The Trip

1782 Words

“Let’s head straight to New Orleans and confront Cassidy,” Gabriel said firmly, determination blazing in his eyes. Once he decided on something, there was no turning back. Matthew shook his head, ever cautious. “We need a plan first, Gabe. We have no idea why she’s back there. Rushing in blind is a surefire way to walk into a trap.” “But just waiting around won’t get us anywhere,” Gabriel said. “Every moment we wait, she slips further away.” “Gabriel’s got a point, Beta,” Amara chimed in, her eyes filled with worry. “We can’t let Cassidy get away. Not after everything she’s done.” “We can’t risk losing anyone else,” Matthew said, glancing at the silent Eliza and Thomas. “We need to be smart about this. Rushing in without thinking... it’s what she wants.” “Perhaps there’s a middle grou

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