Episode 117.

1066 Words
‘The flames of the sun is and are tyrannical in nature as it burns all things and leaves nothing in its wake. Raging from high above beyond the line it promised not to pass, it radiates it immensity down onto all life. From a spark, to a ball, to a celestial being, it grew and grew without anything to stop it. It was birthed in the void from the beginning of the ages and stood tall till the current ages. It represents the one and all above the rest…' The words representing a meaning that had suddenly begun its recitation without being invoked poured into Isaac’s mind as they reverberated there and filled him with a mystical feeling. A feeling that made him feel like he was a child born from flames, whatever and whichever flames out there that raged and burned everything in their path and left nothing but destruction in its wake would have no choice but bow before him. He felt closer to the world as he felt the flame particles that he could see even clearer now than before gather around him in a protective manner. It felt like the warm embrace of someone close, an imposing yet calming feeling through and through. The picture of the sun that lurked somewhere within him, which was something almost no one would believe, popped into his mind as he suddenly felt a closer connection to it. He witnessed its birth but it now felt like it had always been there, just like… ‘Just like I’m was birthed from the sun’s flame and the sun’s flame was birthed from me…’ It felt like a mutual cycle, and it was an impossible and unimaginable feeling for most. The flames of the world had never felt so closer to him than now… But he felt something else. Like the way he felt the connection between his self and the innumerable flame particles in the air all around him as well as the connection with the sun within him, he could tell that they all shared a closer connection now. But since he could feel the connection properly, it also felt pretty far away, like he a somewhat long way to go before he was really one with the one, before he could invoke the true flames of the sun, before he could really say he was the sun and the sun was him. He shook his head slightly to relieve himself from the dizziness as he regained focus. When he did, he didn’t know whether to burst into laughter or tears. Weird and unusual things always happened to him, but it was as if all these happenings cared not a single bit for his feelings as he had no single idea how to explain any of them. From the little things he knew, he had never heard of occurrences like the one that happened to him. It might not be unheard of but he had no idea how to start looking. He looked to his side and noticed Adam looking at him with what seemed like a smile and yet wasn’t a smile. He realized that Adam had probably noticed his weird situation just moments ago. But even if he realized it, he didn’t say anything as he knew Isaac was as clueless as anyone looking at him. In fact, he knew that Adam had more knowledge of things happening to him than even he himself but for some reason he wasn’t told either, he refused to say anything. So he looked forward again and said nothing as well. He thought about the three people walking together with him right now. He was probably the weirdest out of the four but he wondered if they all kept one secret or the other like he did. He couldn’t say he was interested but he felt somewhat awkward from trying to keep secrets when it was so obvious that he was hiding something. He felt like a klutz sometimes and could only just keep doing things how he was already doing it, he just didn’t want this to be the seed that gets sowed and causes distrust and wariness to sprout within their hearts to each other. Tossing the thoughts swirling through his head to the back of his mind, he took his gaze further down the status screen in front of him as he assessed the new skill that had popped up underneath his class factor. ‘Internal fortification’ The details of the skill flowed into his head after focusing on the words for a short while. A moment or two passed and the information in his mind settled as he gained a basic knowledge of what he was seeing. ‘This is great’, his thoughts reflected his feeling at the current moment. Basically, internal fortification was a skill that opened up since he entered the second tier. Naturally, it was a skill he had to use with his willpower which made him wonder how wonderful willpower really was. It functions and workings allowed him to somewhat circulate his willpower within his body in an attempt to increase its overall attributes temporarily. In basic terms, Isaac could distribute his willpower to any single part of his body in an attempt to strengthen it temporarily. If he circulated his willpower to his legs, he could blow a mountain to bits, if he circulated his willpower to his hands then he could punch through even the toughest metal and dip his hand inside volcanic lava like all it was was nothing but lukewarm water, if he circulated it to his chest area then he tank attacks like falling meteors continuously like they were nothing but soft pillows. And if he took the fortification to another level and circulated his willpower to an internal structure like his eyes then he could see to the possible ends of the tainted zone that was rumored to be unreachable by even the highest teleportation magic. Any single place his circulated his willpower to would transform that part of his body into something miraculous and divine. Every and all aspects that it had would be amplified to an unbelievable level that bordered on infinity.
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