought no one would challenge you in a fight. You're lazy and lost, Blackheart said.                          - Even if you beat me now, that doesn't mean you'll escape without punishment. You are a traitor and you will die as a traitor.                            - Wrong, Baverian. Only if he lost, he should have died, but he defeated you, so everything he did will be forgiven.                              -What? He is a traitor and must die, said Baverian, shouting so loudly that the others in the room looked scared at him. It was known that he was not allowed to raise his voice to Elder.                               - How dare you talk to me like that? Blackheart he returns among his own and I will hear nothing from you. Even if he comes back, that doesn't mean he'll take his place, the captain of our army. He'll have to start over as a soldier.                               -I understood, said Baverian, still angry.                               - Now you can return to your room. Tomorrow will be a great day.                              Baverian rushed out of the arena, full of blood on his face. Elder slowly got up and went to the room, where he was going to sleep and think about Corvin's request.
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