Chapter V

1993 Words
                                                                         The promise                                   After two days of sleeping, Corvin finally woke up and noticed it was no longer under the scorching sun of the desert. He tried to sit up but could not; fell back down on the bed. After two attempts to rise, a young woman came to him.                 −You shou ld not push you too much to know, 'said the girl.                 −Who are you and where am i?                  −My name is  Faren, and Nazar will tell you where you are. Come, said Faren helping him to get up. We will go to him, wants to see you.                    Having no choice he accepts the helping hand to stand up and walked to Nazar’s room. Arriving there, Nazar invited him to sit on a chair and Faren next to him, in front of the table where he was seated Nazar and Corvin.                       Faren was an 18-year-old girl with blue eyes, black hair with gray streaks was not higher than 1.70, and clothing have very different from the others, meaning that most of the body was discovered. She was dressed in tight pants brown very fine material as if it was fur and at the top of the body have the same material and color just covering her chest, a sort of sleeveless blouse ... with a creole skin color open.                        −I see your back. I thought you would die when you did not wake up. What are you doing in these parts?                         −Looking for someone and I did not have water so I faint, if you want to know.                          −There is nothing to find here. Nobody knows somebody living in this part of the world. Therefore, in other words, unless you tell me a good reason you will not leave here.                          −I cannot keep me with force. I have much to do and little time. Thank you for your help but I have to hit the road.                           −And where will you go? After what I have seen you have no idea where is the person you are looking for. Better tell me who you really are and who you looking for, who knows maybe we can help                           −How do I know I can trust you?                           −If I wanted to make you harmI do not ask nicely ... .in addition we have about what happens beyond the desert.                             −I told you, I am Corvin. My mother was killed by orcs, they wanted to kill me but they did not succeed to do it. King of Shinestone told me to come here to look for dragons...                              −Dragons? Nazar said laughing. Dragons do not longer exist for very long. It seems that you came for nothing. But out of curiosity, why are you looking for?                               −I need them to be able to overthrow Rohan and stop his plans to return Lucifer back here.                               − The fight is already lost. No one will want to join you, you are just an ordinary man, and the races have sworn that they will never have to deal with each other .                               −In addition, people will not follow anyone without a king and how you are not king, little chance boy, Faren said laughing.                                 −You whose side are you?                                −No one's side, we take care only we and we do not really care what happens beyond the desert...                               −But if war comes to you what you do. You will not have whom to ask for help. I am trying to prevent this war; we must get down on Rohan.                               −And if you take him down, who will take his place? For all we know he has no offspring, and I know the  descendant of Corvinus III is not alive or you know something we do not?                             −Corvinus III was my father and I know what happened that day. I will take down on Rohan matter what happens.                              −But how can you live? Everyone knows that the king and his family died that night. Do you have any proof?                              − Yes, Corvin said while removing the royal dagger from the bag he had asked Faren. With this knife I received this letter showing who was responsible.                                Corvin handed dagger and the letter to Nazar, which was very confused about the news received. While reading that letter, chip on his face became increasingly frowned. Once finished reading, put a letter on the table, stood before the fire for some time lost in deep and then come back and headed for Corvin.                            −If the idea about Lucifer's return is true, means that you will need help for your mission. Tomorrow morning you will continue to the dragons, but you have to understand something, do not you find dragons but they find you.                              −Thanks, but where to go because I do not longer afford to waste another day in the desert.                               −Well, I'll come with you, 'said Faren. You have to face a long road and I'm not going to miss this adventure.                                −I do not need anyone, just tell me where to go and I see my own business, no offense.                                −Take her with you, 'said Nazar. It is very clever and is the best warrior here. I'll catch well and you'll get an extra chance to restore treaty with other nations, especially in finding them.                                −Okay. Now I want to go get something to eat, I feel as if I have not eaten for weeks, said Corvin.                             Once finished eating, went into the room where a little rest for the day ahead. It was not long and rises straight towards the nomads blacksmith asking him to make a sword for the road, telling him that he has already weapon at his command Nazar.                              The next morning, Corvin was called Nazar's room where meetings were held all nomads.                              −Sit Corvin. How are you?                              −I am better. I can continue the journy smoothly. I am ready to go.                              −I made something, Nazar said putting on the table in front of him a sword wrapped in a cloth. From what I understand, you went to last night for a sword smith.                              −Yup. I need one until I get Arkeryn....                              −Arkeryn? ask Faren before Nazar.                              −It is just a story. That sword is no more, gone for a long time.                              −Yes there is. And I will have in the final fight, it's the only chance we have to really win.                              −Then where is it? How nobody has ever heard of it?                               − Blackscar made me promise I won't reveal it for now. But as soon as I have it in my hand, you'll find out, too, and I'll tell Faren, as soon as i put my hand on the sword, to send you a message, but no one must find out ?                                 −I will not to tell anyone, but is better  to remain between you and my daughter. If my daughter sends me word again, who knows who will get it.                                −I understand. Well then leave in a few hours, hopefully as soon as we find dragons.                                 After a few hours Faren took his goodbye to her father Nazar.                                 Nazar made Corvin promise him to take care of his daughter, promising him that Faren will not get hurt . In just a few minutes Corvin and Faren were outside the hideouts under the scorching sun of the desert . The two straighteningnorth of hiding, not knowing how long until they come across dragons.                              It had been a while since gone and reached a tree not very high, but with little shade exactly what they were looking for. They stopped and sat down under the tree.                              −I never thought that in this part of the desert are trees ..                               −They are called baobab and are very adapted to this kind of environment. It helps a lot in travel. As you can see has a very good shade.                               −Yes. How much do you think it will take to find the dragons?,Corvin asked as he took a bottle of water.                               −I do not know. It can happen anytime, maybe even appear one now. The important thing is to find one that if we give over them we'll have big problems.                              −Why?                              −Well without them we cannot get to see the Elder (old). He is the oldest of dragons. Everyone respects him and will be hard to get to him. With him,we will have to talk about the war.                                   Corvin and Faren sit under the shade tree to leaving nights, when it was much cooler and more could go without themselves from the scorching sun. After several hours of walking through the desert darkness, the two stopped at the sound of a strong bleeding edge that came from afar but approaching towards them at high speed. They looked all around in order to figure out where that came heavily bleeding edge. After a few moments from Monday a slight figure coming towards them. Shortly Corvin notes that that figure was a huge dragon. In a few moments, the dragon stops rightbeforethem and hit the earth. Black dragon was brilliant, well done. He turned his head toward her and speaks.                           −Who are you?Asks the dragon.                           −I am Corvin and i am looking for your nation. I would like to talk to your leader.                           −And why should I do such a thing? You are just a young man ought to kill you on the spot here.                           −Realms beyond the desert are on the verge of war and we need your help. For now, I cannot tell you more,  but if you take me to your leader, you will find out everything with him .                            −What is your name, boy? dragon asks a little seriously. And whose you are?                             −I am Corvin, son of Corvinus III, King of human right.                            Hearing who he is, the dragon turned his head and the research is very careful, which may surprise the information on the care of the problems. Then he told them to climb on his spine and to be well maintained by the care collections they can have and also about their spines. Corvin and Faren did what they were told, and the dragon started on the drum, taking its flight, beating its wings with increasing force.                              The trip did not last more than a day and a night, not only had three stops, in which the two travelers were able to free their legs and take something in their mouth to appease their hunger.                            The dragon and the two reached early in the morning in front of a valley that seemed Corvin, to be a cemetery, even asking the dragon doing there.                           −For many years this valley is our home. Before submitting you should know that my name Blackheart.                            −A weird name for a dragon, said Faren.                            −Yes. Well I have the name for a particular reason you do not need to know. Now to go, the oldest of dragons, our leader, Elder awaits us.                             Corvin and Faren together with Blackheart submitted bone tunnel created what looked like ribs and spinal backs a huge dragon. Moving increasingly be nearer the entrance of a cave that to their surprise, they looked under the head of a dragon's head Coming closer to the cave, Corvin notes that two very bright red dragons come out to meet them, they are making it on Blackheart to an abrupt stop. It was well received among them, but once you enter the realm of dragons no longer be allowed to leave even if he wanted because others had appeared behind him, leaving us to leave. Faren and Corvin did not know what was going on and were somewhat frightened, thinking they will arise a battle between dragons.  
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